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Expl,orrauoN oF Annl Spncrrrc
PornNrr.a.r- oF vARrous cRops IN THE

ADP No.535-90296
Project Cost 30.00 Million


ffi ffi
d \c.-1s 2oos1o\.xpbnatun orq'.a specific potential ofvarious crops in the province final.docx
Production Sector

l. Name of the Project: ExPLotrATIoN oF AREA SPECIFIC


2. Locrtion. Dir (Lower), Buner, Malakard, Swabi,

Mardan, Peshawar, Charsadda. Haripur,
Abbonabad, Mansehra & Swat.

3. Authorities responsible for:

i. Sponsoring Government of N.w.F.P.

ii. Execution Director General Agriculture Extension


iii. Operation and Maintenance DOAS ofthe Project District(s)

iv. Concemed Federal Ministry N.A.

4. (a) Plan Provision.

. current
lfthe Project is included in lncluded in the ADP 2009-10 with an
five year plan, specify actual allocation ofRs. 30.00 million at serial
allocation. No.535-90296

o Ifnot included in the current Plan, Not applicable

what warrants its inclusion and
how is it now proposed to be

. Ifthe project is proposed to be Not applicable

financed out ofblock provision,

Total block provision Amount already Amount proposed for Balance available.
committed this Droiect.

(b) Provision in the current year Rs. 30.00 million has been proposed for
PSDP/ ADP. rhe exploitation of Area Specific Potemial
of various crops in N.W.F.P.

d:\pc-1! 2ooe-lobtproirario. specific potential ofvarious crops in the province final.docx
5. Proiect obiectives.
. The objectives ofthe sector / sub sectot 6 The Mandate of Agriculture Extension
indicated in the nediun te.n / Jive year is, "lmproving living standard of
plan reproduced. Inlicate objectives
be of farming community through increase
the toject and a linkage between the
in farm income by perceiving polential
proposed yoject and the sectotul
output with an accepuble qualily on
sustainable basis". Mandatory
functions of agriculture ext€nsion
depanmenl are:

l. Dissemination of recommend€d
agricultural practices.
2. Educate/Train farmers in improved
agricultural production technology.
3. Production and distribution of quality
seed and fruit plants.
4. Advisory services in insect/pesl
management and horticultural
5. Organizing farmers for collective
solution of agricultural problems.
Quality control and regulatory
measures of Agricuhural inputs.
7. Establish & Develop Ma*et
Information System (MIS) &
Establishment of Regulated Markets
in NWFP.
8. Execulion of various crops
lntroduction & Promotion Programmo

Before devolution, horticulture sector was

dealt with defunct Fruit & Vegetable
Development Board, NWFP. The board is
abolished and the duties arc assigned to the
Agriculture Extension Dep{rtment with no
additional staff or any other facility previously
endorsed to the F&V Dev. Board.

tn June 2005, l" ever agriculture policy ofthe

province was announced with a little space for
honiculrure despite lhe facl rhar the province is
blessed with an environment suitable for
horticultureal crops.

Before proceeding fu(her, the draw back in

horliculture sector is allucidaled as underl

-2- or.r!! specific potential of various crops in the province final.docx

d:bc,i3 2ooe1o!.xpbnarion
Our climate is similar to Califomia which
is the leading state in USA in supplying
fruits, vegetables, flowers, herbs and some
industrial crops to whole USA and also

There is policy drar.rback rhat since mic

50's under wrong advise we concentrated
on wheat, rice and cotton and after 1970
on sugarcane neglecting horticulture crops
like citrus, plum, litchi, apricot, mango,

In general hodiculture corps fetch 10 times

more gross income as compared to other
crops. Oru study ofvarious fruit crops
shows that with proper planning and
introducing latest varieties of fruits,
income per acre can easily hit be
increased. What is lacling in Pakistan is
trained horticulturists. ln a report by
M.H.Panhawar; in 1989 Australia had
2400 hoticulturist at work throughout the
county. Would you believe that between
then and now Australia is now mango
exporter and can over take Pakistan by
about 2010. The miracle is performed
by the government policy as well as
educatioD research and extension in
horticultue. There are more than 14,000
books and bulletins on horticulturc crops
published in Australia lollowed b) USA.
Canada, Soulh Africa and England.

Califomia has same climate as ofour

province and climate ofAustralia is
similar to subtropics ofPakistan and also
topics oflndia and South-East-Asia. They
have taken the advantage ofthe climate
and we have not understood it.
Horticulture is more rewarding.
Farmers especially horticulture crop
growers do llot make money, not due to
middle men exploiting him, but he allows
himselfto be exploited as he simply does
not know the proper technologies involved
in raising fruit corps, proper harvesting
and packaging in the field, ransport
requirements, marketing and exponing.

d \pc-1s zoog-1o\exprolarion ora€a specific potential of various crops in the province final.docx
The middle man is better informed than
him and gets the orchard for harvest at a
cheap rate, engages some uneducated
rural, rustic labour which is available very
cheap, harvest, pack and market it. He is
also exponer. He is own knowledge is
limited and the responsibility of40% loss
of fresh fruits or vegetable lies upon him.
For his ignorance responsibility lies on the
govemment which had failed to produce
well trained horticulturists and extension
workers to help grower in poorer
harvesting, packaging, transporting and
marKe ng.

The project is aimed at to provide the farming

community with area specific fruit crops
support using it as an educational tool for
education and morivalion ofthe farming

The main objectives ofthe project


1. To improve the socio economic status

ofpoor families by providing them
high yielding /improved varieties of
liuit plants.
2. The objective of the projects are to
establish model fruit orchards in the
districts and these model orchards will
sewe as progeny and will be used for
further distribution of improved fruit
plants amongst the farming
communities which will also replace
the indigenous varieties.

