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A Samhain Song

As I watch the sunsets fiery glow,

The power within me stirs and grows.
The Earth awaiting winters call,
The land is bursting in colors of fall.

There is a wondrous world I go,

I see life's magick brighter grow.
This secret keeps my heart so strong,
Within the magick I can do no wrong.

There's work and song for all to do,

Be it one or be it two.
For in the faith and purpose true,
United in this work we do.

Where with the Goddess I shall meet,

Her presents make my heart complete.
Within Her love and Samhain feast,
Together in joy we shall be.

With hearts and hands forever strong,

As we walk this circle along.
For when our spirits joins in song.
Truth and power can’t be wronged.

Blessing of Samhain...
by; Lady Abigail

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