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Comparison of three types of neurons:

- All are nerve cells

Aspect Sensory neurone Motor neurone Relay neurone
Function Transmits impulse Transmits impulses Processes impulses
from receptors to from the central received from the
the central nervous nervous system to sensory neurones
system effectors and transmit them to
the motor neurones
The length of Long Short Varied
The length of axon Short Long Varied

Reflex action:
-Definition: Rapid and automatic response to a stimulus

-Examples of reflex action:

(a) Knee-jerk reflex
(b) Withdrawal of hand when touching a hot object accidentally
(c) Blinking of eyes when an object is moving towards our eyes
(d) Narrowing of eye pupils when intensity of light is too great

-The important of reflex action: Help to avoid injuries

-A reflex action can be carried out rapidly because impulses go through a very short
nervous path called a reflex arc

-A reflex arc normally consists of receptors, sensory neurones, relay neurones, motor
neurones and effectors

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