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Admission in 2009



Admission en 2009

The Association of Faculties of Medicine of Canada L'Association des facultés de médecine du Canada
265 Carling Avenue, Suite 800 Ottawa ON K1S 2E1 265 avenue Carling, pièce 800 Ottawa ON K1S 2E1
Table of Contents / Table de matières

INTRODUCTION .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
General Inform ation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Ontario Medical School Application Service (OMSAS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Service ontarien de demande d’admission en médecine
Medical College Adm ission Test (MCAT) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Repeat Applicants. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Applying to Medical School Outside Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Foreign Applicants . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Num ber of Applicants and Success Rates by:
Sex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Legal Status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Residence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
Age . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
First Tim e or Repeat Application . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7

Faculty of Medicine, MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY OF NEW FOUNDLAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8

Faculty of Medicine, DALHOUSIE UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Faculté de m édecine, UNIVERSITÉ LAVAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Faculté de m édecine et des sciences de la santé, UNIVERSITÉ DE SHERBROOKE . . . . . . . . . . 14
Faculté de m édecine, UNIVERSITÉ DE MONTRÉAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Faculty of Medicine, MCGILL UNIVERSITY
MED-P Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
MD,CM Program . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Faculty of Medicine, UNIVERSITY OF OTTAW A (English) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Faculté de m édecine, UNIVERSITÉ D’OTTAW A (Français) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
School of Medicine, QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY AT KINGSTON . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Faculty of Medicine, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Michael G. DeGroote School of Medicine, MCMASTER UNIVERSITY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, UNIVERSITY OF W ESTERN ONTARIO .. . . . . . . . . . . . 33
Northern Ontario School of Medicine, LAURENTIAN UNIVERSITY / LAKEHEAD UNIVERSITY. . . 35
Faculty of Medicine, UNIVERSITY OF MANITOBA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
College of Medicine, UNIVERSITY OF SASKATCHEW AN . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Faculty of Medicine, UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
Faculty of Medicine, UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46


All statistical data provided com e from an annual survey conducted by the Office of Research and Inform ation
Services (ORIS). Individual faculty inform ation is provided by each faculty of m edicine as of July, 2008 and
therefore is subject to change. ORIS also publishes “Canadian Medical Education Statistics” each Septem ber.
This book provides detailed statistics concerning application to and enrolm ent in faculties of m edicine.

W hen com paring data from year to year there are certain considerations to keep in m ind. There have been
increases to the num ber of available places for the study of m edicine at m any faculties of m edicine. Also,
adm ission requirem ents and selection policies of individual faculties of m edicine m ay vary from year to year.

General Information

There are seventeen faculties of m edicine in Canada that offer program s of study leading to the award of the
MD degree which is the first professional degree in m edicine. The faculties of m edicine are listed in a
geographic sequence going from east to west which im plies no rank ordering whatsoever.

The num ber of places available is determ ined by provincial governm ents based on educational and financial
resources as well as Canada’s future physician workforce requirem ent. Since the universities are under
provincial jurisdiction, the m ajority of places in a faculty of m edicine are allocated to perm anent residents of
the province in which the university is located.

Provided academ ic prerequisites have been m et, the type of undergraduate degree earned or program
followed should not deter filing an application. Also, whether or not the previous institution attended has a
faculty of m edicine does not affect the chance of adm ission.

An applicant m ust decide to which faculty or faculties of m edicine application will be m ade. Obviously, the
geographic location of a faculty of m edicine is of critical im portance to a prospective applicant. For those
applicants who are free to m ove to any location where a place m ay be offered, chances of success in gaining
adm ission m ay be considerably enhanced. Those who apply to only one faculty of m edicine have the sm allest
chance of being offered adm ission. As the num ber of applications increases, so does the chance of being
offered a place at a faculty of m edicine.

The com petition to enter a faculty of m edicine is very keen so it is im portant that applicants ensure that they
fully m eet the entry requirem ents of each faculty of m edicine to which they apply. Not only should applicants
plan to m eet all academ ic prerequisites, it is also im portant to respect all deadline dates. In general, an
application or docum entation is ignored when received after deadline dates.

Those who wish to m axim ize their chances of gaining adm ission to a Canadian faculty of m edicine should
consider the following:

! Since residence is considered in adm issions, include the faculty of m edicine located in your hom e
province am ongst those to which applications are subm itted.

! If you are resident in a province with m ore than one faculty of m edicine (Québec, Ontario or Alberta),
try to apply to m ore than one faculty of m edicine in the province. Rem em ber that som e faculties of
m edicine have far m ore places to allocate than others.

! Som e applicants are definite about a particular faculty of m edicine and m ake only one application.
In a situation of keen com petition, the determ ination to enter a particular faculty of m edicine m ay be
tantam ount to excluding oneself from the study of m edicine altogether.

Ontario M edical School Application Service (OM SAS)

Service ontarien de demande d’admission en médecine

The six Ontario faculties of m edicine use OMSAS which is a centralized application processing service, thus
applicants subm it only one set of application m aterials and academ ic docum ents regardless of the num ber
of faculties to which they are applying. Each faculty of m edicine independently m akes the selection decision.

The OMSAS web-site provides an on-line application service m id-July, 2008 as well as additional inform ation
related to each faculty’s adm ission requirem ents. The web-site is a com prehensive one where applicants can
obtain inform ation on the application process and can view details concerning their application. The OMSAS
levy is com posed of a base fee and an additional fee for each Ontario faculty of m edicine to which application
is m ade.

The on-line application fees (see below) are dependent on the num ber of faculties chosen.

Num ber of Faculties In Canadian Funds

1 $285
2 $360
3 $435
4 $510
5 $585
6 $660


Septem ber 15, 2008 Last day to register for/create an account for the on-line application

October 1, 2008 Last day for receipt of applications, all transcripts and academ ic docum ents and all
confidential assessm ent form s

October 6, 2008 Last day for receipt of all cheques, m oney orders and electronic paym ents

October 15, 2008 Last day for release of MCAT scores

May 15, 2008 First date for offers of adm ission

June 12, 2009 Provisional acceptances becom e firm acceptances on this date

June 30, 2009 Last day for receipt of final transcripts

For m ore inform ation or to request an application:

Ontario Universities’ Application Centre
170 Research Lane
Guelph ON N1G 5E2
Tel.: (519) 823-1940 ext. 553
E-m ail: om sas@
W eb-site: sas

M edical College Admission Test (M CAT)

The MCAT is a standardized, m ultiple-choice exam ination designed to assess problem solving, critical thinking
and writing skills in addition to the exam inee’s knowledge of science concepts and principles prerequisite to
the study of m edicine. The test is not required by all faculties of m edicine and the extent to which test results
are used in adm ission decisions varies by faculty of m edicine.

The test consists of four test sections: the Verbal Reasoning, Physical Sciences and Biological Sciences
sections contain m ultiple-choice questions and the scores range from a low of 1 to a high of 15 for each
section; the W riting Sam ple section consists of two essays and the total score ranges from a low of J to a high
of T.

The com puter-based test is given at established test centres in Canada, the United States and overseas. Visit
the web-site for dates and locations. The overall length of the test day is approxim ately four and one-half
hours. The regular exam ination fee was $210 in US funds for the 2008 test dates.

For m ore inform ation: Association of Am erican Medical Colleges

Medical College Adm ission Test
2450 N Street NW
W ashington, DC 20037
Tel.: (202) 828-0690
E-m ail: m cat@aam
W eb-site: www.aam cat/start.htm

Repeat Applicants

An applicant who does not receive an offer of adm ission m ust decide whether to re-apply for adm ission in a
subsequent year. Rejected candidates should try to reach an objective assessm ent of why they did not receive
an offer. Unsuccessful applicants should realize that the reason for rejection m ay not be the lack of ability or
qualities but the sheer rationing of places that is necessary when the num ber of qualified candidates greatly
exceeds the num ber of available places. W ell qualified candidates have grounds for re-applying for adm ission
to a faculty of m edicine and in recent years, repeat applicants have fared well. T he academ ically weaker
candidates tend not to re-apply for adm ission to the sam e extent as do those who have a sound academ ic

Applying to Study M edicine Outside Canada

If for any reason an applicant decides to seek adm ission to a m edical faculty outside Canada, som e im portant
factors m ust be borne in m ind. The m ost im portant of these is that returning to practise m edicine in Canada
m ay prove difficult. This is not m eant to deter individuals from seeking education in foreign universities —
som e Canadian citizens have always gone abroad to study in recognized, reputable universities. Lim itations
on recognition of foreign earned MDs apply to qualifications earned abroad by citizens as well as by
non-citizens of Canada. Strong m otivation, determ ination and adequate academ ic preparation are in
them selves no guarantee that a Canadian citizen who attends a foreign m edical faculty will be able to train
or practise m edicine in Canada in the future.

Foreign Applicants

Not all faculties of m edicine accept applications from foreign students. Conversely, som e faculties of m edicine
have contracts with foreign governm ents or institutions to accept applications for “supernum erary” positions.
It is understood that the faculty of m edicine will be com pensated for the entire cost of m edical education, the
student will not apply for post-MD (residency) training in Canada and these graduates will return to their
countries of origin to practise m edicine. Inform ation about contract positions is available from the foreign
educational institutions or governm ents that have negotiated such contracts.

Foreign students planning to study m edicine in Canada are personally responsible for obtaining the necessary
student authorization and student visa to enter Canada for the purpose of study. All m atters related to entering
Canada m ust be taken up at the Canadian em bassy, High Com m ission or consulate nearest to the foreign



2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07

Applicants 3396 3707 3949 4169 4580

Success Rate 27.8% 24.6% 25.0% 28.7% 24.6%

Applicants 4583 5011 5156 5484 6093

Success Rate 28.6% 27.0% 27.6% 28.6% 25.3%

Applicants 7979 8718 9105 9653 10 673

Success Rate 28.3% 26.0% 26.5% 28.6% 25.0%

Success Rate: Percentage of applicants who received at least one offer of adm ission
whether subsequently registered, declined or deferred.



