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Do you want to know what my experience is on my first day in college? My first day at
MUST, It was a day full of new experiences. I got into a new educational building, was
exposed to a different style of learning, and met new people. My first day signified the
beginning of my journey to my brighter future.

It was the middle of summer when I and my friend James decided to enroll in MUST
and get the course Information Technology. We decided to take I.T because we both
like to play computer especially online games. Luckily we both passed the entrance
exam and we were so happy about it. When we started the first day of school we both
felt excited and nervous at the same time. That was the start of my first day in college
and about what happened.

My main reason why I decided to take I.T is because I was amazed by the movie
transformer and other high-tech. robot movies. Actually I also once like to take
engineering course, I wanted to learn how to make robots and high-tech. gadgets but I
choose to take I.T instead because engineering requires great math skills, and I thought
taking I.T course won’t require such great need of math, it’s almost the same unit like
our major subject I.T fundamentals but it’s okay, I really wanted to be an I.T professional
which today’s generation is in need of people who can operate computers.

Becoming an I.T is a good decision for me, if I finish this course I got to learn how to
program, to create any software, applications and etc. even to hack other computers.
Hacking is also a cool thing an I.T can do. Now a day’s computer is most common
among teenagers like me who are interested in technology, who enjoys learning more
about computer works, also for me having the knowledge about computer programming
and other stuffs is like having a power where you can create anything you want.

So much for the computer stuff, my reason why I choose this topic is because even
though its hard taking I.T course I’m trying to do my best finish college with a 4 years
degree course is a great deal, if I got to finish my course and graduate in MUST that
would be the best thing that I could be proud of, to myself, my parents and to everyone.

First day of school for me is important because it’s where I started the journey to my
brighter future. I will do my best and to those students like me who are blessed of
having a chance to go to school and finish study to find a job for their future.

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