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G2 1k SUNNITALK.NET RELEASE SADR AL-SHARI’A ON TAFDIL AL-FATAWA AL-AMJADIYYA ale vile 9 Layilen dics Sella jl Abu al-Anwar akDadyalawi Corrections to: ph Resa ‘ed wknoledgment of th ath} and/or tt) Alcor fee dtu with cnn A SUNNITALK.NET RELEASE SADR AL-SHARI’A ON TAFDIL Fatwa oF ‘AtLasta Ant ate"Una AMAD “AtI AL-A’zZAaH (1296-1967AR) AL-FATAWA AL-AMJADIYYA, VOLUME FOUR, PAGE 361-362 QUESTION: ‘What do the scholars of the religion say on this issue; who has the greater rank between Sayyiduna Abu Bakr af-Siddig and Imam al-Husayn < 2 is the understanding of Zayd that the rank of Imam al- Husayn & is greater due to the great sacrifice of Imam al-Husayn <> in achieving martyrdom at Karbala, ‘while [also] being from the household (A) and a descendant (‘Zyal). Furthermore, because such a deed is the most excellent (4fdal) of all deeds, [is this so]? ANSWER: Sayyiduna Abu Bakr al-Siddig & is more excellent (4/da) than every single man after the Prophets; there is ‘consensus (/ma’ of all companions on him being most exceltent. ‘The following tradition (Hadith) is mentioned in the Noble Sahih al-Bukhari: Abu Bakr 4, isthe most ‘knowledgeable of us” and the most excellent of us". "This is quite a common ailing argument made by the Mufaddila, and, as one ean see, itis delta heavy blow by “Allama ‘Amjad “Ali alA’zami, On the same terms, another such argument made bythe fufaddia that both Imam Hasan and Imam Husayn sare greater than the two Grand Companions, Sayyiduna Abu Bakr and Sayyiduna “Umar se. This, they tse upon the Hadi: “al-Hlasan and al-Hlusayn are the Leaders of the youth from the People of Paradise and ther faer is ‘eller than them”. This i related by an assembly of Companions and greed to be authentically reported, while disputed by some on the addition of “and tei Father is better than thea Malla ‘Ali al-Qari provides its meaning that: “hey will be leaders of the People of Paradise fr other than the Prophets and the Rightly Guided Caliphs, and this is base everyone in Paradise wll be of one az, which will be young,” He lurther notes the comments of al-Layyii: its possible that a reers to tnem Being Leaders of those who were young at that time, from the People of Paradise (i.e. not the elders). (Mirgat al-Mafath, Kitab al-Managib Wa al-Fada if) ‘Abu Bakr bn al-Arabi explains “Abu Bakr and ‘Umar are Leaders of the elders ofthe world, and al-Hasan and al- Hysayn are Leaders ofthe young ofthe world, in Paradise”. (‘Arida al-Ahwadhi, Kitab al-Managib) Sindi also explains: “And itis a must to speci it fr othe than the Prophets and the Rightly Guided Caliphs”. (Hashiya “Ala Musned Ahmad, Abw Sa’id, Hashiya “Ala Ibn Maja, Kita al-Mugaddima) Also, al-Manawi ites: “And i is specific to other than the Prophets and the Four Caliph” (Fayd al-Qadir, HarfalHamea) ‘Asis clear fom the above, the correct interpretation of the Hadith requires one to speci it for other than the Propets and the first four Caliphs, as their excellence over evervone is consensually agreed upon within the AhlalSunnah. 2 Pom Abu Sa’idal-Khudr who said dhe Messenger of Allah delivered a Kiutbah to the people and said: Indeed Allah gavea slave of His a choice betwoen the Duma and betwoon what is with Him, so the slave of Allah chose that whichis \with Allah’ Abu Said ¢ mentions: Abu Bakes began crying, we were surprised at him crying, because the Messenger of| ‘Allah % hod mentioned a slave of Allah tem given a ehoiee. Abu Bakr # understood thatthe Messenger of lian Was ‘the one who had boen given that choice and Abu Bakr: was the most knowledgeable of us. The Messenger of Alsh said Indeed from the one who sacrificed for me the most from amongst the people with his companionship and his wealth \was Abu Bakr 2b. IT were fo take a close frend, I would have taken Abu Bakr esa close friend, but what occur isthe brotherhood of