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PTS Continued from Page 18 fore picking Hurst for the company headquarters. “Teame down here and Herman smith took me on a tour of the Hurst and Colleyville area,” ne said, “I need two basic support Hems for the company. a major airport nearby and 8 good banking parinership. (Smith) owned this building and took me on a (oUF, told me About D/FW Airport and_ intro duced me to Bob Gerrard at Bed- ford National Bank,” Bishara added, “That took care of my wo needs, so T chose Hurst for the headquarters. ishara listed three key ele- menis in the company’s phenome. fal rate of growth, ‘Our response time as well as cour low overhead are the two main Ingredients for our success,” he sald, adding that his company of- ten fills a client's needs within just afew days, “That Is basic for any business fand itis very simple, but Tan a Simple individual anyway," he add- fd. "Once you get this way, what ‘will keep you there isthe quality of Your services and your reputation. For that you have to hire the right people. For PTS, the right people often have military. backgrounds. Bi shara said he tends to look to the USS. Navy for qualified people to staff and operate the company. The nuclear industry started with te Navy because the Navy had the expertise developed for their nuclear ships and subma- Fines," he suid. "It was developed fand matured at the hands of the huclear Navy’ forees, and. from there you have the ‘commercial fields eis no surprise, then, that a se- ior viee president and two vice presidents recently hired at PTS Bil are former Navy captains ‘They bring that expertise and talent and leadership skills” Bi shara sald, “They are team players and they are motivators ‘Another recent addition to PTS, aside from yet another expansion of the fourth-floor offices of the Mid-Cities National Bank building, is 2 $250,000 computer data bank that company officials said put PTS fas much as 10 years ahead of is ‘competition. “The data bank stores and sorts 10,000" professional resumes, with room for another 10,000, With the ‘computer, PTS recruiters can find the right resumes for a job request Ina matter of hours, where It used {0 take days ‘We embarked on a new chal- lenge and made a big investment, but we know it is an investment that wil pay off," Bishara sald. “It ‘ill allow us (0 respond in a matter ff hours to jobs, and if we can get the right resumes to a client first We will be the ones they goto.” Bishara said he is confident that PTS will continue to grow in the fu ture as the power plant industry ‘continues to expand. He also said the exposure received in the Inc Magazine listing should be yet an- other push toward increased "It provides the company with ‘ational recognition, and that ult ‘mately will enhance the company's ‘chances in dealing with banks, loan firms, accountants as well as cli cents.” he sald, "It does provide Some added edge. "The other thing It does that I feel is really Important is i helps attract good talents to the compa: hy," he added. “People feel more proud working for a good compa hy, one that is growing.” in the case of PTS, that means 14,000 percent more pride.

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