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Simple 10 For A Sunday

Seems that Sunday is a holy day for everyone, no matter the religion or beliefs, age or
status—there is something magical about this day of rest, where people feel that they’re
entitled to unwind and gather strength for the upcoming workweek. I love Sundays
mostly because you know that people are more relaxed, smiling and positive, though
this is also a wonderful day because there’s a chance to get together with great friends
and families.

In order to recharge for the new week people are participating in different activities, do
their chores and relax during the weekend, everyone has their favorite ways to spend
this great day, as do I. Maybe it’s not always we feel totally satisfied by the end of the
day and often new Monday seems to be coming way sooner than we are ready for….

It is crucial to take some time off during the weekend in order to be more focused
during the week and get more things done, so therefore—let those Sundays be just
what they are meant for—unwinding and relaxing.

Here are my 10 Sunday-favorites:

 Give yourself an extra 30 min to stay in bed and day-dream or read a book before
getting up. Even as you get up early, this will make the day special, give you a
feeling like you’ve been sleeping in and make you feel like you’re a bit lazy...
 Eating your favorite breakfast—which could be pancakes if that’s something you
like. This ritual of cooking something special for the breakfast and if possible
sharing it with the whole family or friends, is important as it gives this day even
more extraordinary feel.
 Taking a walk in the nature—appreciating the colors and especially the shapes
that are more than straight lines, breathing fresh air and recharging the batteries
for new energy.
 Reading a good book. That can take you to a whole new level for the upcoming
week—getting new thoughts and learning to appreciate what you have. Even if
it’s a book you’ve read before or the ideas in the book are some that you already
are familiar with, the important thing is that your thoughts are somewhere else
than your everyday worries….
 Watching a good movie. Getting your mind off the usual and having a good time.
 Call, write or talk to a friend you haven’t heard from a long time. This is your
chance to show that you care and take the first step if it has been a long time
since you last spoke. Everybody needs a little support every now and then and
sometimes a simple “hello, I’ve been thinking about you…” can work like a
 Cooking or baking. If this is something that you do every day, then make Sunday
night dinner a special occasion and cook something that takes either more time or
preparation, if possible cook together as a team with your family or friends. If you
don’t do it every day, this is a treat to enjoy on many levels.
 Take a long bubble bath. Feel how your body relaxes and shoulders feel lighter.
Use lots of suds, candles and good music and you’ll feel almost like a newborn
when finished.
 Go to bed latest 11 pm. Give your body and brain the best restitution and
opportunity to relax and detoxify. All of those physical processes start before
midnight, so it’s crucial for you to be in bed and unwind early.
 Let your last thoughts before falling asleep be those of gratitude. Look back at
your day and smile, think of at least 3 good things that you experienced and be
grateful for them, so that you can choose the loving attitude when you wake up
the day after.

None of my favorite things are new or revolutionary, though sometimes we forget how
easy it is to find the balance and feel grateful, as we are busy, tired and focusing on
how to make it all work…. It’s never too late to change and realize that happiness can
be everywhere and all around us although it always starts growing from the inside.

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