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R 3 Applicaion For
Personal Info
First:_______________Middle___________ Last_________________ / Email:______________
Mailing address:
City: _______________________________ State: _____________ Zip code:
Phone #:____________________________ Cell phone #:____________________________

“Period” Info:
1.German name: ___________________________________________________

2. Gasmask size (circle one): 1 2 3

1 is the Largest 3 is the smallest, 2 was the most common size.

3. Blood type (circle one) *: A B O AB

4. Date of Birth*: _________________________

The most effective way is to use your actual month and day but subtract your age
from 1944, perhaps adding a year or two to keep the info current. Dont forget,
Germans write in dd/mm/yyyy format.

5. City of Birth*: __________________________

6. Religion*: _____________________________
Lutheran was the most common Religion in war-time Germany. Catholicism was a
close second.

7. Profession before the war*: _________________________________________

The most common entries are Landwirt (farmer) or Arbeiter (laborer)

8. Height (in cm): ______ 9. Body Type: ________________________________________

(slim, fat, muscular, heavy build, light build, medium
10. Shape of face: _____________ 11. Hair color: _____________
(round, oval, full)
12. Eye color: _____________ 13. Beard (circle one): y / n
14. Glasses (circle one): y / n
15. Shoe Size : ______________
16. Distinguishing features*:
(Common entries include: scar, burn, birth mark etc.)

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