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Words were originally developed for communication between members of the

same group or for transactions with foreign countries. In time, people evolved and

became accustomed upon using language as a medium for expressing ideas and concepts

in a clear and concise manner; but society has used and is still using this tool as a weapon

for malicious actions.

Man kind is flawed from the very beginning of its creation. Our ancestor, Cain,

murdered his brother, Abel, out of jealousy stringing from the Lord’s favoritism towards

Abel. In the book East of Eden, it notes how man is affected and wounded by a reprisal

carried out from the beginning of time—Cain’s folly. After each generation, man is

“refired” making him the person he is, but that can only go so far; one can not stray far

from the nest. Anger and jealousy flows vividly through our veins and has conformed to

use anything as a tool for harm and mayhem—words being one of them.

When someone is under stress and pressure, they usually carry themselves with an

irate body language. Commoners exhibiting contact, whether friendly or not, can easily

be flagged down as a nuisance that requires abuse of any sort. As the attacker lashes out

verbal phrases compacted to leave an indelible mark, the victim takes note of every

spoken word from beginning to end. The victim has the choice of calmly take the beating

or demonstrate a reaction. After the confrontation, the words will unravel within the

victim’s mind; ready to be dissected for analysis and recollection of events.

One type of response is usually a negative reaction—depression. People tend to

become hung up from miniscule remarks from either friends or acquaintances. Verbal

abuse can be molded into a sharp knife that cuts deep into one’s body; sending the stimuli
to the command center, the brain. The brain contains many thought processes, especially

those that control how we respond to situations. If our command center sends out a

response through the efferent pathway with an undesired effect—depression, it could

slow or suppress nerve processing; therefore, inhibiting our daily routines.

With a large understanding of words and how to use them, it can be interpreted

and used inappropriately. Even though we inherited follies from our ancestors, the choice

is ours whether or not we carry out their old mistakes.

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