2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07

CANADIAN Applicants 7580 8337 8691 9199 10 123

CITIZENS 1 Success Rate 28.8% 26.3% 27.4% 29.2% 26.1%

Applicants 399 381 414 454 550

Success Rate 19.0% 19.2% 7.2% 17.2% 5.6%

Applicants 7979 8718 9105 9653 10 673

Success Rate 28.3% 26.0% 26.5% 28.6% 25.0%

Success Rate: Percentage of applicants who received at least one offer of adm ission
whether subsequently registered, declined or deferred.

Includes applicants who are perm anent residents or have refugee status.

Includes students who applied for positions available under contract with foreign
governm ents or educational institutions.
(2002/03=25, 2003/04=22, 2004/05=13, 2005/06=10, 2006/07=24)



2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07

Applicants 183 170 171 173 169

Success Rate 26.2% 27.1% 28.1% 27.7% 31.4%

PRINCE EDW ARD Applicants 22 31 24 31 45

ISLAND Success Rate 22.7% 25.8% 45.8% 25.8% 24.4%

Applicants 208 233 245 208 250

Success Rate 34.6% 33.9% 31.8% 37.5% 32.4%

Applicants 174 180 194 198 233

Success Rate 37.4% 33.9% 33.5% 40.4% 32.6%

Applicants 2515 2681 2483 2708 2857

Success Rate 29.1% 28.9% 35.2% 38.8% 32.2%

Applicants 2637 3130 3365 3591 4021

Success Rate 25.5% 20.5% 19.9% 21.0% 19.7%

Applicants 212 233 233 282 312

Success Rate 42.9% 36.1% 36.5% 37.6% 33.7%

Applicants 117 133 186 215 225

Success Rate 50.4% 48.9% 35.5% 32.6% 27.6%

Applicants 683 663 728 710 760

Success Rate 30.9% 32.9% 31.5% 31.1% 33.9%

Applicants 765 783 956 969 1125

Success Rate 27.8% 25.8% 24.9% 25.7% 22.8%

YUKON/NW T Applicants 10 16 14 21 17
NUNAVUT Success Rate 60.0% 12.5% 21.4% 19.0% 41.2%

Applicants 7526 8253 8599 9106 10 014

Success Rate 28.9% 26.4% 27.5% 29.3% 26.2%

Applicants 151 192 191 222 233

Success Rate 27.2% 24.0% 9.9% 19.4% 9.9%

Applicants 302 273 315 325 426

Success Rate 13.2% 13.6% 7.0% 14.8% 5.6%

Applicants 7979 8718 9105 9653 10 673

Success Rate 28.3% 26.0% 26.5% 28.6% 25.0%

Success Rate: Percentage of applicants who received at least one offer of adm ission whether
subsequently registered, declined or deferred.

Includes students who applied for positions available under contract with foreign governm ents
or educational institutions.
(2002/03=25, 2003/04=22, 2004/05=13, 2005/06=10, 2006/07=24)



2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07

Applicants 919 1024 892 1069 1083

< 20
Success Rate 40.8% 37.3% 48.4% 46.8% 44.4%

Applicants 2453 2649 2627 2933 3421

20 - 22
Success Rate 31.4% 33.0% 32.5% 33.0% 28.7%

Applicants 3003 3192 3550 3581 4052

23 - 26
Success Rate 26.7% 24.3% 23.3% 25.7% 22.7%

Applicants 1604 1853 2036 2070 2117

> 26
Success Rate 19.2% 12.5% 14.5% 18.0% 13.6%

Applicants 7979 8718 9105 9653 10 673

Success Rate 28.3% 26.0% 26.5% 28.6% 25.0%

Success Rate: Percentage of applicants who received at least one offer of adm ission
whether subsequently registered, declined or deferred.



2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07

Applicants 5160 5818 5917 6415 7184

Success Rate 26.2% 23.7% 25.4% 26.9% 23.5%

Applicants 2819 2900 3188 3238 3489

Success Rate 32.1% 30.7% 28.4% 32.0% 28.1%

Applicants 7979 8718 9105 9653 10 673

Success Rate 28.3% 26.0% 26.5% 28.6% 25.0%

Success Rate: Percentage of applicants who received at least one offer of adm ission
whether subsequently registered, declined or deferred.


Length of Program : 4 years Language of Instruction: English

Proficiency in English Testing: No Computer: Personal not required


2008/09 New Adm issions into Year One: 64

2008/09 First-Year Tuition:

$6,250 for Canadian residents; $30,000 for visa students; other com pulsory
fees were $1,015

Selection Factors: The num ber of year one positions available for 2008/09 was 64 of which 46 were filled
by residents of Newfoundland and Labrador, 10 by residents of New Brunswick and 2
by residents of Prince Edward Island. There were positions available for students
adm itted under contract with a foreign governm ent or educational institution.

Any Canadian citizen/perm anent resident or visa student m ay apply.


Academic Criteria: A Bachelor’s degree is required at tim e of adm ission. In exceptional circum stances an
application m ay be considered when a Bachelor’s degree will not be held at tim e of
adm ission. Such an applicant will have com pleted at least 60 credit hours including the
prerequisite subject of 6 credit hours in English at a recognized university or university
college before adm ission and have work related or other experience acceptable to the
Adm issions Com m ittee.

The m ean grade point average of successful applicants in 2007/08 was 3.70 on a 4.0

The MCAT is required and it is recom m ended that the test be written within the 5 year
period prior to application.

Six credit hours in English is required.


Deferred Admission: Considered

Transfers: Not usually considered but m ay be in rare circum stances from a Canadian m edical faculty

Com bined Programs: MD/PhD


Interviews:These take place in February and March, 2009. For the Septem ber, 2008 entering class there
were 114 Newfoundland/Labrador residents interviewed, 100 other residents of Canada
interviewed and 5 residents outside of Canada interviewed for a total of 219 applicants

Offers of Admission: O ffers are m ailed in March, April and May, 2009. A $200 acceptance deposit is

Application Details:An electronic application process is available in July, 2008. The deadline for receipt
of the application and fee of $75 is October 15, 2008.

To Request an Application or M ore Detailed Information:

Com m ittee on Adm issions Tel: (709) 777-6615

Adm issions Office Fax: (709) 777-8422
Faculty of Medicine E-m ail: m unm ed@m
Mem orial University of Newfoundland W eb-site: www.m ed.m issions
Health Sciences Centre Room 1751
St. John’s NL A1B 3V6

Applicant Statistics:

2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07

Offered and Registered 61 59 59 60 61

Offered Deferred Adm ission 1 1 2 2 -

Offer Declined 14 19 26 14 26

Not Offered 550 551 633 602 709

Total Applicants 626 630 720 678 796



Newfoundland and Labrador 25.9% 27.8% 27.3% 27.4% 29.0%

Other Canadian 5.1% 7.1% 7.4% 5.4% 5.8%

Foreign 37.5% 13.0% 15.0% 28.6% 19.2%

All Applicants to Mem orial 12.1% 12.5% 12.1% 11.2% 10.9%

Success Rate: Percentage of applicants who received at least one offer of adm ission
whether subsequently registered, declined or deferred.

Includes students who applied for positions available under contract with foreign governm ents
or educational institutions in 2002/03, 2004/05 and 2006/07.

Faculty of M edicine, DALHOUSIE UNIVERSITY

Length of Program : 4 years Language of Instruction: English

Proficiency in English Testing: No Computer: Personal not required


2008/09 New Adm issions into Year One: 98

2008/09 First-Year Tuition:

$13,818 for Canadian residents; $21,078 for visa students; $44,400 for
students adm itted under contract with a foreign governm ent or educational
institution (students adm itted to year three pay an additional $19,079 bridging
fee for the link program ); other com pulsory fees were $880

Selection Factors: The num ber of year one positions available for 2009/10 is 98; an additional 3 positions
are available through the Departm ent of National Defence and 1 position available for
a dental student who after com pleting the MD program plans to specialize in oral
m axiofacial surgery. There are positions available for students adm itted under contract
with a foreign governm ent or educational institution. In 2008/09 there were 89 positions
filled by residents of the Maritim e provinces (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince
Edward Island).

Any Canadian citizen/perm anent resident or visa student m ay apply.

_____________________________________________________________ ______________________

Academic Criteria: Three to four years full-tim e university/college is required. A Bachelor’s degree is
required at tim e of adm ission.

The m inim um acceptable grade point average is 3.3 for Maritim e residents and 3.7 for
non-Maritim e residents on a scale of 4.0. The m ean grade point average of successful
applicants in 2008/09 was 3.8.

The MCAT is required and the test m ust have been taken within the last 5 years.

There are no prerequisite courses.


Special Consideration:Applies on an individual basis to applicants with extenuating circum stances when
the need arises.

Deferred Admission: Considered (only for extenuating circum stances)

Transfers: Not considered

Com bined Programs: Not available


Interviews: Interviews are held on one weekend in February, 2009 as advertised in the early Fall on the
Adm issions W ebpage. For the Septem ber, 2008 entering class there were 239 Maritim e
residents interviewed and 50 non-Maritim e residents interviewed for a total of 299 applicants

Offers of Admission: All letters to interviewed applicants will be m ailed on one date only - May 15, 2009.
A $200 acceptance deposit is required.

Application Details:An electronic application process is available on Septem ber 2, 2008. The deadline
for receipt of the application and fee of $70 is Novem ber 3, 2008.

To Request an Application or M ore Detailed Information:

Adm issions & Student Affairs Tel: (902) 494-1874

Faculty of Medicine Fax: (902) 494-6369
Dalhousie University E-m ail: m edicine.adm
Clinical Research Centre Rm C-132 W eb-site: www.adm issions.m
5849 University Avenue
Halifax NS B3H 4H7

Applicant Statistics:

2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07

Offered and Registered 85 100 95 98 98

Offered Deferred Adm ission 1 1 1 1 -

Offer Declined 24 28 24 47 35

Not Offered 383 362 462 416 534

Total Applicants 493 491 582 562 667



Maritim e Provinces 30.0% 34.1% 33.1% 38.5% 31.2%

Other Canadian 11.9% 15.8% 8.6% 13.7% 7.6%

Foreign 31.3% 40.0% 44.4% 60.0% 43.8%

All Applicants to Dalhousie 22.3% 26.3% 20.6% 26.0% 19.9%

Success Rate: Percentage of applicants who received at least one offer of adm ission
whether subsequently registered, declined or deferred.

