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Sallah I spotted Lage from two districts over. There he was, hurling fire ball after fire ball at the sprawling collection of mighty skyscrapers. Lage is downtown, I thought to my fellow on-duty Superheroes. He’s flying over District 12 and throwing fire balls. I do hope everyone has a fresh flame-retardant coating on their uniforms. I sensed their minds spring into action. Not even twenty seconds later, Jerboa alighted on the top of the building where I was perched. “Let’s go get him,” she said. She snatched me up and flew us in seconds to where Lage was loitering. He was just about to put another fire ball through a window of the Staunch Life building, when he spied us! SHWAAAA!!! A super-heated fire ball flew past. Jerboa dodged it easily, despite carrying me while she flew. Meanwhile, I used my powerful mental abilities to give our assailant the biggest headache he’s ever had—bigger than the one I gave him during our first encounter, so many months ago. It worked...for a while. His altitude began to drop as he lost concentration, then he refocused and from his hands sprang forth an enormous wall of fire! I was too engaged with his mental aura to be able to teleport us to safety! “Sallah,” Jerboa said. “I can’t dodge that!” Never fear, for in the nick of time, Pulmo appeared on his lightning-quick flying machine. He intercepted the wall of fire and absorbed it with some sort of installed gadget—an alien device created using the learnings of an interplanetary culture. 200

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