3. This project will also help in extending

technology to the farmers for laying
out of fruit orchards its promotion and
will be implemented in their field.

4. The existing fruit plants are of low

yield varieties and their production is
inadequate to meet the requirement of
the area, therefore through model fruit
orchards the farmers will be
encouraged to grow high yielding
varieties and will be able to get more

d:\pc1s 2ooe-1o\€xproitation ot a.ea specific potential ofvarious crops in the province final.docx
iDconc fi,om the ncwly 6trbti8hrd

At prlscnt th€ farmcrs arc not awarc ofthe

otcbard lay old, tbeir mair cDancc ad
Fot6tioD fr,oE irscc{s, diseases and othcr
rmhvor.nable climaic coDdition Tfuowb
tbc projcot aotivitics, practicnl taining of
fsmcrs d Farm S€rvicEs C,€nt€B: mass
arvarcocss will rcsulhdy be achicvrd for
*.y EXPTTITATION in thc Prjojrct Arca

d:\Fr. zFtcebr.don dr- 8pedfrc polanlial of valioug ctops in the Plovinc€ final.docx
6. Description and lustification of
Projectl The project will be implemented in Eleven
Districtsof NWFP. The main focus will
Descibe the prcject and in.licate existinafacilities be on small larmers and activities will be
in the orco Md j^tify the estabhshnent ol the carried oul though Farm Services centers.
The transfer of technology will bring a
change in fruit production and the yield
per unit will be increased.

The North West Frontier Province
(NWFP) is sirualed 3l to 37n lo 740 E. Il is
bounded by the Hindukush Mountains in
The north and Afghanistan in the North
West, with Baluchistan on its south-
westem border. tts northeast is flanked by
the Cilgit Agency and Azad Kashmir,
while Punjab province borders its south
eastern and southem frontier. The
geographic area of NWFP is 10.I 7 million
ha which is 12.8% ofPakistan's total
geographic area.

The province has highly divenilied

landscape and environment: lofty snow-
clad mountains, valley plains, piedmont
plains and loess plains where rariations in
the soil forming factors are quiet common.
The altitude vades from less than 300
meters in the south (D.l.Khan) to over
6000 meters in the North (Chitral).


The geographic area ofNWFP is 8.342
million ha, ofwhich L876 million ha
(22.507o) was cultivated in 2004-2005.
The cultivated area has decreased since
I 990-9 I . The major constraint for any
increase in cultivated area is lack ofwater
as over 507o ofthe cultivated area is
rainfed, and over one million ha of
cultivable area is culturable waste land.
However, the total cropped area has
increased due to increase in cropping
intensity and increase multi-cropped.
Although, the total cultivated area ofthe
province is about 87o ofthe total cultivated
area of Pakistan, the province is the
country's largest producer of maize,

d:\pc.13 2oo9,1olelproirerion or a€a specific potential ofvarious crops in the province final.docx
tobacco, sugar beet, barley, soybean,
garlic, pears and plums and is the second
largest producer of apples, apricots,
peaches. almonds. grapes. guava. lurrneric.
groundnuts, mash, moon and sun hemp.

Laying Out of Model Fruit Orchards in
the Proposed District for Project

Though some area ofthese districts is

brought under orchards by the farming
community using indigenous varieties yet
it is essential to educate them for usage of
high yielding varieties as well as proper
layout ofthe orchards keeping in view the
cropping inlensity. fhrough adoption of
modem techniques and improved varietres
the farming community would be capable
to fetch highest economical yield ofthese
fruit resultantly increased income better
socio economic conditions and change in
their life style. Majority of famers having
small land holding though they have liftle
sources , but they are hard working. They
are very keen to adopt modem Agricultue

FSC members / small farmers will be
given priorities for laying out ofmodel
fruit orchards ofCitrus, Plum, Litch and
apricot. these farmeN can participate in the
trainings, may also adopt this technology
at their larm and orgdnizarion. The crileria
ofselection will be decided by a
comminee lramed under the Chairmanship
of Executive District Officer Agriculture
of the respective districts.


Under this project model fruit orchards at

larmers field will be laid out in order to
introduce improved varieties of fruit as
per ecological conditions and trainings will
be aranged for farm€rs to infbrm them

d:tsc-1s 2ooero\erprorarion or aroa SpeCifiC potential ofvarious CrOpS in the province final.docx
about modem technology of fruit orchards
lay out A TOR for establishment ofModel
thrit Orchards of fruit will be developed
by District Officer Agriculture ofthe
respective districl and famers.

The Fruit Plants (Citrus, Plum, Litchi and
Appricot) will be provided to farmers at
their door steps free ofcost; the plantation
will also be arranged. Gaps filling at l0%
will be ananged, 70-1 10 plants will be
planted in an acre.

The Programme will be canied out in five
years, the tender will be floated for the
provision ofimproved varieties of fruit
plants or either from Ag culture Research
System Germ Plasm Units.

Though the help ofthis project following

goals would be achieved.

o Exploiting potentials of non-

conventional sub-sector of agri- culture
sector viz honiculture.

Enhancing income ofthe farmers.

Aresting rural-urban migration by

creating employment opportunities in
agribusiness sector.
Poverty alleviation.
Skill enhancement in horticultue.

