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Fact gathering Using Selected Techniques

Selecting the suitable fact gathering technique :

To study any system the analyst needs to do collect facts and all relevant information. the
facts when expressed in quantitative form are termed as data. The success of any project is
depended upon the accuracy of available data. Accurate information can be collected with help
of certain methods/ techniques. These specific methods for finding information of the system are
termed as fact finding techniques.

What we did was after knowing the exact background of the Salon & Spa environment
we analyzed various similar systems and browsed the web broadly in order to get familiar with
all the services that are conducted in a Salon & Spa.

Given below are some techniques to find facts. What we mainly used as techniques are
Documents reviewing and casual discussions and going through similar systems.

Interview, Questionnaire, Record View and Observations, analyzing other similar

systems are the different fact finding techniques used by the analyst. The analyst may use more
than one technique for investigation.

Fact gathering is an essential element developing the project. Given below are some of the facts
gathering methods.

1. Interviews

An interview is a formal face-to-face meeting. An interview is the primary technique for

information gathering. The interviewing skills of the analyst determine what information is
gathered, and the quality and depth of that information. The goals of a fact gathering interview
are identified as; gather information on the required field, uncover problems, verification of
previously gathered information, gather opinions or view points, obtain leads for further
With these interviews we can gather many information and get to know the requirements in
first hand. Since our development was for an hypothetical company we were unable to
conduct any definite interviews.

2. Observation

Observation is another method of information gathering. Observational research techniques

solely involve the researcher or researchers making observations. Positive aspects of the
observational research approach can be stated as; observations are usually flexible and do not
necessarily need to be structured around a hypothesis. In terms of validity, observational

research findings are considered to be strong.

This is a method we individually did. We visited some salons as regular customers and

observed what normally happens in a salon. We even went through a service if necessary.

3. Questionnaire

A questionnaire is a series of written questions a researcher supplies to subjects, requesting their

response. Usually the questionnaire is self-administered so it is given to the subjects asking them
to complete and send it back. Questionnaires usually contains open questions and closed
questions but this layout can change according to the way of analyzing data.

The success of a questionnaire depends on the effectiveness of the questions and the sample of
subjects the questionnaire is handed over to.

We didn’t conduct a questionnaire since the information we needed doesn’t fall into a
research or specific public poll.

4. Document review

The document review process is defined by a workflow. The review is a series of processes or
steps that are performed in sequential order. A typical scenario often includes one or more
authors creating a document that is then reviewed by a number of others and ultimately
approved. After the document is created, it is made available to a group of people for review,
either concurrently or sequentially. After all of the reviewers’ comments and suggestions are
approved or rejected, the document is then updated with the changes. At that time, a review may
occur again. Once all collaborators have completed their reviews and all updates are made, the
final document is published.

For this we went through several magazines, articles, posters to gather the processes and
atmosphere of a salon, we gathered that our system should be attractive, user friendly and
flexible to use for the Eminence staff..

5. Website visits.
The global network did help us in numerous ways, when it came to searching and analyzing
the proposed system. Each of us visited many different types of sites to get to know what goes
inside a salon & spa. What can make it a proper business. We have included some sites we
visited in the appendix section.

6. Study of similar systems.

We studied systems through the net and we visited 2 or 3 Salons to gather information. From
the facts we gathered we summed up our own ideas and made certain assumptions in order to
develop our own unique but similar system.


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