Includes students who applied for positions available under contract with foreign governm ents
or educational institutions in 2002/03 - 2006/07.

Faculté de médecine, UNIVERSITÉ LAVAL

Durée du programme : 4 ans Langue du programme : Français

Épreuve de compétence en français : Oui Ordinateur : PC non requis


Nom bre de nouvelles adm issions de première année pour 2008/09 : 215

Frais de scolarité de première année pour 2008/09 :

2 927$ pour résidents du Québec; 8 423$ pour les
résidents d’une autre province canadienne/d’un
autre territoire canadien; 20 294$ pour l’étranger;
autres frais obligatoires 650$

Facteurs de sélection : En 2008/09, le nom bre de postes disponibles était de 215 dont 203 postes
occupés par des résidents du Québec; plus 1 poste à pouvoir parm i les candidats
autochtones et 2 postes par le biais du Ministère de la défense nationale

Tout citoyen canadien, résident perm anent ou étudiant détenant un visa peut se
porter candidat.

Critères d’études : Deux années d’études post-secondaires à tem ps plein sont requises.

Le “MCAT” n’est pas requis.

La cote de rendem ent en 2008/09 était de 33.5 pour les collégiens et de 32.0 pour les

Les cours pré-requis de niveau collégial ou l’équivalent : 2 cours en biologie, 3 cours

en chim ie, 2 cours en m athém atiques et 3 cours en physique.

Considération particulière : S’applique aux candidats détenteurs d’un diplôm e d’une faculté de m édecine
hors du Canada ou des États-Unis qui sont résidents perm anents du Québec;
aux candidats du contingent Collège d’enseignem ent général et professionnel
(CÉGEP); aux candidats du contingent autochtone; aux candidats du
contingent m ilitaire; aux candidats au program m e MD/PhD; et aux candidats
provenant du m arché du travail.

Adm ission reportée : Non envisagée

Transferts : Non envisagés

Programmes com binés : MD/MSc, MD/PhD


Entrevues : Les entrevues auront lieu en avril et m ai 2009. Pour la classe d’entrée de septem bre 2008, on
a interviewé 684 résidents du Québec, 1 résident d’ailleurs au Canada et 2 résidents de
l’extérieur du pays, portant à 687 le nom bre de dem andeurs interviewés.

Offres d’admission : Les offres seront m ises à la poste en m ai et juin 2009.


Détails des demandes : Les dem andes électroniques et papier sont disponibles le 1 er octobre 2008. La
date lim ite pour la réception des dem andes est le 1 er février 2009 pour les
universitaires et le 1 er m ars 2009 pour tous les autres. Les frais d’ouverture de
dossier sont de 30$.

Pour obtenir un formulaire de demande ou de plus amples informations :

Bureau de l’adm ission Téléphone : (418) 656-2131 poste 2492

Faculté de m édecine Télécopieur : (418) 656-2733
Université Laval Courriel : adm ission@fm
Pavillon Ferdinand-Vandry Local 1316 Site web :
Québec QC G1X 2R3

Statistiques des candidats :


2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07

Offre et inscription 169 186 195 211 209

Offre refusée 138 163 177 260 154

Aucune offre 1131 1241 985 1037 1323

Total des dem andes 1438 1590 1357 1508 1686



Québec 23.2% 23.4% 29.7% 32.4% 23.3%

Autre province/territoire canadien 5.4% 6.3% 7.5% 9.0% 5.1%

Étranger 1.6% 2.2% 0.0% 32.8% 1.4%

Toutes les dem andes à Laval 21.3% 21.9% 27.4% 31.2% 21.5%

Taux de succès : Pourcentage de candidats ayant reçu au m oins une offre d’adm ission,
que l’inscription aie été im m édiate, refusée ou reportée.

La province de Q uébec im pose des restrictions à la fois sur le nom bre de postes
réservés à d’autres résidents au Canada et aux résidents de l’étranger. La distribution
se fait entre les quatre facultés de m édecine au cours de chaque cycle d’adm issions.

Faculté de médecine et des sciences de la santé, UNIVERSITÉ DE SHERBROOKE

Durée du programme : 4 ans Langue du programme : Français

Épreuve de compétence en français : Oui Ordinateur : PC non requis


Nom bre de nouvelles adm issions de première année pour 2008/09 : 199

Frais de scolarité de première année pour 2008/09 :

2 829$ pour résidents du Québec et du Nouveau-
Brunswick; 8 225$ pour les résidents d’une autre
province/d’un autre territoire canadien; 19 839$
pour l’étranger; autres frais obligatoires 1 181$

Facteurs de sélection : En 2008/09, le nom bre de postes disponibles était de 199 dont 150 postes
occupés par des résidents du Québec.

Les 199 positions sont distribués sour trois sites : 150 au site Sherbrooke; 25 au
site Saguenay; et 24 au site Moncton. Pour les candidats québécois, un form ulaire
de choix de site doit être com plété à la journée TAAMUS afin de signifier leur
prem ier choix entre les sites Saguenay et Sherbrooke. Les candidats québécois
affectés à l’un ou l’autre de ces deux sites le seront selon leur préférence et dans
l’ordre de la liste d’excellence. Le site Saguenay est exclusivem ent réservé aux
Québécois. Le site Moncton est exclusivem ent réservé aux Néo-Brunswickois.

Tout citoyen canadien, résident perm anent (à l’exception des résidents de

l’Ontario) ou étudiant(e) détenant un visa peut se porter candidat.

Critères d’études : Deux années d’études post-secondaires à tem ps com plet ayant m ené à l’obtention d’un
diplôm e à grade sont requises.

Le “MCAT” n’est pas requis.

Les cours pré-requis : Mathém atiques 103 et 203; Physique 101, 201 et 301; Chim ie
101, 201 et 202; Biologie 301 et 401 ou Biologie 911 et 921.

Adm ission reportée : Non envisagée

Transferts : Non envisagés

Programmes com binés : MD/MSc, MD/PhD


Entrevues : En 2008, les candidats qualifiés ont été invités à se présenter au Test d’aptitudes à
l’apprentissage de la m édecine à l’Université de Sherbrooke (TAAMUS) les 11,12,19 et 28 avril
ainsi que le 8 m ai. Les candidats québécois de la catégorie universitiaire qualifiés ont égalem ent
été invités à passer les Mini entrevues m ultiples (MEM) le 20 avril. Pour la classe d’entrée de
septem bre 2008, 653 résidents du Québec et 80 autres résidents du Canada ont passé le
TAAMUS, des 653 résidents du Québec, 88 ont égalem ent passée les MEM. Un candidat
international et deux autres candidats ont été interviewés. Au total, 736 dem andeurs ont passé
le TAAMUS (et les MEM, le cas échéant) ont été interviewés.

Offres d’admission : En 2008, les offres ont été m ises à la poste dés le 16 m ai. Des frais d’inscription de
200$ doivent obligatoirem ent être acquittés.

Détails des demandes : Les dem andes électroniques et papier sont disponibles pendant toute l’année. La
date lim ite pour la réception des dem andes est le 15 janvier 2009 pour les
contingents suivants : contingent québécois, catégorie universitaire (45 crédits
universitaires et plus cum ulés), contingent québécois, catégorie collégiale (ayant
cum ulé au m oins 1 crédit universitaire), contingent du Nouveau-Brunswick et des
provinces de l’Atlantique, contingent de l’ouest canadien, contingent du
Program m e m ilitaire d’études en m édecine (PMEM), contingent des Prem ières
Nations et Inuits du Québec, contingent international et contingent des diplom és
hors Canada et États-Unis (DHCÉU), Les candidats du contingent québécois
catégorie collégiale n’ayant cum ulé aucun crédit universitaire peuvent déposer une
dem ande d’adm ission jusqu’au le 1 er m ars 2009. Les frais d’ouverture de dossier
sont de 70$.

Pour obtenir un formulaire de demande ou de plus amples informations :

Bureau de la registraire Téléphone : (819) 821-7688

Université de Sherbrooke Télécopieur : (819) 821-7966
2500, boulevard de l’Université Courriel : infoadm @
Sherbrooke QC J1K 2R1 Site web : edecine

Statistiques des candidats :


2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07

Offre et inscription 134 147 160 166 194

Offre d’adm ission reportée - - - - -

Offre refusée 161 165 200 228 211

Aucune offre 1174 1271 1208 1345 1634

Total des dem andes 1469 1583 1568 1739 2039



Québec 20.4% 20.1% 24.5% 23.6% 21.9%

Autre province/territoire canadien 31.0% 26.4% 28.1% 34.6% 23.1%

Étranger 1.5% 1.5% 1.6% 0.8% 0.5%

Toutes les dem andes à Sherbrooke 20.1% 19.7% 23.0% 22.7% 19.9%

Taux de succès : Pourcentage de candidats ayant reçu au m oins une offre d’adm ission,
que l’inscription aie été im m édiate, refusée ou reportée.

La province de Québec im pose des restrictions à la fois sur le nom bre de postes
réservés à d’autres résidents au Canada et aux résidents de l’étranger. La distribution
se fait entre les quatre facultés de m édecine au cours de chaque cycle d’adm issions.

Faculté de médecine, UNIVERSITÉ DE M ONTRÉAL

Durée des programmes : 5 ans (année préparatoire) Langue des programmes : Français
4 ans (program m e de MD)

Épreuve de compétence en français : Oui Ordinateur : PC non requis


Nom bre de nouvelles adm issions pour 2008/09 : 280 (206 - 5 ans; 74 - 4 ans, prem ière année)

Frais de scolarité de première année pour 2007/08 :

2 802$ pour résidents du Québec; 8 068$ pour les
résidents d’une autre province/d’un autre territoire
canadien; 19 908$ pour l’étranger; autres frais
obligatoires 1 241$

Facteurs de sélection : En 2008/09, le nom bre de postes disponibles était de 278 dont 274 postes
occupés par des résidents du Québec; plus 1 poste à pouvoir parm i les candidats
authochtones et 1 poste par le biais du Ministère de la défense nationale.