-8- zoos-1o\6xproirarion or ar€a specific polential ofvarious crops in the province final-docx
ln order to achieve the above objectives,
the District Officers ofAg culture in these
I districts would be provided with the
firnds under this project which would be
utilized according to the financial plan
mentioned under Annexure A ofthe P.C. L
and under the lechnical guidance &
approval ofthe Horticultudst H.Q. Office.

Provide technical parameters i-e. inpul and The project, in it selfis a unique one. From
output ofrhe project in quantitative terms. a very long experience ofthe local
Also discuss the t€chnology asapecls of
Agriculttue Extension Stafl it is obseryed
the project.
that the areas selected fbr project activities
have a great potential for selected lruit
orchards. It is also observed that the
farming community of N.w.F.P. in general
and these specific districts in palticular are
poor having least capacity to afford such
like revolutionary activities. So
goveri.rnent of N.W.F.P decided to
provide the community with inputs viz
Fruit Plants, Fenilizers. Pesticides
engaging casual labour for orchards lay
out which will help in digging pits, lining,
plantation, filling up the pits, l" watering,
fertilizer application and PP activities. The
beneficiary will provide land, care ofthe
orchard, fencing ofthe laid out orchard
etc. The unit cost i.e. one acre orchard cost
to be bom b1 the governmenl is given a
next page.

drpcls 2oo9-1olexproilalDn oraEa specific potential of various crops in the province final docx
One Acre Litchi Orchard Cost
S.No: Name ofltem Unit No. of Unit Cost A|nount
Plants Per

I Cost ofLitchiPhnts (Phnts ro Phnts Nos 48 Rs. t00 Rs. 4.800

distance 30'x30')
2 Fertilber applicatbn per Acre Kgs t2 Rs. t00 Rs. 8l4
3 Appfcatbn ofPestbdes per Acre Rs. 1,000 tu. I,000
5 Misc. to cover escahtion @ I % Rs. 66
Total: Rs. 6,6E0

one Acre Plum orchard Cost

No, of
Plants Per
S.Nol Name of ltem Unit Unit Cost Afnounl
Cosr ofPhm Phnts (Phnts lo Phms Nos t09 Rs. 20 Rs. 2.t80
dbtance 20'r0')
2 Fertilier appltatbn per Acre Kgs 27 Rs. 100 tu. 1.848
3 Applbatbn ofPeslicides per Acre Rs. 1,000 Rs. t.000
5 Misc. to cover escahtion @ l7o Rs. 50
Total: Rs. 5,07E

One Acre Apricot Orchard Cost

No. of
Plants Per
S.No: Nanle ofltem Unit Unit Cost Anounl
I Cost ofApprbot Phnts (Phnts to Nos 109 Rs. Rs. 2.725
Phnts dbtarFe 20'x20')
2 Ferlilirr applicatbn per Acre Kgs 27 100 Rs. 1.848
3 Applbatbn ofPesticides per Acre Rs. 1,000 tu. 1.000
5 Mbc. to cover escahtion @ I7o Rs. 56
Total: Rs. 5,628

One Acre Citrus Orchard Cost

S.No: Name ofltem Unit No. of Unit Cost
Plants Per

I Cost ofcilrus Phnts (Phnts to Phnts Nos 99 Rs. 40 Rs. 3,960

dbtance 20'r0')
2 Fenilizer appliation per Acre Kes 25 Rs. 100 Rs. 1,67E
3 Applbatbn ofPestblles per Acre Rs. 1,000 tu. 1,000
5 Mbc. to cover escahtbn @ loZ Rs. 66
Total: Rs. 6,101

d \pe1s 2oogroletpro arDn or.ea specific potential of various crops in the province final docx
Note: The cost estimate are prepared for ls'year whilt per annum 5oZ increase for the
lbllowing year(s) is summed up.

The beneficiary will bear the orchard management cost, fencing/protection ofthe
orchard to be laid out, any taxes levied by the govemment viz Aabiana, Agriculture
Tax etc. The orchard management will be canied out till the economical life ofthe
orchard i.e. 30 years at an average.

The District Officer(s) Agriculrure, having

assistance ofhis Agriculture Officer, Field
Assistants and Budders will act as operational
body ofthe project and will extend his expertise
from time to time.

Besides that, Honiculturist NWFP will

frequently visit the project areas and will
monitor/evaluate the project activities.

The Plant Protection Officer Headquaners will

monitor over all activities ofthe project and will
extend his expe(ise in Plant protection

7. CapitalCost of tbe project:

(Rs. In Million)
L l,ocal 30.000
ii F.E.c.
Total I 30.000

Notet The Estiamtes ofequipernnts are calculated on the basis market prevailing

- 1,1 -
d:\pcrs 200e,1olexproitarion or a€a specific potential Ofvarious crops in the province final.docx
Table: I
5 Years Executive summary ofthe proiect costs

1.02.240 22,2j,6lN
4.33.929 2211611
4.02.2,11 4.22.140 22_22.611
4.02.241 22.22,61t
'Ibtql Cosr oiCiE6 Orchlrds 20.11.!t2 !l.l t.700 tt.l7J65 )t.28.2J1 l.ll.l3.l5,l

21929n 266 550 2 79.900 2 9t 900 I0B600

2.19.29n 2.66.550 2.?9.900 1.91.900 t4.28.240
2,19.290 2.66.550 2,?9,900 2919AO 1,0&,600 r4,28240
IuLl Co! of Pl@ Orlrnls 8J7.870 8J9.700 8,8r,?00

