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the sound.
MTA 254 Sound
Week 4
• Midterm is in THREE WEEKS! (March 7)
40 questions (+/-) multiple choice
Fair game: Lectures & Labs through week of Feb 28
• Your blogs are ready.... post your link.
• Archival Project is starting soon.You will work in
groups of two.You will hand-in your Pro Tools session
folder along with the finished film. (so get learning that Pro Tools!)
The Nyquist Theorem:
The highest frequency you can electronically
reproduce =1/2 the sample rate
(which is how we got the sample rates of 44.1k & 48k)

Note: this is guaranteed to be an exam question!

The only movie I have ever found about slating...
Notes on Slating (will practice in a later lab)

• “Quiet on the set!”

• “Sound ready? Camera ready?”

• Call for “Slate up.” Needs to be full-frame and in-focus.

• “Roll sound.” Sound Mixer yells “Sound Speed” or “Speeding.” If you

mess up you will hear “hold for sound”

• “Roll camera.” Camera operator: “Rolling...” etc.

• Slate “Scene 12a, take 1, MARKER...” (clap!) Question: why is this said?

• If it gets messed up: “Second sticks.”

• If in front of someone’s face: “Soft sticks.”

• MOS: hold bar; tail slate: upside down.

From Production to Post

• Files are saved as .wav with scene number & take

number (12A_T01.wav) and/or written on a log.
• In FCP, editor makes (sub)clips for each take. Put an
FCP marker where sticks connect.
• In audio file, put FCP marker where sticks clap. Line
up the two markers. “Link” [Apple L] the clips, drag
to a folder labelled “Sunk Clips” in FCP browser.
• Edit like it’s video.
At picture lock:
1. Export OMF from FCP. Select “handles” and “include
volume information.” Export reference QT movie using
same in and out points.
2. Quit FCP. Double click on OMF file.
3. Pro Tools launches. Check the dialog boxes. You now
have a PT session with your audio. Import QT video.
4. Fix edits. Process sound. Add effects. Add Ambience.
Add music. Mix tracks in an aural “stack.”
5. When done: “Bounce to Disk” to make stereo .wav
file. Import into FCP, mute original tracks, check sync.

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