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ck Roper Repars® Wovkdo— 2040 Market Briefing: India omy Lifestage - Demograp! + India is a young, well educated, and mostly married country °% distribution of consumers 15+ by age a 15-19 © 20-29 30-39 & 40-49 & 50-59 © 60+ Global [Developing] India ‘Asie Married 34 ” os Parencs 38 7» 6 (coleger oleges 36 a 46 (Executives Protessionals*| 32 29 “0 Medium high? High incomee| 6 a 50 Global Developing Asia India ‘among those worang full par-tme Fg 4# income scale quartile figures fener eps Wore 2010 (red mal, exe 25 sure, ‘ap yy Feo Poe ‘cuungeen 210 amen ener Crono eee en ae Young Consumers — Statement Agreement: Young Indians are positive that they will have a better life than their parents "= coval = Dereoping asa seta Being young is the best line ictial of your ie Young people are under a lot af pressure to do the ‘things adults think they should ‘Young people are under a lot of pressure to do things their fiends think they ‘should Developing asia India Young people are more ‘open to new ideas than older people are 1 Very likely 1 Somewhat likely 1 Somewhat unlikely Very unlikely 1 Don't know/No response Older people can learn a lol from younger people oer pats While 2010 (rina, cre 5 cede, ore esprit cn sta par td et eee Ee Young Consumers — Personal Statements: Young Indians feel they are attractive % of consumers 15-19 who feel statement describes the kind of person they see themselves as. 1 feel that I am attractive 1 am popular with other people my age 1 lke to stand out in a crowd Thave my own way of doing things am respected by most adults in my life Tam a good listener am aware of the latest and best music T sometimes feel that I don't fit in T dress in the latest styles 1 dress with a sense of individual style Tam afraid to do things that others might disapprove of Ido my best to make the world a better place T think I'm intelligent = Global = Developing Asia wm India eid 4 fer Rept Wei 010 (roma coe 25 nee, Cn. 200 Pn ers

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