I l.r 000 I50 700 20 77600

1.50.700 4.6t.920
'IoE (os otL!!hLOrhads 6,68,000 7,0t300 8,83,680 9.27.340 9,7{.130

2.81.450 2.95.500 1.10.2i0 l.t5_300 t.42.t00 15.55.100

2.3t.450 2.95.500 1.r0.250 i.25.800 l_42.t00 r5.55.100
Toul co$ ol ADtuor o.chr'dr 5.62,900 6,20.500 6,5t,600 6,84,!00 31,10,200
10.?9.93t 4r.0!.740 .15.61.1,15 2,t6,6J,t14
2.20.000 2.1t.000 2.1t.000 2.11.000 2.31.000
!€U t)ar5(2 r D/om0'i/d sil) (ias,000/ t2,0l.t5t
psnM wlh 5% lmulnreas

5t,230 r.71.725

d \pc-1s 2oo9-1o\exprorarion or a€a specific potential of various crops in the province final.docx
Table 2
Year Wise Phvsical P an
Distrbt Orchard tobe Arca to be Brougbt utrder Fruit CrcD (iD AcFs)
Iall oln lst vear 2nd vear 3rd year 4th ve{r sth verr Total
Dir Lower Citrus Orchard 60 60 60 60 60 300
Buner 60 60 60 60 60 300
Mahkard 60 60 60 60 60 300
Swabi 60 60 60 60 60 300
Mardan 60 60 60 60 60 300
Total: 300 300 300 300 300 1500
Charsadda Phrn Orchard 55 50 50 50 50 255
Peshalar 55 50 50 50 50 255
Marrsehra 55 50 50 50 50 255
Total: 165 150 150 r50 150 /a'!
Harbur Litchi Orchard 50 50 60 60 60 280
Abbotabad 50 50 6A 60 60 280
Total: 100 100 tzn 120 120 560
Swat Apricot 50 50 50 50 50 250
Mansetna 50 50 50 50 50 250
Total: 100 100 100 100 100 500
G,Total 665 650 670 670 670

d \pc-1s 2oos-1olexpro tatio. or area specific potential of various crops in the province final.docx
Annual Operating and maintenance cost after completion ofthe proiect.

Cost ofCifus Orchardl

iDir Lower 5.22.101
iiBwrer 5,22,103
iii Mahkand 5,22,103
iv. Swabi 5,22,t03
v. Mardan 5,22,103
TotalCost of Citrus Orchards: 26,10,517
Cost of Phm Olchards
iCharsadda 3,36,229
ii Peshawar 3,36,229
iii Marsebra 3,36,229
Total Cost of Plun Orchards: t0,08,686
Cost of Litchi Orchards:
i HarpLr 5,20,303
ii Abbonabad 5,20,303
Total Cost of Litchi Orchards: 10,40,605
Cost ofApricot Orchard
iSwat 3,69,683
ii Marsehra 1,69,683
Total Cost ofAprbot Orchards: 7,39J6s
Total Orchards Cost: 53,99,174
Tnrsportation Charges: 2,31,000
AdvenisenE Charges 63,000
Fiekl Days(2 F.D/amwr/disn) @40,000 p.arnwn with 502 anrual increase 8,80,000
Otkr Charges: 26,826
G.Totalofthe Schenr : 66,00,000

9. Demand & Supply analysis (for tndustrial and Agricultural Production


Presently there is an acute demand of fruits. To maintain equilibrium

in demand and supply and to fetch surplus produce for export to the
countries where its demand is higher it is essential one to promote fruit
culture or in other words horticulture through laying out of model
orchards and other usage ofother congenial methods ofawareness etc.

d \pc-1s 2ooe-1olexp oirarion or a.ea specific potential of various crops in the province final.docx
10. Financial Plao

200+10 20loll 2Att-tz 20t2-13 2013-14

aoj9c7 0.060 0 060 o63 0.063 o063 o309

ao93(D t.gt4 t.099 1.172 t23o t292 5.67

AO93fl 210 21AO L6 z7$ 2Cl3 tzar'
0.665 0.68:! o.'t39 0.776 0314 3.676

A093r! oridrood @lrid @ lt6 c04o o.vz ogr5 o04a 0.051 o.26
403E26 o2a 0.231 o.2il a23l oztl l l44

A03903 0.990 1.040 r.09t l.l,16 l20l 5.470

A039?[ c050 0.065 o053 ooTl Gt?4 0.413

5.t+ 5.{t, 6m 63lrl 6?01 30.0q

Yearwise Per Acre Cost of the Orchards

Year Fruit Pla s Fertilizet Pesticides Cost Total
crup Cost Cost Cost escalation

2009- l0 CiEus 3960 r678.05 lm0 6 67M

Plum 2180 1847.55 1000 50 5078
Lilghi 4800 813.6 1000 66 6680
ADricot 2725 184?.55 1000 56 s629
20lGl I Citsus 4t58 l7a r050 69 7039
Plum 2289 1940 | 050 53 5331
Litchi 5040 854 l050 69 70t4
ADricot 2861 1940 1050 59 5910
20tl-t2 Citrus 4366 1850 I103 7391
Pllnn 24[3 2037 I103 55 5598
Litchi 5292 897 l103 13U
ADricot 3004 2037 I t03 62 6205
2012-t3 Citsus 4584 t3 I 158 '16 '176r
Plum 2524 2t39 I158 58 5878
Lilohi 5557 942 I 158 76 7732
ADricot 3155 2139 I158 6J 6516
2013-t4 Citsus 4813 2W 1216 80 8149
Plum 2650 2246 t2t6 6l 6172
Litchi s834 989 t2t6 80 8r l9
Apricot 33t2 2246 l2t6 68 68r'.2

