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Exp 1 - ??.:~ :

Student No: _1..j~2.:::.'--=--~_5~1-,-q....!...q-\\,.--- _

Group: P (0 Day: ----tlWJ.O.. ..... =(~~ ot=Q",-,~..,__;;5~/.....:.A....:..- ~'" 2):-+-7/,-,2=..:::(;-

Experiment 1- Build a Telescope Worksheet


Do not look at the sun or other bright objects through lenses or telescopes (or with the unaided eye!).

Exercise caution when handling the lenses. Please don't put your fingers on the glass surfaces of lenses - this leaves fmgerprints which can be difficult to remove. If a lens needs cleaning then please contact the tutor - do not attempt to do this yourself.

1. Introduction

The telescope has been an important scientific tool ever since Galileo used it to view the moons of Jupiter in 1610. In its simplest form, a telescope consists of an objective lens and an eyepiece lens. The objective lens forms an image within the telescope which is enlarged by the eyepiece. In this experiment you will be asked to construct and characterise a simple telescope. The experiment takes place over two sessions - in the first session you'll examine the critical parameters that determine the magnification and quality of the image that is formed. In the second session you will build an optimised telescope and devise methods to determine its theoretical and experimental magnification.

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Group roles: While performing this experiment, each member of your lab group should take one of the following roles:

Leader/manager: Direct sequence of steps, keep the group on track, make sure everyone contributes. Keep the group motivated through enthusiasm, new ideas, and humour.

Checker: Make sure everybody keeps a clear record of their measurements, analysis and other thoughts. Critically assess all assumptions, approximations, and uncertainties, make sure all possibilities are explored, suggest alternative ideas.

Timekeeper: Ensure that the group stays on track with time so that all exercises will be completed.

Time management: You will need to not waste time in each laboratory session to complete this practical. In the first lab session, as a rough guide, you should be fmished all experiments and analysis in Sections 3 and 4 after one hour, everything in Section 5 by two and a half hours, leaving half an hour to start developing your own experiment for the second week.

By completing this activity you should -'gain:

• an enhanced conceptual understanding of optics;

• a practical familiarity with forming real images;

• basics in experimental methodology - setting up an optical system;

• experience with using and interpreting ray diagrams;

• an understanding of how to determine raw uncertainties in measured parameters.

2. Apparatus

The laboratory has an equipment pool including lenses with a variety of focal lengths. Also supplied are mounts for the lenses, optical rails and tubes for blocking scattered light. As this is common equipment for the entire lab, please be considerate of other users. Take only what you need for your experiment from the equipment pool. Return unused items as soon as you are finished with them. All items must be returned at the end of the laboratory session.


3. Angular Magnification

The aim of most optical instruments is to make things look bigger, to enable us to see more detail. This raises a question about how big things look - when viewed by eye directly and when viewed through optical instruments.

The University of Queensland



Exp 1 - P2g~ :.

Our visual perception of the size of an object is fundamentally a measure of its angular size - not just its absolute size. Obviously, for two objects of different heights held at the same distance from the eye, the taller object looks large Also, however, for two objects of the same size held at different distances from the eye lens system, the closer obj ... ~ "looks" larger.

To better understand this concept, observe two rulers side-by-side at a distance of about 30 em from your eye, then move one of the rulers towards your eye until its scale appears double the size of the other (see Figure 1). You may have difficulty focusing on both rulers at once. Try to focus your left eye on the left ruler and your right eye on the righ ruler. Measure the distance from your eye to the closer ruler and compare this with what you would expect.

(a) (b)

Figure 1. Two rulers observed at (a) the same distance and (b) different distances from the eye

The imaging of this situation is illustrated schematically in Figure 2. Light is scattered from objects of equal height (endpoints indicated by A and B), but situated at different distances. The lens represents the variable imaging capability of the human eye. Each ray passing through the centre of a lens, whatever its power, is undeflected, so light from A and B arrives at A' and B' respectively. The plane containing A' and B' represents the retina, at a fixed distance from the eye lens. Thus if the light from A and B is brought to a focus at the same distance, it forms images of different heights. In the small-angle or paraxial ray approximation, the image size (the distance from the optic axis to A' and B' respectively) is linearly proportional to the angle subtended by the object at the lens. Thus the apparent size of an object, the size of its image formed on the retina of your eye, is proportional to the angle subtended by it at the eye.



Figure 2. Relationship between image size and object distance

As we've seen with the rulers, the apparent size of an object can be increased by moving it closer to the eye. So how big can an object appear to the unaided eye? The limit occurs when the object is so close that the eye can just focus - i.e. when the object is at the near-point distance, dnp.

