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8 The emergency began as a high-priority investigation of the Mike Barovich- Lage breakout, and developed into Pike County Super Services Division Level X Incident 1,292”. 9 Alabaster Wight was once told by Jerboa that he would need to outgrow his sulky, negative attitude if he ever expected to get past Level VIF". 10 Just before the time of her transfer, only 32% of Asana’s coworkers called her Sera at work, 11 Transfer from a county level to a state or federal level almost always” results in a level or multi-level demotion”. 12 The River Waters Mandate was a 572-point plan to facilitate communication between Superhero agencies. The River Waters Mandate implemented changes within the Superhero Level Authority that eventually succeeded?* in standardizing Superhero ratings, improving Superhero methods of operation, and improving the Overall Effectiveness Rating (OER) of every Superhero institution by at least 5% and in some cases by as much as 22%: 13 Super Courier, Incorporated made news headlines on its opening day of business by unveiling a service that could relay moderately-sized physical artifacts from point-to-point across the globe in less than one secon@*, 14 Level VIII Superhero Protea was not one of the few employees of Super Courier, Incorporated, though she was offered a position there. She declined for personal reasons” though her recent reinstatement as a Level VIII Superhero perhaps also contributed to the decision. 15 Technically, all uses of super powers were made illegal unless officially employed as a Superhero, but the Federal Bureau of Super Services focuses prosecution on those doing forms of vigilante work™. 16 Applicants invited to interview for positions offered through the Superhuman Resources Department of the Federal Bureau of Super Services must find the location of the headquarters or be disqualified”. 17 No documented incidence of Asana calling for help exists in the Pike County Super Services Division’s archives. 18 This is because a transfer up means the Superhero is more likely to die in Superhero service. 19 Garrote at first protested the transfer” but after hearing directly from Asana that it was what she wanted, he supported it completely. 20 The debriefing-in-progress for Level X Incident 1,292 is filed under level_x_001292.rtf. 21 To which, Alabaster Wight replied, “You may be right.”*! 22 Asana did not receive a level demotion. 23 The level ratings of all of the Superhero institutions are regulated by the Superhero Level Authority”. 24 Critics of the River Waters Mandate claim that it discourages the proud tradition of true innovation that Superheroes have engaged in since their origin. 25 The OER is a statistic created by Jake Bonson that evaluates Superhero actions on a cost-benefit basis. 26 The expedient transportation of said physical artifacts was made possible by the creation of a machine** that Jake Bonson called the Hotel**. 27 Rumors pinpointed Protea’s personal reasons as being related to Pulmo’s imminent departure from Earth’, and Protea’s desire to continue to surround

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