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February 17,201 I

As the topic of taxes becomes a central issue in the California state budget this year, we would like to take
this opportunity to cordially invite you to join the Taxpayers Caucus, one of the first in the history of the
Cal i fornia State Legislature.

Formed by your fellow members, the Taxpayers Caucus is organized for the purpose of giving taxpayers
a voice inside their State government, The special interests and spending lobby are protecting their own
interests under the Capitol dome. A Taxpayers Caucus that speaks in one strong voice is needed now
more than ever inside the State legislature.

1'he top priorities of the Taxpayers Caucus will be to:

,/ Supporl anil vote for Tax cuts that create jobs and stimulate our economy;

'/ Oppose and vote against Tax increases in the Legislature;

./ Oppose and vote against arry el1brt to have the Legislature place tax increases on the ballot,
unless a tax cul of equal or larger value is presented on the same ballot;

,/ Oppose and vote against any eflbrts to weaken Catifornia taxpayer protections such as
Proposition l3:

'/ Support a state budget that is balanced, without gimmicks and false solutions that allow for deficit

This bi-canieral, bi-partisan invitation is being extended to all members of both the State Senate and State
Assembly. ln the spirit of working together to protect hard-working families across the state of California
all nrembers are invited to join, regardless of Party.

With California's economy still in recession, foreclosures at an all-time high,40% of Califomia homes
"under water" in value" and higher unemployment than the national average, our Taxpayers need
protection from tlre usual tax-and-spencl politics of Sacramento.

We think this is a Caucus whose tirne has ceifte.

We lrope you'll-ioin us,


Senator Tony Stricklarrd Assemblymember Donald P.

Co-Chair Co-Chair

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