Les 280 positions sont allouées à deux cam pus : à l’Université de Montréal - 180
en année préparatoire et 60 au program m e de MD; au Centre d’études m édicales
en Mauricie - 32 en année préparatoire et 8 au program m e de M D. Dans la
m esure ou il y a des places disponibles, le candidat peut choisir entre le cam pus
à Montréal ou le cam pus en Mauricie.

Tous les candidats font une dem ande d’adm ission à l’année préparatoire au
program m e de MD. Selon le profil académ ique du candidat, le Com ité d’adm ission
décidera si une candidature sera considérée pour l’année préparatoire ou pour la
prem ière année de m édecine.

Selon le nom bre de postes, environ les trois quarts candidats retenus sont adm is
en année préparatoire et l’autre quart s’ajoute au contingent de l’année
préparatoire de l’année précédente pour form er la prem ière année.

Tout citoyen canadien, résident perm anent ou étudiant détenant un visa peut se
porter candidat.

Les candidats ayant un Baccalauréat sont considérés dans une classe particulière.
Environ 45% des étudiants adm is sont dans cette catégorie. Les candidats ayant
un PhD sont égalem ent dans une classe particulière de m êm e que les candidats

Critères d’études : Année préparatoire : Soit deux années à plein tem ps de Collège d’enseignem ent
général et professionnel (CÉGEP) en sciences, lettres et arts ou en sciences de la
nature et avoir atteint les objectifs ØØXU (biologie) et ØØXV (chim ie). Soit tout autre
diplôm e d’études collégiales et avoir réussi, avant l’entrée dans le program m e, les
cours préalables suivant : Biologie 301 et 401 ou deux cours de biologie hum aine;
Chim ie 101, 201 et 202; Mathém atiques 103 et 203; Physique 101, 201 et 301. Soit être
titulaire d’un diplôm e d’études post-secondaires équivalent à un DÉC ou à un
baccalauréat obtenus au Québec et avoir réussi les cours préalables ci-dessus
m entionnés ou des cours équivalents dans chacune des quatre m atières. L’année
préparatoire est requise pour les collégiens, les étudiants étrangers et les universitaires
ayant com plété un prem ier grade universitaire m ais dont le program m e d’études n’est
pas jugé globalem ent équivalent à celui de l’année préparatoire.

Quatre ans : Un Baccalauréat obtenus au Québec dans un program m e d’études jugé

équivalent à l’année préparatoire au tout autre diplôm e équivalent est exigé au m om ent
de l’adm ission pour les candidats de la catégorie universitaire.

Une cote de rendem ent est calculée pour tous les candidats. Selon les critères
présentem ent en vigueur, une présélection est faite, par catégorie, fondée sur
l’excellence du dossier scolaire établie en tenant com pte de la cote de rendem ent.

Le “MCAT” n’est pas requis.


Considération particulière : S’applique aux candidats détenteurs d’un diplôm e d’une faculté de m édecine
hors du Canada ou des États-Unis qui sont citoyens canadiens ou résidents
perm anents qui sont résidents du Québec.

Adm ission reportée : Non envisagée

Transferts : Non envisagés

Programmes com binés : MD/MSc, MD/PhD


Entrevues : Les entrevues de type MEM (Mini entrevues m ultiples) auront lieu un sam edi ou un dim anche
entre le début avril et la m i-m ai 2009. Les candidats devront se présenter en personne à la date
où ils auront été convoqués sans possibilité de changem ent. Année préparatoire: Pour la classe
d’entrée de septem bre 2008, on a interviewé 575 résidents du Québec, 8 résidents d’ailleurs
au Canada et 3 résidents de l’extérieur du pays, portant à 586 le nom bre de dem andeurs
interviewés. Quatre ans: Pour la classe d’entrée de septem bre 2008, on a interviewé 171
résidents du Québec, 1 résident d’ailleurs au Canada et 1 résident de l’extérieur du pays portant
à 173 le nom bre de dem andeurs interviewés. Les frais d’entrevues sont présentem ent de 100$
m ais pourrait être haussés dans les m ois qui viennent.

Offres d’admission : Les offres seront m ises à la poste vers le 15 m ai 2009 pour l’ensem ble des
candidats. Il y aura un dépôt d’acception obligatoire de 200$

Détails des demandes : La version papier est disponible le 1 er septem bre 2008 et la version électronique
est disponible le 1 er décem bre 2008. La date lim ite pour la réception des
dem andes est le 15 janvier 2009 pour les universitaires et le 1 er m ars 2009 pour
les collégiens. Les frais d’ouverture de dossier sont de 80$ par voie électronique
et 100$ sur support paper.

Pour obtenir un formulaire de demande ou de plus amples informations :

Université de Montréal Téléphone : (514) 343-7076

CP 6218 succursale Centre-ville Télécopieur : (514) 343-5788
Montréal QC H3C 3T5 Courriel : adm
Site web : (rubrique Guichet Étudiant)

Statistiques des candidats : Année préparatoire


2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07

Offre et inscription 137 158 190 187 198

Offre refusée 121 137 195 173 156

Aucune offre 1121 1167 977 1128 1021

Total des dem andes 1379 1462 1362 1488 1375



Québec 20.8% 22.4% 31.5% 26.4% 27.5%

Autre province/territoire canadien 7.1% 7.1% 7.5% 5.4% 9.1%

Étranger 0.0% 1.0% 0.0% 0.0% 1.9%

Toutes les dem andes à Montréal 18.7% 20.2% 28.3% 24.2% 25.7%

Taux de succès : Pourcentage de candidats ayant reçu au m oins une offre d’adm ission,
que l’inscription aie été im m édiate, refusée ou reportée.

Statistiques des candidats : Programme de M D


2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07

Offre et inscription 82 78 68 69 67

Offre refusée 11 11 25 28 13

Aucune offre 512 480 490 593 582

Total des dem andes 605 569 583 690 662



Québec 16.4% 15.7% 17.6% 15.2% 13.5%

Autre province/territoire canadien 0.0% 10.0% 0.0% 6.7% 0.0%

Étranger 5.0% 16.7% 0.0% 3.5% 0.0%

Toutes les dem andes à Montréal 15.4% 15.6% 16.0% 14.1% 12.1%

Taux de succès : Pourcentage de candidats ayant reçu au m oins une offre d’adm ission,
que l’inscription aie été im m édiate, refusée ou reportée.

La province de Québec im pose des restrictions à la fois sur le nom bre de postes
réservés à d’autres résidents au Canada et aux résidents de l’étranger. La distribution
se fait entre les quatre facultés de m édecine au cours de chaque cycle d’adm issions.

Faculty of M edicine, MCGILL UNIVERSITY - MED-P Program

Length of Program : 1 year followed by 4 years MD CM Language of Instruction: English

Proficiency in English Testing: No Computer: Personal required


2008/09 New Adm issions into M ED-P: 80

2008/09 M ED-P Tuition:The first year program fees ($1,868 tuition, $1,434 other com pulsory fees) are
those of the Faculty of Science in which the student is registered for the first
year. Upon successful com pletion of the first year, the student will be enrolled
in the MD,CM program in the Faculty of Medicine.

Selection Factors:
Any Canadian citizen/perm anent resident who is a resident of Québec currently enrolled
in second (final) year at a Québec Collège d’enseignem ent général et professionnel
(CÉGEP) science program m ay apply.

Academic Criteria: A CÉGEP Diplôm e d’études collégiales is required at tim e of adm ission.

The suggested cote de rendement collégial is 34 and the average of successful

applicants in 2008/09 was 35.6.

The MCAT is not required.

Prerequisite courses from the CÉGEP program in health sciences include biology,
chem istry, m athem atics, physics and one organic chem istry course.

Interviews: These take place in the last week of April, 2009. Two hundred applicants will be interviewed.

Offers of Admission:Offers are e-m ailed and posted on the electronic application system on May 16,
2009. A $300 acceptance deposit is required (refundable for a lim ited period of tim e).

Application Details:An electronic application process is available on Septem ber 1, 2008. The deadline
for receipt of the application and fee of $85 is March 1, 2009.

To Request an Application or M ore Detailed Information:

Adm issions Office Tel: (514) 398-3517

Faculty of Medicine Fax: (514) 398-4631
McGill University E-m ail: adm issions.m ed@m
McIntyre Medical Sciences Bldg W eb-site: www.m edicine/adm issions
3655 prom enade Sir W illiam Osler Application: http://www.m
Montréal QC H3G 1Y6

Applicant Statistics: M ED-P Program


2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2005/06

Offered and Registered 63 65 80 81 79

Offer Declined 39 30 31 56 32

Not Offered 195 291 212 230 232

Total Applicants 297 386 323 367 343



Québec 34.3% 23.7% 34.4% 37.4% 32.4%

Success Rate: Percentage of applicants who received at least one offer of adm ission
whether subsequently registered, declined or deferred.

Faculty of M edicine, M CGILL UNIVERSITY - M D,CM Program

Length of Program : 4 years Language of Instruction: English

Proficiency in English Testing: No Computer: Personal required


2008/09 New Adm issions into Year One: 174

2008/09 First-Year Tuition:

$4,359 for residents of Québec; $12,550 for other Canadian residents;
$32,812 for visa students; other com pulsory fees were $2,567

Selection Factors: The num ber of year one positions available in 2009/10 is 174; plus 1-2 additional
positions available only to First Nations/Inuit applicants. In 2008/09, 158 positions were
filled by residents of Québec.

Any Canadian citizen/perm anent resident or visa student m ay apply.


Academic Criteria: A 4 year Bachelor degree (120 credits) is required at tim e of adm ission.

The suggested cum ulative grade point average is 3.5 or higher on a 4.0 scale and the
m ean grade point average for successful applicants in 2008/09 was 3.77.

The MCAT is required and the results m ust be available by the application deadline. It
is suggested that total scores should equal a m inim um of 30.

Prerequisite courses include a full year with laboratory work in each of general biology,
general chem istry and general physics; one sem ester with laboratory work in organic
chem istry. Courses in biochem istry, cellular and m olecular biology and statistics are
recom m ended. Pass/fail grades are not acceptable and courses com pleted m ore than
8 years ago m ust be repeated. Exception m ay be m ade for applicants with advanced
degrees in the m aterial concerned.

