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1. The Internet is the world’s largest distributed system.

2. A DNS server can only handle about 100,000 requests each day.
3. False
4. False
5. The acronym for hypertext transfer protocol is HTTP.
6. True
7. Machines that are connected to servers are called clients.
8. The National Science Foundation contributed the first 100 site server on the Internet.
9. A trunk line has multiple phone lines combined to make a connection.
10. There is a hierarchy of networks used when using the Internet.
11. True
12. True
13. The Internet is controlled and maintained by the US government.
14. True
15. A protocol is the pre-defined way that someone who wants to use a service talks with that service.
16. False
17. The host identifies the network that a computer belongs to.
18. The Node identifies the actual computer on the network.
19. The Domain Name System was created because IP addresses were becoming too cumbersome.
20. Computers communicate in binary form which uses X’s and O’s.
21. An example of a URL is
22. Machines that provide services to other machines are called servers.
23. Every network has a backbone.
24. If Internet is not a single company or a group of companies, nor even a single network.
25. The decentralization of the Internet is a big disadvantages.
26. True
27. The root nameservers are close together geographically and in Internet topology.
28. Modem dialup, ISDN, DSL, cable modem, wireless, and leased line are all examples of ways to
access the Internet.
29. For text and pictures to be transmitted, they are chopped into small packets.
30. Decentralization and cooperation has permitted the Internet to grow faster and longer than any other
technological phenomenon in history.
31. T1 lines are three times as fast as T3 lines.
32. Most rerouting in the Internet doesn’t happen automatically.
33. A router helps your information go to the correct place.
34. Your IP ties all of the links together to enable your packets to travel through the Internet.
35. The Internet is owned by six major corporations.
36. There are 1,000,000 ISPs available.
37. False
38. The Internet is easily defined by a single object.
39. The Internet is a collection of huge corporate networks that agree to all intercommunicate with each
40. If one part of the Internet fails, all parts will momentarily shut down.

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