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Cole Pittman

Mrs. Weaver

LNG 311

15 February 2011

Restrictions and Challenges

Restrictions are ideas thinking that everything will turn out to be better but some

restrictions just go too far. In Harrison Bergeron, Anthem, and Gattaca the characters encounter

many restrictions, challenges, and they all have messages. Harrison, Equality, and Vincent have

common themes. The theme of these stories is that your life is genetically done, based on life

mandates, or you cannot be to smart or to beautiful.

Harrison Bergeron overcomes the restrictions by overpowering his limits. He over

powers the limits by ripping off his weights, his Handicaps, mask, and his glasses. Harrison is

also a 7 foot tall human being. In Harrisons society nobody can be different. Nobody can be

pretty, smart, or too strong. Harrison breaks these rules by taking everything off and taking over

the town. It said that he was so strong that when he stomped the building jumped off the ground.

Harrison wants the society to be non-equal; he wants everyone to be themselves and not

somebody there not. It shows how committed he is to changing the society that he lives in.

Equality finds many reasons to betray his society’s restrictions. He finds love, he

discovers a new power, and invented something useful.

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