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Obstacles and challenges…

Obstacles can make us become ‘hostages” to the obstacles we faced. This mindset cripples us to believe
that the obstacles faced are bigger and scarier than what they are. Great leaders know how to quickly
free themselves from “victim” state of mind. Great leaders quickly disregard these ‘hostages’ beliefs and
firmly believes in possibilities.

“Obstacles become obstacles only when you believe it is one”

This is when we need to turn obstacles into opportunities. Obstacles are a miraculous opportunity for
innovation and change. Every invention enjoyed today comes from some obstacles. Perseverance is
important to address problems little by little. Must take action to overcome it and make it step by step
to keep persevering every time we fail or not succeed.

Thomas Edison attempt:

“After struggling to develop the electric light-bulb for years, he was interviewed by a reporter asking him
if he felt like a failure and if he wants to give up now. He was baffled and replied,” Why would I feel like
a failure? And why would I ever give up? I know now definitely over 9,000 ways why an electric light
bulb will not work. Success is almost in my grasp. And shortly after his 10,000 attempt, he invented the
light bulb.”

We learn courage facing danger. We learn patience enduring suffering. We learn true friends when
forsaken. Without trouble we would be stunted person with no real growth.

“Learning is what differentiates leaders”

Obstacles provide situations for us to learn.

“The harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph “

Obstacles can truly achieve the full potential of your ability. Great leaders don’t become great just for
their accomplishments, but by the opposition they have encountered, and by maintaining their struggle
against overwhelming odds.

Visualizing what success looks like will help you more to achieve it. Hold it tenaciously. Never permit it
to fade from your mind. The will must be stronger than the skill and the will is what overcomes the
obstacles, not the skill.

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