- 15 -
d:\pc-1s 2oo+ro\exproiiarion or a€a specifiC potential Of various crops in the province final.docx
ea e orchard lavout co
Fruil Plr|rts Fcrtili:zcr P€3ticid€s Cosl Totel
Cmo Cost Cosr Cosl *cdatron
Citu3 3{T I188{n0 503415 30u)00 t9800 20|L215
PhrD 165 3597m 1018,{5 t65(m 4250 8377
Litshi tm 4Eqno 8t360 t(xxno 66(n 6679@
l0{ 2725N 1E4755 t0{F00 56q) 562E55
Totd : 66! 8txr2a0 1n4376 665000 412:fi 4n9t26
CiEos 300 t24140iJ 52856 315@ 20190 2|1776
Plum 150 343350 290989 1575@ 1E15 199714
Litchi lm 5(Xmo 85,128 1050@ 6930 701358
Apricot 100 2E6t25 19393 t05000 58m 5q)998
Ttorl : 664 8$At5 l.||a995 6t2501) 1l1|ts 1203t,6
Citsug 3m l309770 555015 330?50 21t30 /2,17365
Plum 150 360518 305539 1653?5 8269 839?00
Litchi 120 635(XO | 07639 | 32300 aBz 8837 | |
ADricot lm 3UX3l 203692 I10250 6t74 62054E
Tobl: 670 2@.Cr59 llTlE&t 73t675 ,l50ll{ 455t323
Citsls 300 131s259 582766 347288 22921 2328213
Plum 150 378J,13 1208 | 6 173644 8682 88t 685
Lrtcn t20 ffiTn lt302l 138915 9168 92789'l
Aqicot lm 3 t 5453 2l3tn |5763 6,181 65t575
Totrt: 6m n30a7 12304&) T'99 47251 ,t7t93tt
Citsug 300 11/4021 6l | 904 i64652 24067 241/614
Plum t50 39717 | 316E56 142326 9t t6 t25169
Litchi t20 70/J132 |Lt672 l,l585l n n4291
ADricot t00 331225 224571 t2l55l 6E07 684 | 54
Totrl : 5m 2&'2,49 t2920{}4 8l,t3t9 4Xt7 5{D$59
Citnls | 5{tr 6564150 27816% t65?689 109407 III t3232
Plurtr 1839581 l55qx5 t43845 42tvL 12U&
Litcbi 560 294596/ 506121 622m6 41057 41552t'l
500 1505735 1020888 552563 3O9,l l 3l t0129
Tord : 3325 t28!tst29 s86' x76t13 223ffi 22d63'/2

Basis ofCalculation (Plants) (One Acre)

S.No. Narp of Pbnt to Per Acae P.Phd CostofPhds

Fruit Crcp phd Nos. of Cost
dbtarc€ Ph|6
I CiEr6 22'fl2' g Rs.40.00 Rs.3960.00
2 Ph|tn 20'r2U 109 Rs. 20.00 Rs. 2180.00
3 f,i!chi 30'x-30' 48 Rs. 100.00 Rs. 4800.00
ADrbot 2UtAA 109 Rs. 25.00 Rs. 2725.m

-76- potenlial
d \pc-1s 2ooeroletprodarion or aea Specific Of variOUS CrOpS in the province final.docx
Basis of Calculation (Fertilizers Cost) (One Acre)
SNo TYM Fln4
Kzo N
I 5( 50 50 0 0149 00050 0 005( Ll88
2 5( 5( 50 t09 0 0164 00055 0 0055 I 108
l 5( 5t 50 48 00072 00024 0 0024 0 576
5( 5( 50 r09 00r64 0.0055 0 0055 I 308
365 00548 0 0t83 0 0183 418
15000 40000 14000 1000
22215 l9t 693 ll88 Rs, 1.678,05
245 25 2tf 161 ll08 R., 1,84?,55
t-1chi t08 9l ll6 516 R3. 81J.50
245 25 ll8 '16 i 808 R!. 1,817.55
821.25 710 255 5 4380 Rs.6,166.?5

Notet The unit cost cstimates ofplants and fertilizers are for l" year whilst increased by 5% on
rncremenral basis for ihe rest ofthe projecr period.

- t/ -
d:\pGis 2ooero\e&bnaron or aroa specific potential ofvarious crops in the province final.docx
Source offinancin&
lndicate the amount ofequity to be financed from each source.
(a) Equity

. SDonsors own resource.

. Federal Govemment
. Provincial govemment
r DFl's/bank
. General public
. Foreien Eouitv rindicate oarlner asenc\ )
. NCO's / beneficieries
(b) Debt

Indicate the local & foreign debt, interest rate, grace period and repayment
period for each loan separately. The loan repayment schedule be also

No debt required.
(c) Crants alongwith source

(d) Weighted cost of capital:


Il Benelits ofthe Project and analysis

Through the implementation of this project the agribusiness
would be boosted up in the province as well as in the country
by 200 times ofthe present status which are quantified below in

Secondly, there is no direct income to the govemment from the

project but indirect income to the faming community is
estimated as Rs. 255.75 million p.annum at an average. The
project will yield income from its 4'" year of implementation
(after coming the plants in to bearing).

