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Chapter 2

Boer War Naval Crisis

Issue: Britain enters war with the Afrikaners Whether Canada should contribute to the
over natural resources such as gold, in South Empire’s defence or create its own armed
Africa and asked for Canadian support. forces.

English Canadian View: Encouraged English Canadians wanted more ships added
sending Canadians to South Africa to fight. to the Navy.

French Canadian View: Believed this war Believed it would commit Canadian ships and
doesn’t concern Canada and Canada shouldn’t men to every imperial conflict.
have to send soldiers to South Africa.

Laurier’s compromise: If people wanted to Purchased two ships, and during war it could
go to war they could, Laurier let them join Britain’s forces.
volunteer for it. Also, Britain would have to
pay them money.
English Canadian Reaction: Believed it was They thought it was too little too late. It was
in Canada’s best interest to stand behind the referred as a “tin pot navy”.
British empire. Many Canadians felt “British”
and were eager to participate in imperial
French Canadian Reaction: They wanted to The compromise destroyed support for
stay clear of British imperial ambitions and Laurier in Quebec.

Friday, February 25, 2011

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