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LIPOGRAM NO O ,S by Ella &Phoebe

In 1996 there was a girl called Little Red
Riding Cape. She left her flat Saturday,
when she glanced at her watch and saw that her
watch said 12:35 pm. Straight away she went the
granite submarine hire building visiting her Auntie
with a few biscuits that she had made. Suddenly
her ears sprang up after hearing the siren being
screamed saying that submarines can be released!
As quick as a flash, little red riding cape
disappeared in the deep, blue sea but when the call
was said silence was spread. Relaxing in the sea
materials, Little Red was disappearing in a land
full with dreams! She fell fast asleep, until!!!!!!!!
Suddenly, little red riding cape heard ‘CRASH’
Little red was terrified and perplexed, with this
extreme event. Luckily she escaped the terrible
crash with a piercing screech. As she glared by the
submarine window she had seen a dark figure. It
appeared with black fur, and piercing sharp teeth .
Suddenly she was petrified and let a shrilling
scream, little red saw that it was a vast, hungry
bear perched up beside her. Despite the fact that
she was misplaced during her stay at the
unfriendly Ireland. When with warning the
hungry bear, gulped her up and splattered Little
Red Riding Cape head first under the
freezing bitter water delapatetedly. The next day
in the news paper’s was little red said she was
buried in the sand dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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