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Global Travel and Staying in Touch

No matter where in the world you're travelling to, the chances are that your friends and family
back home will be anxious to stay in touch. After all, poor mums, dads, boyfriends and girlfriends,
best friends and good workmates will all be worrying that your plane landed safely, that you made
it to your hotel, that you're eating well - okay, maybe the boyfriends, girlfriends and friends won't
be so concerned about that, but, in any case, it's a good idea to stay in touch.

You can even start a travel blog and pass the address onto family members who want to keep up
with a diary of your exploits across the globe. By updating it every now and then, you save
yourself the effort of having to type out 20 emails to different people saying the same thing - it's
simple now to just share the information with everyone. There's also excellent websites like
Twitter, where you can post quick notes to let your contacts know what you're up to - which is
great for making them jealous when you tweet you're about to clamber into a helicopter over
Niagara Falls, explore the Congo or trek the Great Wall of China!

Though traveling is fun, especially when you travel alone, you do wish to stay in touch with your
loved ones back home. With the internet making communication cheap and easy it is indeed
simple to keep in touch across the globe. If you have a laptop log on to the net and get connected
with your loved ones. This way you can also send pictures of the places you are traveling and let
them know that you are enjoying yourself. Your loved ones will also be happy to know that you
are safe and sound. If you are a regular traveler due to business or work then you can always use
the hotel business center to communicate with your loved ones.

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