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1194 BC Ithacan Gazette Ithacan Playboy By Agape Stratus BVT ete manne Bee It seems as though the that Ithaca’s future king Prince of Ithacaneeds _Telemachos has been to find the sword to his looking for a strapping steed. lady to crown the future Last week, queen of Ithaca. rumors floated around —Telemachos confirmed ‘See Telemachos Page > Antinoos is being sued by Penelope for conspiring to attack her son, ‘Telemachos, upon return from Pylos Antinoos————> ‘Your guide to Ithaca often overlooked for more popular spots like The National Art Museum and ‘the monument remembering those lost in ‘the Trojan War. The east coast of Ithaca has intricate architecture and ‘ocean views that no visitor would want to overlook. The cuisine is full of fresh seafood and freshly brewed tea. A trip to the off the beaten path areas of Ithaca are absolutely worth a shot! PAGEr

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