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Focus your future……

save your career……”
There are certain people who make the world a better place
by being in it ……
You are one of those people!

Love you my friends!

Don't compare
yourself with
any one in this

If you compare,
you are insulting
No one will
manufacture a
lock without a key.

Similarly God won't

give problems without
Life laughs at
you when you
are unhappy...

Life smiles at you

you are happy...
Life salutes you when
Every successful person has a
painful story.
Every painful story has a
successful ending.

Accept the pain and get

ready for success.
Easy is to judge the mistakes of others.
Difficult is to recognize our own mistakes.

It is easier to protect your feet with slippers

than to cover the earth with carpet.
No one can go back and
change a bad beginning;

But anyone can start now and

create a successful ending.
If a problem can be
solved, no need to
worry about it.

If a problem cannot be
solved what is the use of
If you miss an
opportunity don't
fill the eyes with

 It will hide another

better opportunity
in front of you
"Changing the Face" can change nothing.
But "Facing the Change" can change everything.

Don't complain about others;

Change yourself if you want peace.
Mistakes are painful when they happen.

But year's later collection of

mistakes is called experience,
which leads to success.
Be bold when you loose
and be calm when you win.

Heated gold becomes ornament.

 Beaten copper becomes wires.  
stone becomes statue.  So the
more pain you get in life you
become more valuable.
Evaluating your key attributes
ATTRIBUTE How To Assess Yourself

AMBITION Have you written down high and stretching targets and planned how
you are going to achieve them?
VISION Have you formed a clear idea of where you want to be and what you
want to be doing in five years’ time?

CONFIDENCE Do you feel able to do anything that is needed now, do it well, and
master new abilities and tasks as required?

ABILITY TO TAKE Do you believe in your own ability to judge a risk as worth taking and to
RISKS take your chances effectively?
DRIVE AND ENERGY Can you bring full mental powers to be on an issue, to decide on the
right action, and see it through?
COMPETITIVE Are you never satisfied until you have clearly won all the prizes against
SPIRIT the best competition around?
SELF-CRITICISM Are you a relentless perfectionist who constantly seeks to improve and
to get others to do the same?
LEADERSHIP Can you mobilize others to achieve group ambitions, as well as develop
other leaders and bring them forward?

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