- lat -
d:\pcrs 2oosro\exproitation or a.ea SpeCifiC potential Ofvarious crops in the province final.docx
- 19 -
d:\pc is 2oo9-1o\exptoitation or a€a specifiC potential Of various crops in the DrOVince final.dOCX

Socio economic condition of the farming community will be

raised through the help ofthis project. It is also expected that
the quantity of exportable surplus of these fruits will be raised
and difinitely increase the foreign exchange in case ofexport of
these fruits to Europe, Middle east and other deserious
countries having demand ofthese fruits.

N.W.F.P. Shares 38% to 9070 in area,/production of some oflhe

fruits having a lot ofpotential in other fruits as well. Following
is a comparison ofthe Province with the Country:

Area in hectares Production in Tonnes

Fruit Torge shrrE of
Pskietrtr N\ryFP N}ITP
ArcA Prodrctkrn Area Prodrrtion Area Production
Cirus 199.4 2294.5 4.4 35.9 2.2t% t.56%
Mango 166.2 t7 53.7 0.4 4 0.24% 0.23%
Banana 3 5.5 158 0.7 I1.8 t.97% 8.'13Vo
Apple ll3 441.6 9.4 t24.5 8.320/" 28.t90/.
Grapes 15.3 75.3 0.2 1.3 l.3lo/t |.13%
PorlE!!'ar|ate 13.5 0.3 t.4 2.220/, 2.47Vo
GtE 63.3 538.9 3.6 43.1 5.6v/. 8.00%
Dates 90.1 557.5 1.4 10.4 |.550/. 1.87%
Apncot 31.3 240.2 2.3 19.7 7.350/. 8.20%
Peach 15.6 82.4 6 56.7 38.460/a 68.81%
Pear 2.1 1.9 90.480/a 96.280
Plum 3.6 41.37% 48.49%
AhrDrd I l.l 26.6 0.3 0.9 2.70% 3.3801
Total : 794.31 6636.565 46.059 513.045 5.80% 't .7 30/"

Sourcer Asricultural Statistics of Pakistan 2007-08

-20- polential OfvarioUS CrOpS in the province final.docx

d:\pc-1s 2oo9-lobtproilario. or aca specifiC
Further more area and production of fruit crops in project
districts are given as underl

Area in hectares Production in M.T.

S.No. Distrbt Area Prodwtion
Peshawar t3t2 14443
2 Charsadda t654 17589
3 Mardan 2360 24910
4 Swabi 1t 52 9531
5 Manseltra t222 8357
6 Abbottabad 689 5 550
7 Hariour 1326 I 1847
8 Mahkard 1272 11350
9 Swat l3l l9 r43324
l0 Btmer 441 4078
ll Dir Lower 992 8869
Total : 25539

With the help of this project, following increase in area is


DbEirt OrctBrd tobe to be Broushl under Fruit Crco (Hect)

lail od lst verr 2nd Year 3rd Yert 4th Yerr sth r€3r Total
Dir L,ower Citn6 Orchard 24.28 24.28 24.28 24.2u 24.28 2t.4
BurEr 24.28 24.28 24.28 )1.28 24.28 2t.4
Mahkard 24.28 24.28 24.28 24.28 24.28 )t.1
Swabi 24.28 24.28 24.28 24.28 24.28 2t.4
Mardan 24.28 24.28 24.28 24.28 24.28 2t.41
Total: r2l.4l t2t.4l t2l.4l t2t.4l tzl.4l 607.04
harsadda PIwn Orchard 22.26 20.23 20.23 20.23 20.23 103.2c
Peshawar 22.26 20.23 20.23 20.23 20.23 103.20
Mansehra 22.26 20.21 20.21 20.2] 20.21 101.20
Total: 66.17 60.70 60.70 60.70 60.70 309.59
Harbur Lilc Orchard 20.23 20.23 24.28 24.28 24.28 I l].31
Abbotabad 20.23 20.23 24.28 24.28 24.28 IE.JI
Total: 40.47 40.41 48.56 48.56 48.56 226.63
S\,',al Apricot 20.2) 20.23 20.23 20.23 20.23 l0t I
Mamebra 20.23 20.23 20.23 20.23 20.23 l0l 11

Toarl: 40.47 4[.11 40.41 40-47 40.41

G.Tofel 269.r2 263.0s 211.15 27l.t5 211.15 1345.61

d \pcrs 2ooe-ro\expro rarion or a€a specific potential of various crops in the province flnal.docx
. Social .,

With the increase in farm income social activities will be

geneated and improved.

. Environmental.
io.king ofproject as well as extension field staff
be streamlined th.rough the help ofthis project.

/ Economic Analysis (with assumption)

Financial analvsis
. Quantifiable output ofthe project.

The project investment to the extent ofRupees is 30 00 million whilst

gross quantifiable out put ofthe project is Rs. 14632.89 Million. Here
are the figures indicating quantifiable out put ofthe project which are
summed up for a period of l5 years.

Fruit Crop Panicuhrs A\erage

Expected lnconE
per armuln
Citrus No.ofPlarns = 1,48,500
P.Tree prodution (in Kgs) 100-300
Estd. Prod. (ks) 37,125
Rate tu/kR Rs. 42.16
B@ec. lrroriF lo be derbved Rs- 1,58?.41
Plurn No.ofPhnts = 78,480
P.Tree prodtrtbn (in Kgs) 80-150
Esd. Prod. (kss) 1374
Rate Rs/ks Rs. 34.21
Eroec. Irrconp to be derieved Rs. 252.24
Litchi No.of Plans = 26,880
P.Tree prodlrctbn (in Kgs) 80-120
Estd. Prod. (kcs) 2,544
Rate Rsn(s Rs. 81.44
Eoec. lrrconE to be derieved Rs. 207.2n
Apricot No.of Phnts = 54,500
P.Tree prodrrctbn (in Kgs) 90-120
Estd. Prod. (kps) 5,624
Rate Rs/ks Rs. 42.76
ExDec. IrrconE to be derbved Rs. 240.49

d \pc-1s 2oo$10\6xprotarion ot.Ba specific potential of various crops in the province final docx
. Profit and loss account and cash flow statement.

