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Jessica Sellers

Romina Kline

ENGL111—Lesson 5 PRO/CON Largest audience

2 Feb 2011

Minor Consent for Abortion

Thesis: Minors should be permitted to obtain abortions without parental consent because they
can make informed decisions about their futures, because dangers of frequent back alley
abortions should not be a substitute; because consequences are lifelong; and because not being
truly prepared to raise a child could hurt the child.

The recent advances in liberal politics, specifically the lack of consent necessary for minors’
ability without parental consent is positive for society.
 Because adolescent teens can make informed decisions about their bodies.
 Because even adults attempt back-alley dangerous abortions, and minors should not have
to subject themselves to same.[ CITATION Soc05 \l 1033 ]
 Because one act of sex or a rape incident can bring about lifelong individual consequence
due to lack of mature preparation for raising a child.
 Because the relationship that a very young mother is able to foster with a newborn baby
might not be sufficient.

The recent advances in liberal politics, specifically the lack of consent necessary for minors’
ability without parental consent is negative for society. [ CITATION Ash06 \l 1033 ]
 Because teens are not mature enough to make rational decisions about their future.
 Because abortion is a serious issue that may have long-term implications mentally and
 Because if parental consent is requirement, this is the one way that the government can
work to ensure that minors acquire the psychological and physical support they need.
 Because parental notification is insufficient.

Works Cited
Ashe, Nancy. Real People, Birth Mothers. 15 Jan 2006. 2 Feb 2011

SocialistWorker. When abortion was illegal. 21 Oct 2005. 2 Feb 2011


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