Special Consideration:May be given to applicants with extenuating circum stances upon form al request
and First Nations/Inuit applicants from Québec.

Deferred Admission: Considered only for com pletion of a graduate degree

Transfers: Not considered

Com bined Programs: MD/PhD, MD/MBA


Interviews: These take place in February, 2009 for foreign students and for residents outside Québec; in
March, 2009 for residents of Q uébec who are university graduates. For the August, 2008
entering class there were 180 Québec residents interviewed, 52 other residents of Canada
interviewed and 48 non-Canadian residents interviewed for a total of 280 applicants interviewed
for direct entry into the 4-year program .

Offers of Admission:Offers are e-m ailed and posted on the electronic application system by early March,
2009 for foreign students and residents outside Québec and in early April, 2009 for
residents of Québec who are university graduates. A $500 acceptance deposit is
required (refundable for a lim ited period of tim e).

Application Details:An electronic application process is available on Septem ber 1, 2008. The deadline
for receipt of the application (including the MD/PhD and MD/MBA program s) is
Novem ber 15, 2008 for residents outside Québec and January 15, 2009 for residents
of Québec. The application fee is $85 (pending Board approval).

To Request an Application or M ore Detailed Information:

Adm issions Office Tel: (514) 398-3517

Faculty of Medicine Fax: (514) 398-4631
McGill University E-m ail: adm issions.m ed@m
3655 prom enade Sir W illiam Osler W eb-site: www.m edicine/adm issions
Montréal QC H3G 1Y6 Application: http://www.m

Applicant Statistics: M D,CM Program


2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07

Offered and Registered 147 155 171 171 169

Offered Deferred Adm ission 10 7 2 3 5

Offer Declined 35 33 27 88 25

Not Offered 441 452 441 504 682

Total Applicants 633 647 641 766 881



Québec 51.5% 53.7% 69.2% 76.3% 57.1%

Other Canadian 10.5% 5.7% 10.6% 9.5% 6.3%

Foreign 38.9% 34.3% 12.5% 27.4% 9.3%

All Applicants to McGill 30.3% 30.1% 31.2% 34.2% 22.6%

Success Rate: Percentage of applicants who received at least one offer of adm ission
whether subsequently registered, declined or deferred.

The province of Québec has restrictions on both the num bers of positions allocated for
other residents in Canada and residents outside Canada. The distribution is apportioned
by the four faculties of m edicine during each adm issions cycle.

Includes students who applied for positions available under contract with foreign governm ents
or educational institutions in 2002/03 - 2003/04.

Faculty of M edicine, UNIVERSITY OF OTTAW A

Length of Program : 4 years Language of Instruction: English and French

Proficiency in English Testing: No Computer: Personal required (to be purchased

through the faculty and invoiced with tuition fees)

2008/09 New Adm issions into Year One: 156

2008/09 First-Year Tuition: $15,976 for Canadian residents; other com pulsory fees were $581

Selection Factors: The projected num ber of year one positions available for 2009/10 is 143 which includes
8 positions available to Aboriginal/native students; plus 8 positions available through the
“Centre national de form ation en santé” program and 5 positions available through the
Departm ent of National Defence.

Any Canadian citizen/perm anent resident m ay apply.


Academic Criteria: Three years full-tim e university studies leading to a Bachelor’s degree is required.

The m inim um acceptable grade point average is 3.5 on a 4.0 scale. The m ean grade
point average of successful applicants in 2007/08 was 3.66.

The MCAT is not required.

Prerequisite courses include the equivalent of one full year course in general biology
(with laboratory) and hum anities/social sciences; the equivalent of two full year courses
in the following chem istries - general chem istry (with laboratory), organic chem istry (with
laboratory) and/or biochem istry (without laboratory).

Special Consideration:Aboriginal applicants: Required m inim um weighted grade point average is set at
a lower cut-off for advancem ent in the selection process; Graduate applicants
(Masters and PhD): Graduate Review Policy is applied to applicant files who m eet
the application eligibility requirem ents but do not m eet the m inim um set cut-off
of the excellence of undergraduate grades required for the category of their
region for advancem ent in the selection process (see The Graduate Review
Policy described in the Adm issions Policies docum ent available on the faculty

Deferred Admission: Considered

Transfers: Considered under special conditions

Com bined Programs: Not available


Interviews: These take place from end-February to end-March, 2009. Approxim ately 550 applicants are

Offers of Admission:O ffers are e-m ailed starting on May 15, 2009 until the class is com plete. A firm
deposit of $1,000 (final acceptance and will be deducted from the tuition fee) or
conditional deposit of $100 (provisional acceptance) m ust be received.

Application Details: See OMSAS section.


To Request an Application (which includes more information):

See OMSAS section.

For M ore Detailed Information:

Adm issions Tel: (613) 562-5409

Faculty of Medicine Fax: (613) 562-5651
University of Ottawa E-m ail: adm issm d@
451 Sm yth Road Room 2046 W eb-site: www.m
Ottawa ON K1H 8M5

Applicant Statistics:

2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07

Offered and Registered 132 130 135 148 150

Offered Deferred Adm ission 7 - 4 2 2

Offer Declined 59 61 70 63 69

Not Offered 1846 2249 2502 2428 2938

Total Applicants 2044 2440 2711 2641 3159



Ontario 10.8% 8.7% 8.6% 8.7% 7.6%

Other Canadian 7.0% 5.9% 5.8% 6.3% 5.5%

Foreign 3.3% 0.0% 0.0% 3.6% 2.3%

All Applicants to Ottawa 9.7% 7.8% 7.7% 8.1% 7.0%

Success Rate: Percentage of applicants who received at least one offer of adm ission
whether subsequently registered, declined or deferred.

Faculté de médecine, UNIVERSITÉ D’OTTAW A

Durée du programme : 4 années Langue du programme : Français et anglais

Épreuve de compétence en français : Oui Ordinateur : Besoin d’un ordinateur personnel

(l’achat se fait par l’entrem ise de la faculté et la
facturation se fait avec les frais de scolarité)

Nom bre de nouvelles adm issions de première année pour 2008/09 : 156

Frais de scolarité de première année pour 2008/09 :

15 976$ pour résidents d u C anada; a utre frais
obligatoires 581$

Facteurs de sélection : Les prévisions du nom bre de postes de prem ière année disponibles pour 2009/10
est de 143, incluant 8 postes réservés aux étudiants autochtones; plus 8 postes
par le biais du program m e du Centre national de form ation en santé et 5 postes
par le biais du Ministère de la défense nationale.

Tout citoyen canadien ou résident perm anent peut se porter candidat.


Critères d’études : Trois années d’études à tem ps com plet d’un program m e de prem ier cycle m enant au
Baccalauréat sont requises.

La m oyenne pondérée cum ulative m inim um acceptable est de 3.5 sur une cote de
rendem ent de 4.0. La m oyenne pondérée cum ulative des candidats adm is en 2007/08
était 3.66.

Le “MCAT” n’est pas requis.

Les cours pré-requis incluent l’équivalent d’une année com plète de cours en biologie
générale (avec travaux pratiques) et les hum anités ou sciences sociales; l’équivalent
de deux années com plètes de cours en chim ie parm i les cours suivants - chim ie
générale (avec travaux pratiques), chim ie organique (avec travaux pratiques) et/ou
biochim ie (sans travaux pratiques).

Considération particulière : Candidats autochtones : Les dossiers des candidats autochtones avancent
dans le chem inem ent du processus de sélection avec une m oyenne pondérée
m inim ale m oins élevée pour l’excellence des notes; Candidats du 2 e et 3 e
cycle (maîtrise ou doctorat) : La politique de revue graduée s’applique pour les
dem andes d’adm ission des candidats du 2 e ou 3 e cycle qui rencontrent les
critères d’adm issibilités m ais qui ne rencontrent pas le niveau d’excellence
m inim al des notes de prem ier cycle requis dans le chem inem ent du processus
de sélection (« Les lignes directrices régissant l’invitation d’étudiantes et
d’étudiants diplôm é(e)s à une entrevue » sont disponibles sur le site web de
la faculté - voir le docum ent qui décrit les politiques d’adm ission).

Adm ission reportée : Envisagée

Transferts : Envisagés selon des considérations particulières

Programmes com binés : Non disponible


Entrevues : Les entrevues auront lieu de la fin-février à la fin-m ars 2009. Environ 550 candidats seront

Offres d’admission : Les offres seront envoyées par courriel à com pter du 15 m ai 2009, jusqu’à ce que la
classe soit com plète. Un dépôt ferm e de 1 000$ (acceptation finale - sera déduit des
frais de scolarité) ou un dépôt conditionnel de 100 $ (acceptation provisoire) doit être

Détails des demandes : Consultez la section Service ontarien de dem ande d’adm ission en m édecine.

Pour obtenir un formulaire de dem ande (plus amples informations) :

Consultez la section Service ontarien de dem ande d’adm ission en m édecine.

Pour de plus amples informations :

Adm issions Téléphone : (613) 562-5409

Faculté de m édecine Télécopieur : (613) 562-5651
Université d’Ottawa Courriel : adm issm d@
451 chem in Sm yth Pièce 2046 Site web : www.m
Ottawa ON K1H 8M5

Statistiques des candidats :


2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07

Offre et inscription 132 130 135 148 150

Offre d’adm ission reportée 7 - 4 2 2

Offre refusée 59 61 70 63 69

Aucune offre 1846 2249 2502 2428 2938

Total des dem andes 2044 2440 2711 2641 3159



Ontario 10.8% 8.7% 8.6% 8.7% 7.6%

Autre province/territoire canadien 7.0% 5.9% 5.8% 6.3% 5.5%

Étranger 3.3% 0.0% 0.0% 3.6% 2.3%

Toutes les dem andes à Ottawa 9.7% 7.8% 7.7% 8.1% 7.0%

Taux de succès : Pourcentage de candidats ayant reçu au m oins une offre d’adm ission,
que l’inscription aie été im m édiate, refusée ou reportée.


