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We have a habit
of lying to ourselves thinking that͛s a form of protection from disappointment.
I met another actress over the past few months when I was working on a film. We
really hit it off and now we are like best friends. She would kill me if she found out
that I talked about this but over the course of working on the movie she met this
tall blonde gorgeous guy. He was one of the principal actors which basically
means he was in the lead and had rock star status. She and I were both extras so
you could imagine how her heart was racing when she saw him. I can personally
say that I am not a person that gets star struck but he has it!! So over the four
weeks of filming she would put everyone else up to trying to talk to him and have
them tell him how she felt. With me being her friend I was the main one she sent
for that job. It͛s so funny because I was trying to be slick about planting the seed
in his mind. Well nonetheless on the last night I was walking down the hallway
and I saw him walking with one of the other actors and I think he knew what I was
up to so he grabbed onto the guy and tried to walk faster but being the friend I
am I was bold and told him I needed to talk to him and he then proceeded to walk
with me down the hall hugging me too. I told him how she really felt and he said
your friend is beautiful but I am in a relationship at the moment. She was hiding in
wardrobe so I ran to her and told her the bad news. Earlier in the second week of
filming after being asked about her he told one of the stand-ins that she should
come and talk to him. Now had she taking the initiative on her own to actually
talk to him I might have a different story to tell right now. She called me a week
later after she finally came to that realization as well. This girl is tall and
absolutely beautiful but she was too afraid to be real with herself and take a risk.


Before I was casted to be in this movie and before I even knew of anything about
the movie I had everything planned out for the few weeks that I had off between
fall semester and spring. I was heading to Dallas to the Cotton Bowl to support my
boyfriend James. It was going to be great! I was going with his family; I was going
to be on the sidelines and on the field and experience the whole game week from
the inside. Well a week into making my plans I͛m sitting in an office downtown
watching a part of the filming of Battleship. I see a guy on the corner posting a
sign with weird letters on one of the street signs. When I leave the office I run
into one of the guys from the crew and I ask him what I needed to do to get into
the industry. He gave me a casting website. A week later I get a call, they told me I
was picked by the producer and this was a secret film that they were shooting and
I had 30 minutes to confirm whether I would be in it or not. Well the dates
coincided with my plans for the bowl game. There I had to make a quick decision
not even knowing if the movie was worth my time. I was walking blind. It was
hard to have to choose between career and my love. Well I told them I would be
in it. When she told me which film it was I was overwhelmed with excitement for
the doors it would open for me. Had I lied to myself and not been true to myself I
would have skipped it and gone on the trip; a trip that I could have taken next



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