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Press Release

Dancing Cats, Silent Canaries, is a compelling story about the parallel epidemic
s of unexplained infant deaths referred to as SIDS and the spectrum of autism.
This story written by David Denton Davis MD, a traditional physician, will help
parents understand manufacturers and medical professionals are part of the curre
nt problem.
Dancing Cats comes from a mercury poisoning epidemic that occurred in Minimata J
apan sixty years ago. Mercury in fish caused cats to dance before dying. An epi
demic of infant deaths would follow. Survivors would manifest autistic behaviors
Silent Canaries comes from an epidemic of sudden SIDS-like deaths that occurred
in Europe more than 100 years ago. A chemist demonstrated the cause was a toxic
nerve gas emanating from wallpaper. Household mildew was responsible for convert
ing arsenic into a deadly gas. Eliminating the sources brought an end to the epi
Intriguing evidence is provided that today polyvinyl chloride (PVC), a chemical
fabric used in baby mattresses, is similar to 20th Century wallpaper. His invest
igation took him to New Zealand and England in search of the fact that PVC is un
safe. His clinical practice has prompted him to also conclude vaccines may be fa
r more dangerous than anyone would care to believe.
Meeting a mother of an autistic child in Aspen made Dr. Davis more aware of the
growing vaccine controversy. Inspired to take a closer look at the National Chil
dhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) and the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System
(VAERS), he was shocked by the realization he had never adhered to this law. A
query of his colleagues revealed he was not alone. This led to a new truth----th
e actual incidence of vaccine related illnesses is unknown.
The vaccine autism controversy is not about to go away. The PVC controversy is
about to begin. Evidence exists to ban the use of PVC. Vaccine evidence is missi
ng due to woefully inadequate reporting... Any conclusions vaccines are safe wit
hout surveillance evidence for safety is inexcusable. A parent controlled produc
t elimination study, a delay in the vaccine schedule, a resolution to solve the
VAERS under-reporting problem and a ban on PVC are solutions. Dr. Davis proposes
a temporary moratorium on further perhaps biased, expert medical proclamations
that all vaccines are safe.

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