Islam and its fection, There is no doorway to the Masjid excep that it should be ciose off, except ne door ‘of Abu Bakr ae.” (Sabi al-Bukbui, Kitab Fada’ alSahabal), itis also mentioned wih similar wording in Jami al- Tiemidhi and Muvatta imam Malik * There is no such Hadith with this exact wording in Sahih al-Bukhar. It is likely the Shaykh meant to explain “Kant Alama wit the following “Kena dala or comabine two different reports in one satement. In addition, there sre rnumerous Hadith to the same effect in Sah al-Bukhar, the most popular of them being that of Sayyiduna Ton “Umar ‘The actual use of *4flalana” is also reported to have heen used by Sayyiduna “Ali, when he mounted te pulpit and declared before avast gathering: The Messenger of Alla did not die except we knew that Abu Bakr = was the most ‘excelent of us alter Him Afi Abu Bakr b didnot die except we knew that "Umar was the most excellent of us alter him (lm. Abi ‘Asim inal-Stnna, Yon ‘Asakir in Tarik Dimashg 30/375) SADR AL-SHARI’A ON TAFDIL | AL-FATAWA AL-AMJADIYYA A SUNNITALK.NET RELEASE For this reason His Blessed, Excellency 4 chosen him as the Jmam, even though there were other suggestions, Hiss Excellency s, did not accept them. Indeed, Imam al-Husayn :& made a great sacifice, he isa son of the Messenger of Allah sand Allak has also honoured him with a very lofty rank, However, this does not necessitate excellence over al Sikiig al bar, Even the disputants admit to atleast this much, that the rank of Imam al-Husayn 2 is only after the ranks of Imam al-Hasan és, and Sayyiduna “Ali... Therefore, ifthe state of martyrdom was the breaking point in being ‘more excellent than af-Siddig al-Akbare, then it would deliver Imam al-Husayn as more excellent than both ‘imam al-Hasan and Sayyiduna ‘Ali because they were never subject to such a situation ‘To us, both of them and all the mentioned, are our masters and our leaders, we must be obedient to them and we ‘must love them’, May Allah, the most high, forthe sake of the mentioned make us a subsistence of His mercy oo, Ameen, i ghs als * Narrated AL-Aswad se: "We were with “Aisha w, discussing the regularity of offering the prayer and dignfying i She said, "When the Prophet of Alla fel sick withthe fata illness and when the ime of prayer became dve and Adan vas ‘pronounced, he said, "Tell Abu Bakr ao lead the people in prayer He was told that Abu Bakr vasa tenderhearted man and would not beable to Tea the prayer in his place. The Propet gave the same order again but he was given the same reply. He 3 gave the order forthe third time and sid, ‘You (women are the companions of Yusu: Tell Abu Bakr to lead the raver So Abu Bakr st came out to lea the praver. (Sahih al-Bukbhari 1.633) ‘The importance of Sayyiduna Abu Pakr’s uniqueness in this matter i further demonstrated inthe Hadith of Tin Zann’ «a: When the illess ofthe Prophet of Allsh became serious while Twas with him among 2 group of people, Bilal called him for paver. He said: Ask someone to lead the poople in prayer. So Abdulla ib Zara <6 went out and found that ‘Umar was present among the people and Abu Bakr was not there Isai Umar 26, getup an lead the people in prayer. So he came forward and uered "Allah is Most Great. When the Apostle of Alla &heard his voce, as Umar had a loud ‘voice, he said: Whereis Abu Bakr? Allah doesnot allow that, and the Muslims ton Allah doesnot allow tat, and the “Muslims to. So he sent for Abu Bakr =e. He came after Umar led that payer and then le the people in prayer. (Suman Abi Dawud, Kitab al Sunnah) Sayyiduna ‘Ali is albo reported (o have declared: “When the Propet 3 passed away, we looked in to our aff and we found the Prophet ad pat forward Abu Bakr in te Prayer. Therefore, we are content for our world with he who the Messenger of Allah was content wit for our religion, consequently we put forward Abu Bakr =”. (Mentioned by Tba Sad in