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When you have no pending work, no household chores, no physical activity,«in fact
nothing to do, what will you do? So boring. Yes. Today I experienced an ideal boring
day. My internet connection got disconnected due to some technical reasons, and I had
nothing to do and I was completely isolated like in a jail. Everyone in home went out for
some or the other purpose and I was alone. I managed myself for about 3 hours.


I was craving to talk to someone. But my landline had some problems. My mobile««oh!
I forgot to take it from office yesterday«..there is no electricity for the past 1 day .So it
was not possible to watch Television.


It is hard to explain my experience, I feel like vomiting, whenever I think of it.

I have 2 funny questions to ask you all in this context«.guess what?

1.Ê If you are given 30 lakhs as value for your freedom and happiness,(of course, you
need to surrender freedom when you get Rs.30 lakhs),what will you
choose«.money or freedom?
2.Ê How do you define boredom?

Check ±out these photos which symbolizes boredom««..

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