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Vocabulary words chapter2 lesson 1

early people
1 Ancestor- An early family member.

2. Theory-An idea based study and research

3. Migration-The movement of people

4. Artifact-Object made by a person

5. Civilization-A group of people with ways of life ;religion; and learn

6. Tradition-a way of life or an idea handed down from the past

7. Class-a group of people in a society who have something in common

Vocabulary Words Chapter2 Lesson2 the
Eastern Woodlands

1.division of labor-work that is divided so that it is possible to produce

more goods

2.palisade-a wall made of tall wooden poles to protect a village from


3.longhouse-a long wooden building in which several families could live

4.wampum- beads cut from seashells to make designs that showed

important decisions ,events ,or stories are traded and exchanged for

5.confederation-a loose group of government working together

6. wigwam-a round , bark covered shelter

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