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Nikki Fettig August 28, 2009

Dalton 1B King Lear Essay

The main point implied from the verse of King Lear by Shakespeare was that the justice
system is not equally applied to wealthy people as to the inadequate. Money can put someone
above the law but for those who do not obtain the same wealth they are expected to suffer the
consequences of the justice system.
Wealth can acquire someone just about anything and that includes freedom. The
entertainment industry is notorious for having affluence and fame bail the stars out of trouble.
For example, Paris Hilton, infamous for partying and being an heiress, was charged with a D.U.I.
She was originally sentenced to 45 days in prison but after two days she was released. It is
frequent when famous people are not treated equally when it comes to the law. This is because
prosperous people can hire more expensive and prestigious lawyers that protect them, and his or
her fame and riches makes the judge more lenient in his or her case.
While celebrities are known for getting off easy when it comes to the law, political
figures, and old money are also not subjected to following regulations. Ted Kennedy was the
senator of Massachusetts who was visiting Chappaquiddick Island for a party. He left the party
intoxicated and was driving with a young woman named Mary Jo Kopechne, he then
accidentally drove off of Dike Bridge into the Poucha Pond inlet. Ted Kennedy was able to
escape the overturned vehicle, and neglected to save the Kopechne but instead swam to safety
and left the scene. It wasn’t until Kopechne's body was discovered the next day that he called the
authorities. The case went to court, and he wasn’t sentenced or charged for driving under the
influence or killing Mary Jo Kopechne, and he also was able to keep his position in office.
If any of these incidents were to occur to people with lower money or status, the
sentences and charges would be severe. Money grants access to Wealth is a strong shield against
the powers of justice, but because the less fortunate are bare they are left vulnerable.

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