The investment ofthe project is Rs. 30.00 Million with no direct

income while indirect income in shape of increased production to the
farmer throug developpment process ofAgriculture Extension already

. Net Present Value (NPV) and benefit cost ratio.

Not aPPlicable

. Intemal FinancialRate ofRetum (IFRR)

Not aPPlicable
. Unit Cost Anal) sis


. Break Even Point (BEP)


. Payback period.

The feed back ofthe activities to be carried out under the project will
be visible fiom the fruit plants planted coming in to bearing i.e. fiom
the 4'" year ofplantation/orchard layout

. Rerurn on Equity (ROE)


Economic Analysis

. Provide taxes & duties separately in the capital and operating cost.

Operating Costs have alleady been mentioned under Financial


. Net Present Value (NPv) and Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR)


. lntemal Ilconomic Rate ofRetum (IERR)


-23- ora€a specific potential of various crops in the province final.docx

d \Dc-1s 2ooero\exproirarion
Foreign Exchange Rate ofthe Project (Bruno's Ratio) ior import substitute and
export oriented project.

No Foreign Exchange is required.

Employment Analysis

Employment Generation (direct & indirect)

As already mentioned there is no direct recruitemtnt wrder the

project yet engagement ofcasual labour for plantation will give
a temporary employment for a period of a couple ofweeks.But
in result of plantation-/orchard layout, an employment in the
project district(s) will be generated in shape of services
required by the orchard ouner for maintenance of the
orchards/harvesting, packing marketing etc etc. The estimated
employment to be generated as a result of project activities is
9975 oersons i.e. 3 persons / acre orchard.

Sensitivity Analysist

Impact ofdelays on project cost .nd viabilify

Project Activities are seasoned bound, if timely release of

funds is not ensured it would adversly affect the out come of
the project.

12. Implem€ntation Schedule

Indicate Starting and completion date ofthe project.

Shning in October 2009 and completion 30'h June 2014.

Item-rvise / year-wise implmentations schedule in line/bar chart co-related with

the phasing of physical activities.

drpc-1s 2oosro\exproitarion or area specific potential ofvarious crops in the province final.docx
Chart Title






0 b 2009-lo 2010-r1 20tl-12 2012-13 20lJ-14

13. Management structure and Inanpowei reouirements

. Administrativeanangementsforimplementationofproject.

The Director General /Horticulturist, will over all supervise

the projecl activities. Deputy Director Agriculture P&D to b€
recruited will directly supervise the operational activities and
will repofl the progress on monthly, quaderly, half yearly and
annual basis.

The manpower requiremenr by skillVprofession during execution and oepration

ofthe Project.

The job description, qualification, experience, age and salary ofeach job may be


14. Additionrl proiects/ decisiotrs reouired

Indicate additional projectV decisions required to optimize the investm€nt being

irndertaken on the projec.

Additional decision for optimizing the expenditure will not be


- LJ-
d \pc"1s 2ooeio\exproirarion ora€a specific potential of various crops in the province final.docx
15. Certificate

Ilis ce ifred thol lhe pruject proposal has been prepared on lhe
basis of Instrucliotts provided by the Planning Commission lot the
Fepfiarion of PC-l tor pruduction seclor project.

Prepared by:
Farliat Abbas Durrani
Development Assistant,
Directorate General Agric. Extn.
NWFP Peshawar.

Checked by:


N.W.F.P. P


. of N.$Lf,P.
vestock & Coop. Deptt.

-26- of!€. specifiC potential of various crops in the province final.docx

d:\p?r! 2ooe1o\uptoitlrion


d \pc-1s 2oo+io\etproirarion or a€a specific potential of various crops in the province final.docx
Code *'litle 535-()0296 Exploitation of Area Specifi c
Potential ofVarious Crops in the
Provincc t,
tsiluuah Kh.rn
Sub Seclor Agriculture Extension Dre&r G!hcrdl.
Categor) Agriculturc Mcchanizalion 1{ktuInre E\teayon..\'t'FP

M isc:

On Farm Water Managemenr (A au ah Khdn)

Agrjculture Extension Secretary to Govr. OfNWFP
Agriculture Research riculture DeDtt. NWFP
Plnnning & Devclopment Pleasc enci.clc correct ans*er:
Live stock & Dniry Dev:
Vet€.inary Research toreign Arded l,roject:
Fruu & Veg: Dev Board Name ofdonor/foreign

Il )es. number of NA
lmpl€mentarion Drt€s for this PC-l individualcomponents
Expecled completion date 30'' Jun, 2014
Proposed Duration in month 56 Montbs
No OfFinancial Inlol\ed
nan(rdl Ycars invo 5 reart
PC-l Prepared b):
Name Farhat Abbas Durrani
I'osition Dcvelopmenl Assr. DCA ([)
NWFP Peshawar

Spon\o!rA Ascnc!lLiic l)cot

Rc\isLd l'(:l or data? Y.s I No ,. lir Ongoinr schcDrs:

