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About 1450, European scholars became

more interested in studying the world
around them. Their art became more true to
life. They began to explore new lands. The
new age in Europe was eventually called
“the Renaissance.” Renaissance is a French
word that means “rebirth.” Historians
consider the Renaissance to be the
beginning of modern history.
Works which provide information about the
intellectual changes that took place at the end of the
medieval period are :-

1)Michelangelo’s Work:-
He was a painter, sculptor, architect and poet. On
the ceiling of Sistine chapel in Rome he painted in
‘Fresco’ the scenes from the Bible.The Last
Judgement and The Fall of Man are famous works of
art in the world.
2)The 95 Theses of Martin Luther

These statements provide useful insights

into the Church practices, rituals and the
lifestyles of the clergyman, and these
Theses ultimately gave birth to
1)Fate Of Constantinople
Constantinople was the Capital of Eastern Roman Empire
and was the centre of Greek and Roman cultures. But
Constantinople was captured by Turks in 1453 A.D. Thus
Greek and Roman scholars were forced to shift to Rome and
other parts of Europe. The scholars began to spread Greek
knowledge and culture thus revived the interest of the
people in the study of Greek philosophy, science, art and
Crusade were the religious wars fought between
Christians and Muslims it brought people of
Europe into direct contact with people of Asia
whose culture and civilization was highly
developed. The Crusades brought ideas from
East which stirred their imaginations. It
destroyed blind faith and people began to reason
rather than rely on blind faith.
3)Invention of Printing Press
The first printing press was setup in 1456
by Gutenberg in Germany. Printing and
distribution of books greatly influenced
peoples attitude to life and brought a new
awakening in Europe.
4)Rise of Powerful Monarchy
The church which dominated the society its power
was challenged by number of strong rulers. The
Pope was arrested by King Philip of France. The
Kings too could no longer claim to rule by divine
right. This established society giving rights and
duty to citizens. It laid the foundation for

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