al-Tabagat al-Kubra, and with similar wording by Thn al-Jowz in his Sifaal-Sfia, al-Mubib al-Tabar in al-Rivad «al-Nadara l-Baladhut in Ansa aivAshraf, hn “Abst alBarr in al-Fambid, Ibn ‘Asakicin Tarh Dimashg, Ibn Hast al- Hoytami in Sawa ig al-\ulriga,al-Sambudi in Jawairal-Agdayn Fi Fadl alSharafyn) Inman Ibn Haj al-faytami relates the following Hadith with an authentic chain of transmission, onthe aubority of Sayyiduna ‘Ali “It was asked: Oh Alas Prophet, Who should be made a leader after you? He sti Ifyou rake Abu Bakr, ‘ou will find him honest, abstinent in this life and desirous of the afterife. Ifyou make "Umar, you will ind him strong, honest, fearing in Allah no one’s blame. Ifyou make “ALi, ane I dont think you will, you wil find him guided, guiding You to the straight path,” (Musnad Imam Ahmad) Imam Tbn Hajraltlaytami comments [Him saying] and don’t think you wills not due to any objection from ther, rather itis permission oct upon what they have concensed in their understasing, [as per] regarding the precedence of Abu Bakr for prayer in them in the days of Hisillnes isthe most explicit proo, ss “Ali himself indicates in numerous narrations, ‘ofthe prevedence of Abu Bakr over every single companion in the Caliphate (Khilafa) and Excellence (4fdaliva), and other than them tw". (Tathiral-Janan We a-Lisan, Fast al-Thalih) mam Ibn Kathu quotes the imam of a-Snal, Abu a-Hasan alAsh-an x : “And ne beang put forward is. @ matter which is known by necessity in the religion of Islam (Maun Bi al-Darara Nin Din al-tsiam”. [and be alo] said “And he being pt forward is proof of him being the most knowledgeable ofthe Companions and the most learned of them: [This is] from whut is proven inthe report, whichis agreed by the scholars tobe authentically transmited, that the Messenger of Allah said: "He should Tea the prayer who is most leamad from among of the Book of Allah, Irthey are ‘equal in leaning, thn it should be the one most knowledgeable inthe Sunnah, IPUsey sre equal n the Suna, then it shoud ‘be the oldest and ifthey are equal in age then it should be the one whois foremost in Islam” Imam Ton Kathir comments on this “Tsay: this speech of al-Ash’ ari may Allah be Mereiful to him, shouldbe witen in Gold ink (Aa al-Dhahab), thus, all these mentioned] preroqustes are met in al-Siddig es, (l-Bidaya Wa al-Nihaya, Sana Ta ‘Ashara Min al-Hijrah) 5 Weare required to love both assemblies. Some Taf Shi'a seem to think Usa the hadith relating to loving Sayyiduna “Ali e being a sign of fnam and disliking Him a being a sign of hypocrisy, is only specific to Him Rather, this is the ‘ase with all the Companions §. Al-Bara’ heard the Messenger of Allah su: “The Ansar, noone loves them except a believer, and no one dshkes them except a hypoente” (Sahih al-Bukhan, Kab Manag al-Ansar, Sanh Muslim, Kitab al- man) The Ahadid in this tegardl are numerous. SADR AL-SHARI’A ON TAFDIL | AL-FATAWA AL-AMJADIYYA A SUNNITALK.NET RELEASE AL-FATAWA AL-AMJADIYYA, VOLUME FOUR, PAGE 328-329 QUESTION (1): ‘What is the ruling according (o the People of Shari'ah (Ait! al-Shari’ah) on the following issue ~ After the Prophet %, who is of greater rank, the assembly ofthe Sahaba 2, or the assembly of the Descendants and the Family “(from which include Sayyida Fatima alZahra and the male offspring of His Excellency Sayyiduna Qasim, Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah, and Sayyiduna Ibrahim, and the assembly ofthe Mother of the believers, and Imam Hasan, Imam Husayn and all the Imams and Sayyiduna *Ali => we? ANSWER (1): ‘The most excellent, after the Prophets and Messengers, is Sayyiduna Abu Bakr al-Siddlig It is narrated in Sahih al-Bukhari, on the authority of ‘Ami Ibn al-"As that he asked the Noble Prophets: ‘Who isthe most beloved to you? He suid: Aisha I asked: From the met? He said: her father

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