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Name of the company:
Age: (a) 20- 25 (b) 25-30 (c) 30- 35

Years of experience: (a) 1- 3 (b) 3-6 (c) 6-10 (d) > 10


1. What time do you meet the rising sun?

(a) 5.00 a.m - 6.00 a.m. (b) 6.00 a.m - 7.00 a.m. (c) 7.00 a.m. - 8.00 a.m. (d) Other, specify

2. What time do you have your mid- day meal?

(a) 12.00 p.m - 1.00 p.m. (b) 1.00 p.m.-2.00 p.m. (c) 2.00 p.m. - 3.00 p.m. (d) Other, specify

3. What time do you retire to bed?

(a) 9.00 p.m.-10.00 p.m. (b) 10.00 p.m-11.00 p .m. (c) 11.00 p.m-12.00 a.m. (d) Other, specify

4. Do you go for a morning walk?

(a) Yes (b) No (c) Sometimes

If yes, how long do you walk?

(a) Less than 15 minutes (b) 15- 30 minutes (c) 30- 45 minutes (d) 45 minutes- 1 hour

5. Do you feel refreshed in the beginning of the day?

(a) Yes (b) No (c) Sometimes

If no, state the reason,

(a)Work related stress

(b)Family/ relationship issues
(c)Health reasons
(d)Other(s), specify ______________

6. Do you feel tired and fatigued even with enough sleep?

(a) Yes (b) No (c) Sometimes

7. Do you have trouble falling asleep?

(a) Yes (b) No (c) Sometimes

8. Do you lie awake at night worrying and planning the next day?

(a) Yes (b) No (c) Sometimes

9. How frequently do you engage in any of the following activities?

1. Everyday
2. 2- 3 times a week
3. Once a week
4. Once in 15 days
5. Any other, specify


and how often

10. If you experience any of the following symptoms, fill the following information accordingly,

1. Always
2. Often
3. Sometimes
4. Rarely
5. Never

Inability to cope
Excessive tiredness
Trouble sleeping
Pounding Heart
Breathing Problems
Pains & Trembling

11. Do you worry about your financial position?

(a) Yes (b) No (c) Sometimes

12. Do you undertake periodic medical examination?

(a) Yes (b) No (c) Sometimes


13. Do you feel you spend sufficient time with family?

(a) Always (b) Often (c) Sometimes (d) Rarely (e) Never

If rarely or never, state the reason


14. Do you face increasing demands from personal relationships?

(a) True (b) False

If true, do you feel that you cope well with them?

(a) Always (b) Often (c) Sometimes (d) Rarely (e) Never

15. Does work put a strain on your family /relationship?

(a) Always (b) Often (c) Sometimes (d) Rarely (e) Never

16. Do you avoid expressing true emotions at home or work?

(a) Yes (b) No

If yes, state the reason(s)


17. Do you go on a family vacation at least once a year?

(a) Yes (b) No

18. Do you have time to contact/ spend time with friends?

(a) Yes (b) No (c) Sometimes

19. Would you say that, generally you have enough time to spend for your personal interests/
passion/ hobbies?

(a) Yes (b) No (c) Sometimes

20. If no or sometimes, is it due to work pressure?

(a) Yes (b) No (c) Other, specify

21. Have you ever felt that you have neglected your family/ friends due to work pressure?

(a) Yes (b) No

22. Does your family appreciate your field of work, the timings and pressure associated?

(a) Yes (b) No

If no, state the reason,


23. Do you feel that there are negative changes in your behavior pattern at home, caused

by work related stress?

(a) True (b) False


24. My present job is interesting and allows me to use my knowledge

(a) Yes (b) No (c) Sometimes

25. Mark whichever answer that fits you best for the following statements.

1. Always
2. Often
3. Sometimes
4. Rarely
5. Never

I am clear with my duties & responsibilities

I undertake too many tasks at once
I prioritize & plan my work
I neglect some tasks due to work overload
My targets & deadlines are often unrealistic
I am comfortable working in teams
Conflicts arise in my work environment
I work in shifts
Shift based working causes stress
Personal issues interrupt/ disturb my work
I work on holidays/ weekends
I am satisfied with my job
I am satisfied with my qualification & job profile match
I have a satisfying work life balance

26. What do you feel about working on holidays/ weekends?


27. Are you satisfied are you with your current employers?

(a) Yes (b) No

28. What do you feel about your superior-subordinate relationship?

(a) Excellent (b) Very Good (c) Good (d) Average (e) Poor

29. What are the issues that cause grievances?


30. What do you feel about the grievance handling system in your organization?

(a) Excellent (b) Very Good (c) Good (d) Average (e) Poor

31. How does your organization initiate motivation programmes?


And how would you rate them?

(a) Excellent (b) Very Good (c) Good (d) Average (e) Poor

32. Do you feel that the following have been recognized and rewarded?

1. Always
2. Often
3. Sometimes
4. Rarely
5. Never

Commitment to work
Initiatives taken
Leadership skills

33. How effective are the relaxation programs/ parties organized by your company for the
(a) Very Effective (b) Effective (c) Not Very Effective (d) Ineffective (e) No such programs/
parties are organized

34. What is the distance between your residence and workplace?

(a) Less than 5 km (b) 5- 10 Km (c) 10-20 Km (d) More than 20 Km

35. How do you commute to your workplace and how comfortable with it?

1. Very Comfortable
2. Comfortable
3. Not very Comfortable
4. Uncomfortable
5. Stressful

Transportation provided by your organization

Own Vehicle (Four Wheeler Two Wheeler)
Public transportation system
Other, specify (Like Share Auto, Van, etc)

36. What are your views on stress?

(a) Constant and unavoidable

(b) Temporary and avoidable

38. How do you handle stress personally?

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