Length of Program : 4 years Language of Instruction: English

Proficiency in English Testing: No Computer: Personal not required

(m ust have access to one)

2008/09 New Adm issions into Year One: 100

2008/09 First-Year Tuition: $15,628 for Canadian residents; other com pulsory fees were $897

Selection Factors: The num ber of year one positions available in 2008/09 was 100 which includes up to
4 positions available to Aboriginal students.

Any Canadian citizen/perm anent resident m ay apply.


Academic Criteria: Three years full-tim e university/college is required.

Applicants are assessed based on the cum ulative converted grade point average (see
the OMSAS Conversion Scale) of all years of undergraduate study, including sum m er
and supplem ental courses. For applicants who do not m eet the m inim um requirem ent,
the m ost recent two full-tim e years of com pleted undergraduate study will be
considered. Grade point averages fluctuate annually based on the applicant pool. Past
m inim um grade point average levels are not a predictor of future levels.

The MCAT is required and the test m ust have been taken in 1991 or later.

Prerequisite courses include one full credit in a biological science, a physical science
and either a hum anities or social science.

Special Consideration: Applies to Aboriginal applicants.


Deferred Admission: Considered

Transfers: Not considered

Com bined Programs: May be considered on an individual basis


Interviews: These take place on February 28, March 1 and March 28-29, 2009.

Offers of Admission:Offers are m ailed on May 15, 2009. An acceptance deposit of $1,000 m ust be
received in order to secure the position. The deposit will be deducted from the tuition

Application Details: See OMSAS section.


To Request an Application (which includes more information):

See OMSAS section.

For M ore Detailed Information:

Adm issions Officer Tel: (613) 533-3307

School of Medicine Fax: (613) 533-3190
Queen’s University at Kingston E-m ail: queensm
68 Barrie Street W eb-site: http://m
Kingston ON K7L 3N6

Applicant Statistics:

2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07

Offered and Registered 98 92 97 97 95

Offered Deferred Adm ission 10 4 5 4 3

Offer Declined 111 71 79 99 72

Not Offered 1419 1212 1429 1576 2030

Total Applicants 1638 1379 1610 1776 2200



Ontario 13.1% 12.4% 11.2% 10.3% 8.0%

Other Canadian 14.2% 11.8% 11.7% 13.7% 7.2%

Foreign 5.6% 5.3% 0.0% 11.8% 0.0%

All Applicants to Queen’s 13.4% 12.1% 11.2% 11.3% 7.7%

Success Rate: Percentage of applicants who received at least one offer of adm ission
whether subsequently registered, declined or deferred.

Faculty of M edicine, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO

Length of Program : 4 years Language of Instruction: English

Proficiency in English Testing: No Computer: Personal not required


2008/09 New Adm issions into Year One: 224

2008/09 First-Year Tuition:

$17,199 for Canadian residents; $46,305 for visa students; other com pulsory
fees were $1,306

Selection Factors: The num ber of year one positions available for 2009/10 is 224 which includes 7
positions available for foreign students.

Any Canadian citizen/perm anent resident or visa student m ay apply.


Academic Criteria: Three years full-tim e university is required.

The m inim um acceptable grade point average is 3.6 on a 4.0 scale. The m ean grade
point average of successful applicants in 2008/09 was 3.89.

The MCAT is required and the test m ust have been written within five years of
application deadline and only the m ost recent score is considered. The m inim um
acceptable scores are 9/9/9 and N.

Prerequisite courses include two full courses in life sciences and one full course in
social science or hum anities or language or literature.

Special Consideration:
Applicants from a graduate program are assessed in a separate process. They
m ust subm it additional inform ation showing research productivity as well as
additional reference letters. Graduate applicants m ay be considered with a lower
than m inim um required grade point average.

Deferred Admission: Considered (not routinely)

Transfers: Not considered

Com bined Programs: MD/PhD


Interviews:These take place on 3 weekends between February-April, 2009. For the Septem ber, 2008
entering class there were 518 applicants interviewed.

Offers of Admission:Offers are m ailed on M ay 15, 2009. An acceptance deposit of $1,000 m ust be
received in order to secure the position. The deposit will be applied to the tuition fee.

Application Details: See OMSAS section.


To Request an Application (which includes more information):

See OMSAS section.

For M ore Detailed Information:

Office of Adm issions & Student Financial Services Tel: (416) 978-7928
Faculty of Medicine Fax: (416) 971-2163
University of Toronto E-m ail: m edicine.adm iss@
Medical Sciences Bldg Room 2135 W eb-site: www.facm
1 King’s College Circle
Toronto ON M5S 1A8

Applicant Statistics:

2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07

Offered and Registered 180 185 195 196 207

Offered Deferred Adm ission 13 7 8 14 4

Offer Declined 77 81 62 69 79

Not Offered 1394 1318 1679 1817 2461

Total Applicants 1664 1591 1944 2096 2751



Ontario 18.2% 19.5% 14.8% 14.4% 11.4%

Other Canadian 11.2% 12.5% 11.2% 11.0% 8.6%

Foreign 17.1% 6.5% 7.4% 6.2% 5.6%

All Applicants to Toronto 16.2% 17.2% 13.6% 13.3% 10.5%

Success Rate: Percentage of applicants who received at least one offer of adm ission
whether subsequently registered, declined or deferred.

M ichael G. DeGroote School of M edicine, M CM ASTER UNIVERSITY

Length of Program : 3 years Language of Instruction: English

Proficiency in English Testing: Yes Computer: Personal not required

(m ust have access to one,
several labs available)

2008/09 New Adm issions into Year One: 176

2008/09 First-Year Tuition:

$18,196 for Canadian residents; $91,137 for visa students; other com pulsory
fees were $725

Selection Factors: The num ber of year one positions available for 2008/09 was 176; 15 of these positions
are at the W aterloo Regional Cam pus and 15 positions are at the Niagara Regional
Cam pus.

All applicants invited to the MMI (Multiple Mini Interview) will be asked to rank their site
choice or indicate no preference. Offers of adm ission will be m ade from the m aster rank
list irrespective of geographical preference. Subsequent to filling the positions,
registrants will be offered a position based on their preference and geographical
background. The offer of adm ission will be binding to a specific site.

Any Canadian citizen/perm anent resident or visa student m ay apply.


Academic Criteria: Three years (30 credits) of university is required.

The m inim um acceptable grade point average is 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. The m ean grade
point average of successful applicants in 2008/09 was 3.83.

The MCAT is not required.

There are no prerequisite courses.


Special Consideration:
Aboriginal applicants m ust self-identify and m ust m eet m inim um requirem ents.
Applicants are reviewed by a separate comm ittee.

Deferred Admission: Considered

Transfers: Not considered

Com bined Programs: MD/PhD


Interviews: These take place in March and April, 2009. For the Septem ber, 2008 entering class there were
492 Ontario residents interviewed, 53 other residents of Canada interviewed and 1 resident
outside of Canada interviewed for a total of 546 applicants interviewed.

Offers of Admission:Offers are m ailed on M ay 15, 2009. An acceptance deposit of $1,000 m ust be
received in order to secure the position. The deposit will be deducted from the tuition

Application Details: See OMSAS section.


To Request an Application (which includes more information):

See OMSAS section.

For M ore Detailed Information:

McMaster University MD Adm issions Tel: (905) 525-9140 ext. 22235

1200 Main Street W est MDCL-3115 Fax: (905) 546-0349
Ham ilton ON L8N 3Z5 E-m ail: m dadm it@ m cm
W eb-site: www.fhs.m cm dprog

Applicant Statistics:

2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07

Offered and Registered 138 137 138 149 146

Offered Deferred Adm ission 2 1 1 3 5

Offer Declined 39 54 55 93 75

Not Offered 2848 3489 3956 3661 4373

Total Applicants 3027 3681 4150 3906 4599



Ontario 6.8% 6.1% 5.4% 7.0% 5.6%

Other Canadian 3.9% 2.7% 2.7% 4.1% 2.9%

Foreign 1.2% 4.7% 2.5% 3.6% 2.1%

All Applicants to McMaster 5.9% 5.2% 4.7% 6.3% 4.9%

Success Rate: Percentage of applicants who received at least one offer of adm ission
whether subsequently registered, declined or deferred.

Includes students who applied for positions available under contract with foreign governm ents
or educational institutions in 2002/03 - 2003/04 and 2005/06 - 2006/07.

Schulich School of M edicine & Dentistry, UNIVERSITY OF W ESTERN ONTARIO

Length of Program : 4 years Language of Instruction: English

Proficiency in English Testing: No Computer: Personal required


2008/09 New Adm issions into Year One: 147

2008/09 First-Year Tuition: $16,385 for Canadian residents; other com pulsory fees were $859

Selection Factors: The num ber of year one positions available for 2009/10 is 147; 24 of these will be at the
W indsor cam pus. The 147 positions includes up to 3 positions available to Indigenous
applicants, up to 3 positions available to applicants to the MD/PhD program , and up to
3 positions available to applicants to the MD/BESc program .

Any Canadian citizen/perm anent resident m ay apply.


Academic Criteria: Four years (honours) full-tim e university/college is required. A Bachelor’s degree is
required at tim e of adm ission.

The m inim um acceptable grade point average is 3.7 on a 4.0 scale. The m ean grade
point average of successful applicants in 2008/09 was 3.7.

The MCAT is required and the test m ust have been taken within five years prior to the
application deadline.

There are no prerequisite courses.


Special Consideration:
Applies to applicants who have indicated on their application that they are from
rural/regional com m unities in southwestern Ontario and from Indigenous
com m unities.

Deferred Admission: Not considered

Transfers: Not considered

Com bined Programs: MD/PhD, MD/BESc (University of W estern Ontario only)


Interviews:These take place on M arch 7-8, 28-29, 2009. For the Septem ber, 2008 entering class there
were 473 applicants interviewed.

Offers of Admission: O ffers are m ailed on May 15, 2009. An acceptance deposit of $1,000 m ust be
received in order to secure the position. The deposit will be deducted from the tuition

Application Details: See OMSAS section.


To Request an Application (which includes more information):

See OMSAS section.