We defme the angular magnification of an optical system as the ratio of the apparent size of an object viewed through the system to the greatest apparent size of the object viewed unaided. Restating, it is the size of the image formed on the retina when using the optical system, divided by the size of image formed on the retina of the unaided eye when the object is viewed at the near point. This is effectively given by

M = angle of outermost rays seen with magnifier angle of outermost rays seen without magnifier

(1 )

The University of Queensland


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C<."'B I e,

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0., V\. cA \ C)c \.C ~ s i "2..~ '> 0 f

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The size and distance of the object define the angle subtended at the eye by the object. In Figure 3 this is denoted a. :: the angle subtended at the eye when viewing the object through an optical instrument such as a telescope is ~,for ;: object to appear magnified, we want ~ > a (i.e M > 1 as the magnifying power of the system is given by ~/a).

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Figure 3. Angle subtended by object at unaided eye.

In your own words explain what is meant by angular magnification. How does this differ from lateral magnification (the size of an image divided by the size of an object for a magnifying system)?

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Figure 4. Image formation by a lens

4. Simple lenses

One of the simplest imaging systems consists of a single lens. Consider the situation where a lens is used to image an object. For example, you are taking a photograph of a friend. Your friend is the source of scattered light, the lens in your camera is the optical element with a particular focussing capability, and the film in your camera is where the image is to be formed. A representation of such a situation with source - lens - image is shown in Figure 4. In lectures you will learn how to solve imaging problems by dealing with the curvature of the wavefronts. Here we use the form of the simple lens equation that deals with the object distance, u, the image distance, v, and the focal length of the lens f. This is given by

The University of Queensland PHYS 1 002


Exp I - P ~e-

1 1 1


u v f / ,


A useful skill to develop when dealing with lenses is to be able to determine the focal length of a lens. Each member 0: your group should select a lens (labelled A-E) from the equipment pool. Use your lens to form an image of a distan object - a light or something bright outside (but not the sun! i). With reference to the simple lens equation, discuss how such an experiment could be used to estimate the focaLk:ngth of your lenses. Include a ray diagram (like figure 4) in your answer. Are you able to-fOnn unages wltna:rIThelens~?Tfnot, why~ot?

B~CQ"'-<:'e... <...J'\l2 s«.'+ crY\<A YrI..-f..O)lA{~ tkL. ...{iC;,:\-q"c.t2- ~ ·h .. s~~" ~ S;ov-.( c-e,

tl~h+ U-o(c h) wh;c Vl is 4 C\"'-~ ~t- c::1t st~~ e._ ~V\.\ot 'be (/.d"~ \ Q'S€

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~ ~CVlA.o. h 0 f\. C\ \:;0 v€..- .. ~ \/ =. -:f -cl.\> ~:;:::: + Of.- .s,

Measure and record values for all the lenses selected by your group. As for any quantitative measurement that you make in this laboratory, you should also discuss and record uncertainties in your values. [Hint: the uncertainty is NOT half of the smallest case of your measuring device - it rarely is in any measurement yOuwill make - and if it ever is, then you should obtain a better measuring devicel] What limits the accuracy of your measurements?

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uV\oI YV\&t(c-e " t- t:X. •

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The University of Queensland



Exp 1 - Page:'

Select one of your lenses with a known focal length and use it to image a nearby object - you might fmd that one of e lamps available in the laboratory forms a good object (but make sure everybody in your group agrees what the "object' actually is!). To start with, place your object so that its distance from the lens is greater than the focal length ofthe lens (about twice the distance is good). Locate the image. What does the ray diagram look like for this case? Draw it below.

~ ioo/c /eY7~ 16 ~J Plctcf if 0./ M ~-N\.. .f:Le._ e~ee.'

tAt.t;c. \.t -,'0::, 0(,\( i ~o-e... cvd 0.2.5vv-.. ~~~ -If..e_ ~ Scv{C.J(_ ~ C-(on:_V\J .

~ ~/i C.[~ frtu,f tl/M'I\. .we i Y\ C(W.5 ed u -ue.. 1·~CI~e.. ~ I is h1"~~~\~ ~rwtq Ilf( ~ ScA-<4 f C·er .

While monitoring the position of the image, reduce the object distance. What happens? Draw the ray diagram for the

case when the object distance eQuals the focalle~~!t.. •

Reduce the object distance even further and draw a ray diagram for the case when the object distance is less than the focal length. Can an image be observed? Discuss this with a tutor.

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The University of Queensland PHYS 1 002


Exp 1 - P2.5e =

5. Keplerian telescope

The Keplerian telescope is an example of a telescope made from refracting components - lenses. (Telescopes can • be made use reflecting components - mirrors.) The Keplerian telescope is made from tw2,.conv.gWg lenses. The objective lens produces a real, inverted image of a distant object. This image occurs in mid-air andis viewed through an eyepiece lens, which magnifies the image.

