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2) United States Patent 6 os, wy co @) on) (32) 8) 36) Cottre MODIFIED DENTAL IMPLANT FIX IRE Inventor: Richard Cottrell, Lake Forest, I (US) Assignee Notice Appl. No, Filed Astra Tech AB, Molndal (SE) Subject to any diselaimer th patent is extended or adjust USC. 184() by 195 days 107752,189 an. 5, 2008 Prior Publication Data US 200310142304 AL Jul, 22, 2004 Related Us pplication Data 1eteem of this ed under 35 Continuation of spplication No, 10/223,773, filed oa Aug. 19, 2002, now Pat, No, 6,672,872, which is a continuation-in-part of application No. 10/011.866, filed on Doe. 3, 2001, nov Pat. No. 6,655,961 Int. AGIC 800 us.c (2006.01) 433/173; 483/174 Field of Classification Search 5.009.596 Sinsn.o0s Sse 5302236 S17 ss References Cited USS, PATENT DOCUMENTS. 1991, Sodsrbens T1991 Nunick Tr902 Soderberg 1/1994 Bruner 1995 Giglio 411996 Cloke 439/172-176 ‘ce application file for complete search history. 'US007270542B2 (10) Patent No.: US 7,270,542 B2 45) Date of Patent: Sep. 18, 2007 5504925 8101996. Shanpanior S861926 4 101995 Branemask 5591099 4 Vi907 Zuest Shon 121997 Cloke S788525 471998. Weissman $8201 A 11009 Lazare eal 5890902 A 41999. Sapam Soq7735 A 911909 Day 6.164960 A 122000. Dinkelacker 521733) BL 42001 Fret 6280784 BL 92001 Woke (Continved) POREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS (Continved) (OTHER PUBLICATIONS LL, Cawood and RA, Howell, Recomractve Preprstede Suregary, 1 Anatomical Considerations. lt'| Kaa Oral Maxi Foti Sunger. 199120, 7882. Primary Esaminer—Cary B, O'Connor (V4) Attorney, Agent, or Firm —Diekstein Shapino LLP 6 ABSTRACT A modified dental implant fixture designed to preserve Jingval bone by having the coronal aspeet of the implant being compatible with bony anatomy that is higher on the Tingtal side ofthe implant surgical sit, The implant may be of either the single stage oF the (Wo stage design, By ‘modifying the shape of the top of the implant fixture 40 ‘mime bealingyhealed bony anatomy, bone is preserved and bone growth is possibly encourage 13 Claims, 6 Drawing Sheets US 7,270,542 B2 Page 2 USS, PATENT DOCUMENTS. FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS Hanson soossnsnsine BIT WO WOOYSOOT A 7/2001 Elan aun ‘bates Morgan 480173 * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Sep. 18, 2007 Sheet 1 of 6 US 7,270,542 B2 FIG. 3 (PRIOR ART) 56 4 28 FIG.2 (PRIOR ART) (PRIOR ART) FIG| U.S. Patent Sep. 18, 2007 Sheet 2 of 6 US 7,270,542 B2 FIG.4 (PRIOR ART) FIG.S (PRIOR ART) FIG.8 G.7 FIG.6 (litany 9 t nu ts) U.S. Patent Sep. 18, 2007 Sheet 4 of 6 FIG. 12 FIG.1| - ai i aa 7 + § —_—_4 enn FIG.IO FIG.9 U.S. Patent Sep. 18, 2007 Sheet 5 of 6 US 7,270,542 B2 ie in FIG. 6, ae US 7,270,542 B2 1 MODIFIED DENTAL IMPLANT FIXTURE, CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED APPLICATION, “This application isa continuation of US. application Ser No. 10/223,773, fled Aug. 19, 2002, now US. Pat. No. 6.672.872, which is a continuation-in-part, and, therefore

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