For M ore Detailed Information:

Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry

Tel: (519) 661-3744
University of W estern Ontario Fax: (519) 850-2958
London ON N6A 5C1 E-m ail: adm
W eb-site:

Applicant Statistics:

2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07

Offered and Registered 138 136 137 133 138

Offered Deferred Adm ission 5 1 2 2 2

Offer Declined 99 103 86 64 60

Not Offered 1451 1325 1483 1672 2329

Total Applicants 1693 1565 1708 1871 2529



Ontario 15.9% 18.3% 14.7% 11.6% 9.5%

Other Canadian 10.0% 8.3% 8.6% 7.4% 3.7%

Foreign 21.7% 22.7% 20.8% 21.1% 0.0%

All Applicants to UW O 14.3% 15.3% 13.2% 10.6% 7.9%

Success Rate: Percentage of applicants who received at least one offer of adm ission
whether subsequently registered, declined or deferred.

Includes students who applied for positions under contract with foreign governm ents
or educational institutions in 2002/03 - 2005/06.


Length of Program : 4 years Language of Instruction: English

Proficiency in English Testing: No Computer: Students m ust lease laptops from

the school

2008/09 New Adm issions into Year One: 56

2008/09 First-Year Tuition:

$15,915 for Canadian residents; other com pulsory fees were $1,735-$2,005
(depending on cam pus and includes laptop lease)

Selection Factors: The num ber of year one positions available for 2009/10 is 56 which includes a m inim um
of 2 positions available to Aboriginal students.

The 56 positions are allocated to two cam puses: 24 at Lakehead University and 32 at
Laurentian University. Candidates who are invited for an interview will be asked to
indicate their preferred cam pus. There is no guarantee that all students will be offered
a seat at their preferred site.

Any Canadian citizen/perm anent resident m ay apply.

Selection will favour those who are likely to thrive in the challenging northern and rural
learning environm ents, including applicants from within Northern Ontario, rural and
rem ote areas in the rest of Canada and Aboriginal and Francophone applicants.

Academic Criteria: Four years full-tim e university/college is required. An applicant who is 25 years or older
m ay apply with a three year degree. A Bachelor’s degree is required at tim e of
adm ission.

The m inim um acceptable grade point average is 3.0 on a 4.0 scale. The m ean grade
point average of successful applicants in 2008/09 was 3.72.

The MCAT is not required.

W hile there are no course requirem ents, the school values applicants who present
evidence of a broad undergraduate education. Applicants with m ajors in science will be
expected to have com pleted at least two full-course equivalents in arts, social sciences
and/or hum anities within their degree program s, while applicants pursuing m ajors in
arts, social sciences and/or hum anities will be expected to have com pleted at least two
full-course equivalents in science within their degree program .

Special Consideration:
Aboriginal applicants m ay apply through the Aboriginal Adm issions Stream ,
however, all m inim um requirem ents m ust be m et.

Deferred Admission: Not considered (except under extenuating circum stances)

Transfers: Not considered

Com bined Programs: Not available


Interviews:These take place in March and April, 2009. For the Septem ber, 2008 entering class there were
395 applicants interviewed.

Offers of Admission:Offers are m ailed on May 15, 2009. An acceptance deposit of $1,000 m ust be
received in order to secure the position. The deposit will be deducted from the tuition

Application Details: See OMSAS section.


To Request an Application (which includes more information):

See OMSAS section.

For M ore Detailed Information:

Office of Adm issions Tel: (807) 766-7317 or 1-800-461-8777

Northern Ontario School of Medicine Fax: (807) 766-7368
955 Oliver Road MS 2001 E-m ail: nosm adm it@ norm
Thunder Bay ON P7B 6K6 W eb-site: www.nosm .ca

Applicant Statistics:
2005/06 2006/07

Offered and Registered 56 56

Offered Deferred Adm ission - 1

Offer Declined 19 21

Not Offered 2020 1971

Total Applicants 2095 2049



Ontario 3.7% 4.3%

Other Canadian 2.9% 2.0%

Foreign 9.5% 3.6%

All Applicants to NOSM 3.6% 3.8%

Success Rate: Percentage of applicants who received at least one offer of adm ission
whether subsequently registered, declined or deferred.

First year of adm issions

Faculty of M edicine, UNIVERSITY OF M ANITOBA

Length of Program : 4 years Language of Instruction: English

Proficiency in English Testing: Yes Computer: Personal not required


2008/09 New Adm issions into Year One: 110

2008/09 First-Year Tuition:

$7,595 for Canadian residents; approxim ately $35,000 for students adm itted
under contract with a foreign governm ent or educational institution; other
com pulsory fees were $722

Selection Factors: The num ber of year one positions available for 2009/10 is110 of which 90% will be filled
by residents of Manitoba.

Aboriginal applicants who self-identify are reviewed by a separate com m ittee. They
m ust m eet m inim um requirem ents.

All applicants will be assessed with respect to rural affiliation, advanced

degrees/research and em ploym ent history.

Any Canadian citizen/perm anent resident m ay apply.


Academic Criteria: Three years full-tim e university/college are required. A Bachelor’s degree is required at
tim e of adm ission.

The m inim um acceptable grade point average is 3.3 on a 4.5 scale. The m ean grade
point average of successful applicants in 2008/09 was 4.16.

The MCAT is required and the test m ust have been taken within April, 2005 to
Septem ber, 2008 inclusive.

Prerequisite courses include biochemistry and hum anities/social sciences and if taken
at another university m ust be equivalent to the University of Manitoba’s course content.

Deferred Admission: Considered

Transfers: Considered

Com bined Programs: MD/BSc Med, MD/PhD


Interviews:These take place from m id-February to early April, 2009. For the Septem ber, 2008 entering
class there were 243 Manitoba residents interviewed and 75 other residents of Canada
interviewed for a total of 318 applicants interviewed.

Offers of Admission: Offers are m ailed from May 15 to June 1, 2009. A $500 acceptance deposit is

Application Details:A com bination paper and electronic application process isavailable in August, 2008.
The deadline for receipt of the application and fee of $90 is October 10, 2008.

To Request an Application or M ore Detailed Information:

Enrolm ent Services Tel:

(204) 474-8825
University of Manitoba Fax:
(204) 474-7554
424 University Centre E-m ail:
registrar_m ed@um
W innipeg MB R3E 2N2 or adm issions@um
W eb-site: edicine/adm issions

Applicant Statistics:

2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07

Offered and Registered 86 83 81 93 94

Offered Deferred Adm ission 6 6 3 6 4

Offer Declined 29 35 31 37 57

Not Offered 376 401 597 567 661

Total Applicants 497 525 712 703 816



Manitoba 43.8% 37.7% 37.9% 41.4% 34.8%

Other Canadian 12.0% 14.9% 7.5% 8.8% 10.9%

Foreign 25.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 33.3%

All Applicants to Manitoba 24.3% 23.6% 16.2% 19.3% 19.0%

Success Rate: Percentage of applicants who received at least one offer of adm ission
whether subsequently registered, declined or deferred.

Includes students who applied for positions under contract with foreign governm ents
or educational institutions in 2002/03 and 2006/07.


Length of Program : 4 years Language of Instruction: English

Proficiency in English Testing: No Computer: Personal not required


2008/09 New Adm issions into Year One: 84

2008/09 First-Year Tuition: $11,036 for Canadian residents; other com pulsory fees were $454

Selection Factors: The num ber of year one positions available for 2009/10 is expected to be 84 which
includes up to 9 positions available to Aboriginal/native applicants and 6 positions
available to out-of province applicants.

Any Canadian citizen/perm anent resident m ay apply.


Academic Criteria: Two years full-tim e university/college is required.

The m inim um acceptable grade point average is 78% for residents of Saskatchewan
and 80% for out-of-province residents, although out-of-province applicants invited for
interview in the last several years have had averages of 90% or higher. The m ean grade
point average of successful applicants in 2007/08 was 89.37%.

The MCAT is required except for students who have com pleted the prerequisites within
Saskatchewan as described in the next paragraph. The test m ust have been taken
within the last 5 years and scores have to be available at the tim e of application. The
m inim um acceptable scores are 26N - accum ulated scores in biological sciences,
physical sciences and verbal reasoning sections of 26 with no section below 8 and N
in the writing sam ple. Note: Saskatchewan residents will have the option to apply under
the old academ ic requirem ent as long as the MCAT has been written by the end of 2008
- m inim um scores of 8 and N with either one 7 or M will be accepted for 3 application
cycles (2009, 2010 and 2011 entry). The m axim um num ber of tim es an applicant m ay
take the MCAT is 5 tim es (additional sittings will not be accepted unless approved in
writing by the Adm issions Office, College of Medicine).

Prerequisite courses are m andatory for students who wish to apply under the
"prerequisite only" requirem ent where by all courses are taken at the University of
Saskatchewan or University of Regina within the last 5 years with a m inim um overall
average of 78% and m inim um individual course grade of 60%. The prerequisites are
identified at www.m issions and include two term s in each of
biochem istry, biology, chem istry (general and organic), physics, social
science/hum anities and English. Students attending institutions outside Saskatchewan
are strongly recom m ended to com plete equivalent prerequisites, particularly two term s
of biochem istry, to ensure readiness for the basic sciences covered in the first two years
of the undergraduate m edical curriculum .

Special Consideration: Students of Aboriginal ancestry m ay m ake application through the Aboriginal
Equity Access Program whereby all requirem ents are the sam e as the regular pool
but students com pete within this category, not against the entire applicant pool.

Note: Aboriginal applicants have the option of applying under the "prerequisite
only" academ ic requirem ent even if prerequisites are taken outside Saskatchewan
institutions. Confirm ation of equivalent courses m ust be m ade by contacting the
Adm issions Office prior to application.

Deferred Admission: Considered (residents of Saskatchewan only)

Transfers: Not considered

Com bined Programs: MD/MSc, MD/PhD (program s available only after successful com pletion of MD year

Interviews:The Multiple Mini Interview process is used and all interviews take place on March 21-22, 2009.
Approxim ately 200 Saskatchewan residents and 50-60 out-of-province residents of the 240 and
350 respective applicants will be interviewed.

Offers of Admission: Offers are m ailed on May 15, 2009. A $500 acceptance deposit is required.

Application Details:The on-line application is available on Septem ber 1, 2008 (paper applications
available only upon specific request). The deadline to subm it the application on-line
is Novem ber 1, 2008. The application fees are $50 for Saskatchewan residents and
$100 for out-of province residents.