Figure 5 is a ray diagram showing the functioning of a Keplerian telescope. If the object being viewed is very distant, the rays emanating from it, though 1ivergi!!,g, are very nearly parallel. Light from the object is collected by a converging lens (the objective), which forms a real image. The location of the image is uniquely related to the power of the lens and the divergence of the light as it reaches the lens. The image is inverted compared with the object. As the light propagates beyond the real image, it again diverges. This is indicated for light coming off the tip of the arrow-shaped object. A second converging lens is used to make the image easily viewable to the eye. If this lens (the eyepiece) is placed at a distance of its focal length from the real image, it will form the light into parallel rays - perfect for viewing by the ideal eye, when relaxed, as it focuses parallel rays of light on the retina. To minimise eye-strain, all optical instruments should be used with the eye relaxed.

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Figure 5. Ray diagram for light from a distant object entering a telescope constructed from 2 converging lenses. Angles subtended by the object at the telescope, and at the telescope-aided eye, are indicated by a and p respectively.

It can be shown theoretically that the angular magnification of a telescope has magnitude of


where fa is the focal length of the objective lens, Ie is the focal length of the eyepiece lens and P represents the corresponding powers.

Select two lenses to build a telescope - you may like to consider equation (3) and your earlier focal length measurements in making your choice. For the configuration that you choose, draw a ray diagram and use the theory to estimate the angular magnification. Show relevant distances on your diagram.

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The University of Queensland

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Exp 1 - Page -

Make use of the equipment pool to change the configuration of your telescope. Choose at least two different objective lenses and two different eyepieces. Create a table showing the configurations that you used and their calculat magnifications. In general, one strives to achieve the best possible magnification. y..rhat limits this capability? Make

_sure y_QLLCOmment on the ease of alignment and the quality of the image. =

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, Use the raised table to observe the eye chart in the neighbouring window (note that there is limited access to the raised table so please set up and perform your measurements quickly to allow others time to complete their measurements). Describe the configuration you use and list the letters on the smallest line you can read. How does this compare with other groups?

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6. Further experimentation VI/I. t 'S'S I V" "" .

You may like to consider one ofthe followirl~as a basis for further investigation:

The image you observe in the telescope is inverted. What could be done to rectify this? Test your hypothesis. LV

7. p"pa:':~:~::::::::::~:::~n::::::: ::::::~~:::;~~~~ devise a way to test this? ) J-

In the second week of the experiment you will need to quantify your telescope. Discuss in your group procedures for the following (you may complete this outside the lab if you have insufficient time in the first week - however you will not be able to start the second week's experiment until you have done this):

a design for the telescope you will build in the second session, including a justification of the components selected;

• a description of a method to accurately determine the focal length of the lenses you will use in your telescope in the second session so that you can calculate the angular magnification;

a description of a method to experimentally determine the angular magnification of your telescope.


In Lab Session II you are required to construct and quantitatively characterise a telescope consisting of two lenses. This . will be based on what you have learned in the first session of the experiment. You may refme the strategies you nominated in the previous session, for example, change the lens configuration, or use a different approach to determining the focal lengths of the lenses. However you must explain your approaches to the tutor before you start.

The University of Queensland



Exp 1 - Page 2:

Characterisation of your telescope involves quantitatively determining both the theoretical and experanecr magnifications of the telescope, including uncertainties. The theoretical expectation for magnification is based on 11::;; focal lengths of the components used. Note that a more sophisticated approach for determining focal lengths is required than that used to estimate the focal lengths during Session 1. The measured value for the magnification is likely to be far less precise than the theoretical expectation! Note that you will be assessed on how well you characterise the telescopenot on how well it operates.

Your log book notes for Lab Session II should cover:

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The final design of your telescope

The final experimental approach you took to measure the focal length of the lenses you used in your telescope The results and analysis of your measurements for the focal lengths

The theoretical expectation for magnification

The experimental approach you used to determine the magnification of the telescope Your measurement of the experimental magnification

A comparison of the theoretically expected and measured values of the magnification Uncertainties should be estimated, justified and discussed for all raw data measurements.

8. Writing a report

If you select this experiment for your end of semester report then you will need to provide details on the experiment you completed to construct and test a telescope. This includes how you determined the focal length of the lenses used and the magnification of the telescope. Your report should include uncertainties and a discussion of the limitations of your experiment.

Knight R., Physics for Scientists and Engineers: A Strategic Approach (2nd edition) Ch 23-24.


For more information about Vergence theory visit the website:

The University of Queensland


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