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House of Terror

By Denise Swoveland

A young woman nervously waits for her older sister Rebbecca. She heard rumors ab
out the Stoneville family through the town gossip Miss Sabrina, a curious woman
who has a bad habit of telling tall tales, so Helena West usually disregard Mi
ss Sabrina,s gossip about The Stoneville family . Helena felt uneasy about her s
ister interested young Daniel Stoneville, he is wise beyond his years. She sens
ed something unique about Daniel. He is different from the rest of his family. D
aniel is an attractive guy with coal black hair with piercing blue eyes that can
see through a person,s soul. Helena slowly approaches the Victorian home with
a sense of dread. Suddenly Helena felt dark force surrounding her. She froze una
ble to move.God help me,: I am afraid, Helena crying to God
Suddenly , she hear the front door opening. Helena was relived to see Daniel
Stoneville at the doorway.
Helena,What is the matter? I sense fear in your soul. Come in, said Daniel. You ar
e safe with me attempting to ease Helena,s anxiety.
I am scare for my older sister Rebbecca due to the rumors I had heard about your
My adoptive mother Aunt Faith Stoneville is the normal in my family, so you d
o not need to worry about her.said Daniel caressing Helen,s hands. Helena felt a
sense of calmness, and attraction for young Daniel, but not in the romantic sens
Aunt Faith Stoneville is a bookstore owner and an artist.She sells her work
at her Fantastic Journey Bookstore located downtown. My adoptive mother speciali
zes in speculative fiction art. She sometimes create digital art for animated
films and foreign animated films. My aunt,s work is in demand beyond U.S.A bord

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