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• re·train / Ñ %ri;'treIn; NAmE Ñ / verb

• retrain (sb) (as sth) to learn, or to teach sb, a
new type of work, a new skill, etc.:[v] She
retrained as a teacher. Ç [vn to inf] Staff have
been retrained to use the new technology.
[also vn]
• ô re·train·ing noun [U]
• ana·logy / Ñ J'n&lJdZi; NAmE Ñ / noun (pl. -ies)
• 1[C] analogy (between A and B) | analogy (with sth) a
comparison of one thing with another thing that has
similar features; a feature that is similar:The teacher
drew an analogy between the human heart and a pump.
Ç There are no analogies with any previous legal cases.
• 2[U] the process of comparing one thing with another
thing that has similar features in order to explain
it:learning by analogy

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