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1. ratio - A relationship between two numbers.

Ratios can be set up in a multitud

e of ways including the following: 1:2, 1 to 2, or ½. A fraction is considered a r
atio as well. Ratios occur in many instances in life, and will always follow us
no matter where we go. In a class room, there may be a girl to guy ratio of 1:2,
or when betting on horses, the odds may be 2:3. Ratios are a commonly found par
t of math in everyday life.
1. proportion - is a proper and measured relationship between two numbers. Much
like ratios, only these problems always deal with a fraction compared to a fract
ion. A ratio would compare apples to oranges, but a proportion would be used to
predict how many apples there would be with X amount of oranges. Proportions are
good tools for measuring probable outcomes. If you know that most people win at
a scratch off ticket 1:12 times and you have bought 24 tickets, you can use the
ratio of the probability and compare it to your possible chances and outcomes t
o figure out about how well you should come out.
1. direct variation - Simply put, this means that when there is a relationship b
etween two numbers, if one goes up, the other goes up; If one goes down, the oth
er goes down. Take the price of oil and gasoline for example: When oil goes up,
we can predict that the price of gas to fill up our car will go up as well.
1. inverse variation - This is the opposite of direct variation. When one number
goes up, the other goes down; and when one number goes down, the other goes up.
This variation occurs with supply and demand. If the demand is high, the supply
is low.
1. joint variation - this type of variation is the same as direct variation, but
with more than just two variables. Instead of just an X and Y, there could be a
n X, Y, Z, A, B all occurring in this variation. We could use something like the
cost of building a bronze statue. There are multiple variables because you have
to consider the price of tin, the price of copper, the price of labor, the pric
e of molding, and the price of maintenence. All of those variables come together
jointly to create a single final price, but they all vary in price, thus the na
me: Joint Variation.
1. rational equation - f(x) = mx+b. A rational equation may be solved mathematic
ally or graphically to find a solution. A true rational equation has atleast one
real answer, but when a rational equation does not have an answer, it is consid
ered to have, “No Solution.” When there are infinitely many solutions, it is conside
red, “All Real Numbers.” Rational equations are used to solve many daily problems. Y
ou could compare the speed of two cars and their trajectory to find out when or
if they would collide with a rational equation. This equation is the heart of al

1. six trig functions (sin, cos, tan, sec, cosec, cotan)

Sin: O/H Key: O - Opposite
Cos: A/H A - Adjacent
Tan: O/A H - Hypotenuse
Sec: H/A
CoSec: H/O
CoTan: A/O
The 6 trigonometric functions deal heavily with triangles and angles. They are a
lso used to find elevation. Let’s say that during a storm, part of a dock was brok
en, and you only had 2 of the 3 sides left. You could use the various laws that
come from these functions to figure out the needed length of the piece of dock t
hat needed to be replaced.
1. right triangle - A triangle that has a single 90 degree angle at one of its c
orners. Right triangles are unique in a sense that a triangle can only have one
angle at 90 degrees, and never any more. By having a right angle, it allows the
trig functions to become of good use when solving problems. Right triangles are
found everywhere in life, as a triangle is considered one of the strongest struc
tures and shapes build-able. Many contractors and construction workers use trian
gles and right triangles for strong central weight holders.
1. vector - A vector is a quantity that can be broken up into different componen
ts. We could say that the number 4 is a vector that is made up of 3 and 1. Vecto
rs are used to find information and its origin in a mathematical way. We use vec
tors today when trying to plot where ships are going. If they head 40 miles east
, and 15 miles northwest, we can use that information to figure out exactly how
far east they traveled.
1. determinate - A determinant is something that can only be found when you have
a square matrix, like a 2x2. This function can be very useful in solving algebr
a equation that may require the use of a matrix. Like with any algebra equation,
it is good to have multiple ways to solve it, because the same process will not
always work. In computer programming, matrices are used frequently, and I imagi
ne that determinates are quite useful in it as well.
1. linear equation - An equation that deals with a single straight line. Linear
equations look like this: y=mx+b. You can use linear equations to help predict
future patterns just like with any other equation. You simply need to know what
kind of equation you need.
1. system of linear equation - When you have more than one linear equation and t
he solution(s) are the intersections of these linear equations. These are useful
when comparing data and finding if they overlap or ever cross paths and when th
ey do.
1. quadratic equation - y=mx^2+b. These equations are parabolas when graphed out
and are used frequently in the ballistics field to find out when a round or bul
let will hit a target or the ground.
1. factoring - is the simple process of breaking down a number or variable into
it’s most simple form. Like the number 8 can be broken down to 2*2*2. Factoring is
used in the real world to simplify larger numbers and break them down into core
1. completing the square - is a process for solving a quadratic equation that in
volves taking the coefficient of the x value and squaring it, and then multiplyi
ng the entire equation by that number. It is simply another way to solve a quadr
atic equation, and gives the user an extra safety net if they cannot find a solu
tion using normal methods.

1. quadratic formula is used again to solve the quadratic equation. In this sit
uation, you would substitute the A, B, and C values of the equation into the for
mula and solve the formula for the two answers.
1. radiant - In trigonometry, radiants are used to determine distances in ang
ular measure away from two polar coordinates. If you have point A and point B, y
ou can find out that Point B is 40 degrees clockwise of point A’s position.
1. phasor/phasor algebra - is a special term for trigonometric function use.
Phasor algebra consists of two components, magnitude and angle. This can be us
ed for graphing trig functions.
1. complex numbers - Also known as imaginary numbers. These numbers do not ex
ist and are expressed with the expression A+Bi. i is obtained by finding the squ
are root of -1. This is useful in trying to solve problems, and you can keep fin
ding square roots until the problem fits and you can mathematically solve it.
1. exponential equations - This equation has two or three asymptotes, and the
x and y values vary more and more as the graph goes on. These equations have be
en used in recent years to describe our population growth and our waste output g
1. logarithmic equations - an example of this would be: where what is basical
ly being said is that 2 to the third power is 8. This is another equation dealin
g with exponents and new things called bases. Though not as common as the other
types of equations, these are found in slightly more complex environments.
1. law of sines - , this can be very useful when you are given only parts
of a non-right triangle. If you are given some of the information, you can use l
aw of sines as a type of shortcut to find an answer. Again, for architects and c
onstruction, this kind of knowledge about triangles is very important and I imag
ine it would help quite a bit in trying to attain a job in that field.
1. law of cosines - , much like the law of sines, this is a special too
l that allows you to plug in information as it comes in and find an answer quick
er or more efficiently. If you were only given a and c, you would simply move ar
ound the variables and use the equation so that you could solve for b.

1. polar coordinates - these coordinates are measured in radians and

degrees in their direction away from each other. This is a special system of so
lving trigonometric equations
1. number systems - A number system could be a certain pattern of nu
mbers or occurrence that is apparent. Number systems are used quite a bit in bin
ary which is used for computer programming and communications.

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