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What is the x-coordinate of

the solution to 4` ± 3 = 6 and
` = 2 ± 1?







aristina is scaling one of the cliffs in Yosemite

National Park. At 11:00 am, she had climbed 80
feet. By 3:00 pm, she had reached an altitude of 440
feet. In feet per hour, what is the average rate of
change in aristina¶s altitude for the four hours?












Ñind the slope of the line that contains

the points (4, 13), (2, 2).




Ñor what value is 3  8 undefined?

 + 11



What is the slope of

3` ± 5 ± 30 = 0?

What is the degree of the monomial -6„5 33?





Vimplify: 3 £ 105 = 1.5 £ 10

2 £ 10-2

After simplifying („3)2 ·„7, what is the final value

of the exponent?

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