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The Philosophy of the devil

Tito is a young policeman, in a crime scene for the first time.It's all news for
the curious newbe;but what he don't expected was to meet a bizzarre being comin
g out of the blue, or maybe elsewhere. A black man, with a slanted hat on his he
ad and so drunk that needed to be helded by a loyal assistant.
His name is Epaminondas. Epaminondas is an ex-policeman retired due to his alcho
olism, which emerges misteriously in crime scenes when convoked by the detective
s. For some reason, Epaminondas have this strange gift that makes him immediatel
y solve the crime and name the guilty, sparing the former pals from the exaustin
g investigation job.Tito was mesmerised by the obscure ex-cop and resolve to kno
w him better;to do it he will count on at first with the help of his more experi
ent pal and lover Nina. But Nina soon gets out of the task, considering it too r
isky, since Epaminondas is considered a dangerous and unpredictable. Tito seeks
his goal and penetrates a devilish, dangerous and fascinating world, the world o
f the shadows, the wosld of Epaminondas. Many things will be unveiled to Tito in
this unusual meeting in the dark, but what he didn't knew was that this would d
ramatically change his life...

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