To Request an Application or M ore Detailed Information:

Adm issions Tel: (306) 966-8554

College of Medicine Fax: (306) 966-2601
University of Saskatchewan E-m ail: m ed.adm
A204 Health Sciences Building W eb-site: www.m issions
107 W iggins Road
Saskatoon SK S7N 5E5

Applicant Statistics:

2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07

Offered and Registered 59 60 58 60 60

Offered Deferred Adm ission - - - - -

Offer Declined 22 31 28 22 23

Not Offered 187 252 343 381 448

Total Applicants 268 343 429 463 531



Saskatchewan 62.6% 53.8% 37.0% 35.4% 29.3%

Other Canadian 13.6% 12.4% 9.7% 6.7% 8.2%

Foreign 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%

All Applicants to Saskatchewan 30.2% 26.5% 20.0% 17.7% 15.6%

Success Rate: Percentage of applicants who received at least one offer of adm ission
whether subsequently registered, declined or deferred.

Faculty of M edicine and Dentistry, UNIVERSITY OF ALBERTA

Length of Program : 4 years Language of Instruction: English

Proficiency in English Testing: Yes Computer: Personal not required


2008/09 New Adm issions into Year One: 142

2008/09 First-Year Tuition: $11,086 for Canadian residents; other com pulsory fees were $705

Selection Factors: The num ber of year one positions available for 2008/09 was 142; plus 5 positions
available to Aboriginal/native applicants, 8 positions available to applicants whose
residence is greater than 80 km from a m ajor centre and the high school attended is
designated rural. Eighty-five percent of year one positions were filled by residents of

Any Canadian citizen/perm anent resident m ay apply.


Academic Criteria: Two years full-tim e university/college is required.

The m inim um acceptable grade point average on a 4.0 scale is 3.3 for residents of
Alberta and 3.5 for residents outside Alberta for students with 4 or m ore years post-
secondary study; 3.7 for students with 2 or 3 years post-secondary study (not receiving
a degree). The m ean grade point average of successful applicants in 2007/08 was 3.8.

The MCAT is required and the test m ust have been taken in 1991 or later and scores
have to be available at tim e of application. The m inim um acceptable scores are 7/15
or M.

Prerequisite courses include full year courses in organic and general (inorganic)
chem istry, biology, physics and English; half year courses in biochem istry and statistics.

Deferred Admission: Considered

Transfers: Considered (from Canadian faculties of m edicine only)

Com bined Programs: MD/PhD, MD (with Special Training in Research)


Interviews:These take place on March 14-15, 2009. For the Septem ber, 2008 entering class there were
310 Alberta residents interviewed and 70 other residents of Canada interviewed for a total of
380 applicants interviewed. Aboriginal applicants who m eet the m inim um grade point average
for Alberta residents are autom atically interviewed.

Offers of Admission: Offers are m ailed on May 15, 2009. A $1,000 acceptance deposit is required.

Application Details:An electronic application process is available on July 2, 2008. The deadline for
receipt of the application is Novem ber 1, 2008. The application fee is $100.

To Request an Application or M ore Detailed Information:

Adm issions Office Tel: (780) 492-6769 or 492-9524

Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry Fax: (780) 492-9531
University of Alberta E-m ail: adm ission@m
2-45 Medical Sciences Building W eb-site: www.m
Edm onton AB T6G 2H7

Applicant Statistics:

2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07

Offered and Registered 130 133 122 125 134

Offered Deferred Adm ission 7 9 3 2 6

Offer Declined 74 45 71 61 57

Not Offered 856 682 854 855 916

Total Applicants 1067 869 1050 1043 1113



Alberta 26.2% 31.5% 27.0% 26.4% 28.2%

Other Canadian 14.2% 11.8% 10.6% 10.7% 8.4%

Foreign 0.0% 0.0% 30.0% 12.5% 12.5%

All Applicants to Alberta 19.8% 21.5% 18.7% 18.0% 17.7%

Success Rate: Percentage of applicants who received at least one offer of adm ission
whether subsequently registered, declined or deferred.

Faculty of M edicine, UNIVERSITY OF CALGARY

Length of Program : 3 years Language of Instruction: English

Proficiency in English Testing: No Computer: Personal required


2008/09 New Adm issions into Year One: 150

2008/09 First-Year Tuition:

$13,818 for Canadian residents; $65,000 for students adm itted under contract
with a foreign governm ent or educational institution; other com pulsory fees
were $580

Selection Factors: The num ber of year one positions available for 2008/09 was 150. Eighty-five percent of
year one positions were filled by residents of Alberta. There were positions available for
students adm itted under contract with a foreign governm ent or educational institution.

Any Canadian citizen/perm anent resident m ay apply.


Academic Criteria: Two years full-tim e university/college are required.

The m inim um acceptable grade point average is 3.2 for residents of Alberta and 3.6 for
residents outside of Alberta on a 4.0 point scale. The m ean grade point average of
successful applicants in 2007/08 was 3.62.

The MCAT is required and the test m ust have been taken in 1991 or later.

Although there are no prerequisite courses the following courses are strongly
recom m ended: biology, chem istry, physics, English, organic chem istry, biochem istry,
physiology, psychology/sociology/anthropology and calculus/statistics.

Deferred Admission: Considered

Transfers: Not considered

Com bined Programs: MD/MSc, MD/PhD, MD/MBA (other com binations are possible)

Interviews:These take place on February 21, 22 and 28, 2009. For the Septem ber, 2008 entering class
there were 316 Alberta residents interviewed, 105 other residents of Canada interviewed for
a total of 421 applicants interviewed. Aboriginal applicants who m eet the m inim um grade point
average for Alberta residents are autom atically interviewed.

Offers of Admission: Offers are m ailed on May 15, 2009. A $500 acceptance deposit is required.

Application Details:An electronic application process is available on July 1, 2008. The deadline for
receipt of the application and fee of $120 is October 15, 2008.

To Request an Application or M ore Detailed Information:

Office of Adm issions Tel: (403) 220-4262

Faculty of Medicine Fax: (403) 210-8148
University of Calgary E-m ail: ucm edapp@
3330 Hospital Drive NW W eb-site: www.m issions
Calgary AB T2N 4N1

Applicant Statistics:

2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07

Offered and Registered 98 98 94 91 136

Offered Deferred Adm ission 9 8 11 5 8

Offer Declined 56 35 43 51 118

Not Offered 1164 1258 1444 1340 1283

Total Applicants 1327 1399 1592 1487 1545



Alberta 19.8% 16.9% 18.7% 16.4% 26.3%

Other Canadian 7.1% 5.1% 4.0% 6.2% 10.7%

Foreign 56.3% 71.4% 19.0% 33.3% 47.1%

All Applicants to Calgary 12.3% 10.1% 9.3% 9.9% 17.0%

Success Rate: Percentage of applicants who received at least one offer of adm ission
whether subsequently registered, declined or deferred.

Includes students who applied for positions under contract with foreign governm ents
or educational institutions in 2002/03 - 2004/05 and 2006/07.


Length of Program : 4 years Language of Instruction: English

Proficiency in English Testing: No Computer: Personal required


2008/09 New Adm issions into Year One: 256

2008/09 First-Year Tuition: $14,857 for Canadian residents; other com pulsory fees were $474

Selection Factors: The num ber of year one positions available for 2008/09 was 256 which included up to
13 positions available to Aboriginal applicants and up to 3 positions available to
applicants to the MD/PhD program . A m axim um of 12 positions were available to out-of-
province residents.

The 256 positions are allocated to three cam puses: 192 Vancouver Fraser Medical
Program ; 32 Island Medical Program ; and 32 Northern Medical Program . All positions
are filled based on the sam e selection criteria, however, a Rural/Remote Suitability tool
is also used to assign students to the Northern Medical Program .

Any Canadian citizen/perm anent resident or W orld Health Organization refugee m ay


Academic Criteria: Three years full-tim e university/college is required.

The m inim um acceptable grade point average is 2.8 on a 4.0 scale. The m ean grade
point average of successful applicants in 2007/08 was 3.64.

The MCAT is required and the test m ust have been taken within the last 5 years.

Prerequisite courses include English, biochem istry, biology, organic and inorganic
chem istry.

Deferred Admission: Considered

Transfers: Considered only after com pletion of 2 years of m edical studies in Canada or the United States

Com bined Programs: MD/PhD


Interviews:These take place in late February/early March, 2009. For the Septem ber, 2008 entering class
there were 607 British Colum bia residents interviewed and 41 other residents of Canada
interviewed for a total of 648 applicants interviewed.

Offers of Admission: Offers are m ailed m id-May, 2009. A $300 acceptance deposit is required.

Application Details:An electronic application process is available June 1, 2008. The deadline for receipt
of the application is Septem ber 2, 2008 (interviewed applicants who are required to
subm it supplem entary inform ation m ust do so by early March, 2009). The application
fees are $105 for residents of British Colum bia with BC transcripts only; $135 for
residents of British Colum bia with any out-of-province transcripts; and $185 for
residents outside British Colum bia.

To Request an Application or M ore Detailed Information:

MD Undergraduate Adm issions Tel: (604) 822-4482

Faculty of Medicine, Dean’s Office Fax: (604) 822-6061
University of British Colum bia E-m ail: adm issions.m d@
317-2194 Health Sciences Mall W eb-site: www.adm issions.m issionsm d
Vancouver BC V6T 1Z3

Applicant Statistics:

2002/03 2003/04 2004/05 2005/06 2006/07

Offered and Registered 130 129 201 223 221

Offered Deferred Adm ission 1 - 1 4 2

Offer Declined 28 31 43 26 29

Not Offered 724 772 1069 1160 1514

Total Applicants 883 932 1314 1413 1766



British Colum bia 20.5% 20.3% 23.0% 23.5% 20.9%

Other Canadian 11.3% 10.1% 11.5% 9.2% 5.4%

Foreign 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 7.7%

All Applicants to UBC 18.0% 17.2% 18.6% 17.9% 14.3%

Success Rate: Percentage of applicants who received at least one offer of adm ission
whether subsequently registered, declined or deferred.

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