Nunrber ol Rc!i\i0ns so lar

I)rrc OriSjndlP( t sancrroncd lechnical Sanclur Date
l)dle ol l''
Sturt ol llorecl rcchnical San.rn)n (bsr.
Ioral Proiccr dutulron lionr srdn
lornl Nunbcr o, frnlncirl Y.a latcr

d \pc-1s 2oos,ro\€xp odar,on or aea Specific potential Of various CrOpS in the province final.doCX
Project: Dissemination of Better Agriculture Practices to all Staleholders through
Sector Agriculture Sub Sector: Agriculture trxlension
Category Miscellsneous

Curul,liY i,rset by finh.sLyur

6 .iE'

Signatures of approving body

Fill in ftc blanls i.lable F'gur.s mrh. h$ q$n.r4er should al*ayscoln.ide $ili lisures in overall $hcne rde.r coluh
wc'shtsarc in pcrc.nbs* rtul sltould alwats add trp(o 100% They alcusullly!rcid bd cin be se n{d
'nodlficd 'rrberc
Ths PC-l SKIMhabb. si$dandannex.d ro tlt. Pcl md ro rhc Adnintrhov! AplmvalroruD

-29- a€a specific potential ofvarious crops in the province final.docx

d:\pc,1s 2ooe-1o\exproitaiion or
Imprtanl Noles:
l. All costs rre in Million of Pakislatr Rup€.s. Th. cost brea*down should ool b.
cumulativa. Add mor€ columns ifrcc€sstty
2. Trrgct setting is to b€ don€ alwrys by financi.l yer.. This means lhat a schcme of l0
months duration can still take 2 financial years to complete for instance if it is stans in

Page 3/3 empty.wkS

(e e> _b a: €9 3> .3 tc 3>
.3E JB

6 6 6

5 a a

. Capitsl (Codc) refcrs to the works accounts: tcvenue (t) to all other accounts.

(') curency used: Pak Ruplcs Exchange Used: N.A


-30- oraI.. specific potential of various crops in the province final.docx

d:bc-r ! 20osl ob)oroit.uon
Check List For Appraisal of PC-l
(To be attached to PC-l Form)

l. PreliEiD.rv Check!.
S/No: PoiIts Li[c D€ptt. ADSC/DSC/PDWP

ls lhe Scheme in rhe ADP? /Yes/No YeeNo

ls the proj€ctjustified for funding /Yes^o Yes/No
(accordinq to Dolicv suid€lin$)?
ls it also funded bythe Federal Yesnlo'/
l Govemment?

4 Is there another scheme of the same YesNo/ Yesn',lo

nalwe in this locality/area?
lf so, has ad€quate juslafication for YesNo/N.A
5 implementing the schem€ b€en giv€n
in the PC-l form?

6 Hai a fearibilily study b€en conducted?

Ifyes, summaise findioss in workine oaDer
Has tbe feasibility study looked at the YesNo^l.A
cons€quences ofthe project foa women;

Has the PC-l Form has been prepared Yes/NoN.A
accordinq lo the DroDer format?
Have the gander-specifi c guidelines Yes/No/N.Ar'
satisfactorily been used?
l0 ls the PC-l form comDlele in €verv resD€cr?
Are plans and dmwings for the project r'Yes/No Yes,No
Yes/No/N.Ar' Yes^o/N.A
t2 Building (housing/ofiices) projecrs; do rhey
include facilhies for women?
t3 ls land available? Yes/No
Has it been mentioned in lhe PC-l Form Yes^o
whether tbe site s€lect€d is convenient
for women/children?

Comments by Line Depanmeot,


Comments by ADSC/DSC/PDWP, ifany

Cood, needs further

Assessment ofPC-l
clarifi carion, unacceptable
Commenls by the ADSC/DSC/PDWP

- JI -
d:\pcr! 2oo9.1olerproi[iiion oraEa specmc potenlial Ofvarious crops in the province final.docx
2. Or€rall and Cenersl checks:
Does th€ PC-l Form clearly explain the
sDecific Drobl€ms to be addressed?
Has the target-goup bccn involved in Yes.No
the identification ofthc oroblems?
lf women are a part ofthe target-group
3 have tb€y been involved in the
identifi cation of Droblems?
ls il explained how the sch€me willhelp Yes,NoN.A YesNo
in solvine these oroblems?
Have special measurcs been proposed to YerNoN.A Yest{o,N.A
solve the Droblems ofWomen?
Yes/No Yes/No
6 Have objectives been formulated in precise

Are objectives ofthe scheme related to YesNo YesNo
the overall obiectives ofth€ sector?
Are the objectives ofthe scheme related
8 to the rJ/lD-objeclives ofthe sector, the
Five Year Plan and / or other relevant

Has the targ€t-Broup been well defined?

- Yes.No Yes,No
9 (Wom€n/Inen/boy/girls/landless/small

Have the effecb and impact (long term YesNoNA Yesn{o

changes): Benefi ts/disadvantages of rhe scheme
l0 on fte development of women b€en
indicated? Ifyes, summarise findings in

lfpossible negative consequences for Yes,tlo,NA Yes^o

women have b€en idenlified, have
special m€asures been taken to

Have tbe effecb and impact (long term Yes,No

chan8es; Benefil / disadvantages) of the
schemeon the environmenl been indicated?
Ifyes. sumarise findinps in workins oaoer.
Comments by Line Depanmeot, ifany.

Commenrs by ADSC/DSC/PDWP, ifany

Assessment ofPC-l cood, needs tu(her

Commenrs by rhe ADSC/DSC/PDWP clarifi carion, unacceptable

d:tser! 2oo+rolsrpbiraiion ota€a specific potential ofvarious crops in the province final.docx

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