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Independence and Journalism

Group 5

“Journalists must maintain independence from those they cover.”

     “The journalist’s role is predicated on a special kind of engagement—being dedicated

to informing the public, but not to playing a direct role as an activist” (Kovach &
Rosenstiel 135)
 "...[O]pinion must be based on something more substantial than personal beliefs if it is
to be of journalistic use.  It is not about believing in people or groups of people.  It is a
craft based on reporting, learning, understanding, and educating.  Creating barriers to
this process of discovery is, in the end, being disloyal to the public" (Kovach & Rosenstiel

1. Stick to the facts

2. Maintain truthful conclusions
3. Remain loyal to readers

Propaganda & Activism

 "Propaganda is the deliberate, systematic attempt to shape perceptions, manipulate

cognitions, and direct behavior to achieve a response that furthers the desired intent of
the propagandist.“ -Garth Jowett and Victoria O'Donnell, Propaganda and Persuasion,
4th ed. Sage Publications, p. 7
 “Activism consists of intentional action to bring about social, political, economic, or
environmental change” -

Group Activity: The Debate on the Proposed Mosque at Ground Zero

Within your group, you will be assigned to a specific type of journalist who works for The New
York Times. Discuss how a journalist of this stereotype would react to the news presented in
the video. Write a paragraph of an opinion piece that expresses how you feel about the topic.

 Journalist #1: Liberal

 Journalist #2: Conservative
 Journalist #3: Christian
 Journalist #4: Muslim

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