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Costello 1

Summer Costello

Mrs. Weaver

LNG 312

16 February 2011

Society makes rules but as the characters reflect sometimes rules must be broken
in order to become a complete individual. Identical, matching or alike are three
words that can be used to describe the word equal. That would be a word that no
society would ever want to hear …. Except some!

Living up to society’s of what that except of you is not all that easy. They have
very high expectations of what “you’re capable of doing.” In Gattica, Nicole really
shows how if you are conceived you automatically are but under the bus. Not being
perfect in a society, like this, could really affect your social life and being able to
impress others. When you’re not perfect and can’t impress anyone you’re pretty
much cut off from life and no one thinks of you as someone so they don’t talk to
you. Antisocials are automatically judgement by others and you are considered
underclass or shouldn’t even be here. This makes you feel like a nobody and is
going to cause you to “investigate” into why or how it got this way so it’s going
cause you to do something “illegal“. Breaking the laws is not allowed in any society,
but especially some because the people who run the law knows is going on and
they don’t want to like. If you know something about society that isn’t right you
have to lie with it because no one is going to buy it. They can’t believe you because
they don’t want to break any laws themselves, and get in trouble for it and even if
you know you’re different you still have to act the same.

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