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Pharmaceuticals grade water is defined as feed water common to process system such as

washers, Autoclaves or secondary water purification system like reverse osmosis.

De-ionization or Distillation:
To produced Pharmaceutical grade water at Axis a proper water treatment system is
installed. The system is consist of reverse osmosis and deionization units. Remove
osmosis is a process by which a solvent such as water is purified of solvents by being
forced through a semi-permeable membrane through which solvent, but not the solutes
may pass.
In deionization process, water is purified by removing the mineral ions (salts). These
mineral ions include sodium, calcium, iron, copper, chloride and bromides.
To obtain Pharmaceuticals grade water at axis Pharmaceutical first of all tap water is
passed through a 5 micron filter.
This filtered water is passed through R/O unit by which dissolved salts and other solvent
impurities leaves behind on the surface of membrance. This R/O is then passed through
De-ionization Plant for removal of all dissolved ions(salts) which includes Sodium,
Calcium, iron, copper, chloride and bromide when all these dissolved ions are removed
we get pharmaceutical grade water as out product with zero T.D.s
Although this water is most pure but it dose still contain numerous bacteria, to remove
and kill these harmful bacteria as further precautions. This out product water in passed
under U.V lights before usage in Production and Quality control departments.

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