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MOCK EXAM B. Complete the following text.

A. Complete with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Although I ...................... (know) for years, that exercise is
important, I ..................... (not have) time to go to a gym every
1. Diane .................... (have) a party tonight. day. Then a friend told me about a great new computer game,
2. She is a vegetarian. She .................. (not eat) meat. Wii Fit, that ...................... (help) people get fit at home!
3. The children ................... (not want) to eat anything at the He told me that after he .................... (try) this game,
moment. he ................... (stop) going to his gym! The next day,
4. I .................... (think) that Brad ................... (travel) to Ireland I ................... (buy) Wii Fit. There are about 40 activities and the
now. gameʼs special graphics ................... (help) you to do the
5. While I .................... (look) through a magazine, I ................. exercises correctly. Wii Fit ..................... (combine) fitness with
(find) an interesting article about Machu Picchu. fun, so when I ................... (read) that Wii Fit ................... (sell)
6. Turn down the radio, please. I ................... (study) for an at a current rate of 90 copies per minute, I wasnʼt surprised.
7. She .................... (make) an effort in school this year. C. Complete the following text
8. We ..................... (drive) home when the storm .......................
(start) Britney Spears ...................... (marry) Kevin Federline in
9. I ....................... (clean) the kitchen after September, 2004, but she ...................... (already/be) married
everyone ....................... (leave) once, to Jason Alexander. That marriage ...................... (not last)
10. I ..................... (try) to call Ben, but he ......................... very long, however - 55 hours, to be exact!
11. Iʼm terribly tired. I think I ........................ (take) a break Before she married Jason, Britney also ..................... (date) pop
12. I didnʼt hear the alarm clock go off. Now ......................... idol Justin Timberlake. However, after a three and a half year
(miss) the bus and ................... (be) late for work again. relationship, Justin ...................... (break up) with her.
13. Do you think Zelda ........................ (sell) her old car by now?
14. Careful! You ..................... (hit) your head on the low ceiling. Britney and Kevin recently ........................ (decide) to show the
15. I canʼt come tonight. I ....................... (help) my mum paint world their real lives, in a six-part reality TV series. The reason?
the kitchen. According to Britney, “from the day that Kevin and I met,
16. According to reports, governments and private there ....................... (be) constant rumours about our lives
companies ..................... (spend) millions of dollars on together”. Now they .................... (want) to tell their own story - in
genetic research in the near future. their own way.

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