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The first step is to assess your values
and goals in life. Put pen to paper.
Be honest.
To ³seek first the kingdom of God´ means to
bring your priorities in line with God¶s, so the
next step is to know what God¶s priorities are.
_any people stop here because they expect God to ask
something impossibly difficult or sacrificial of them.
They would probably be pleasantly surprised if they
knew how simple and clear the Bible is on that,
and how attainable it is:
(es, living for those things isn¶t always easy and may
involve some initial sacrifices, but they are sacrifices
that are soon more than repaid.
The Bible doesn¶t say that money is the root of all evil,
as 1 Timothy 6:10 is so often misquoted;
it is ð  
that¶s to blame.
God will be more than happy to bless you
materially if you will use those blessings to

and ð

In fact, the Bible promises, ð 


 (Psalm 37:4), and ð 
(Psalm 84:11).
Ò(es, only you¶ll be a happier, more
focused, and more fulfilled you. God
made you to be a unique expression
of His love. He¶s not going to spoil
that, but rather improve on it!

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