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detect (should tell you what kind of cpu and flash chip is in your modem)
getram flash
save flash (set the filename and a safe location where you want to store it)
exit the Jtag Util program (clears it's memory and stored values)
Load the Jtag util program again.
To program firmware;
detect (should tell you what kind of cpu and flash chip is in your modem)
ldram boot (optional for haxorware but required for sb5100, select the bootloade
r bin file)
ldram image0 (select your firmware, Haxorware for the 5101, SB5100Mod for the SB
ldram image1 (SB5100Mod for SB5100 ONLY, SB5101 with Haxorware SKIP THIS STEP)
program boot
program image0
program image1
Disconnect power to
modem then disconnect Jtag, power up modem and you are done.

Backup firmware
Backup firmware (Save a 2mb Dumbfile)
getram 9fc00000 200000
save 9fc00000 200000
Program 2mb Dumpfile
ldram 9fc00000
program 9fc00000 200000
cmpram 9fc00000 200000

Rescue SB5100. Whenthe modem won't boot (no lights). Regular programming will no
t work.
(if method 1 does not work use method 2)
Method 1.
ldram 9fc00000 (Select the 2mb dump file)
poke fffe230c 3
poke fffe2304 0
poke fffe2300 a
poke fffe2300 9
poke fffe2300 9
poke fffe2300 9
poke fffe2300 9
poke fffe2300 9
poke fffe2300 9
poke fffe2300 9
poke fffe2300 9
poke fffe2300 1c
detect (if detect couldn't detect flash chip the first time)
program 9fc00000 200000
Method 2
ldram boot (Select boot file)
erase boot
sprogram boot
(Power off the modem)
ldram 9fc00000 (Select the 2mb dump file)
program 9fc00000 200000

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