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Which Food Contains Vitamins For Hair Loss?

Inadequate intake of B vitamins, can cause hair to fall out and become thinner. The B vitamins, such as
B6, biotin, and folic acid, are essential to the growth of healthy hair. Some foods are very rich in B
vitamins, these include beans, carrots, cauliflower, bran, nuts and eggs, just to name a few. Including
these foods in your diet, can help you to get more B vitamins, and help to restore hair growth. A
multivitamin can also be helpful, choose one that contains Vitamin B3, Vitamin B5, and Vitamin B6. Biotin
is a vitamin that is essential to healthy hair, and may be especially helpful to men. Recent studies have
shown that men that supplement with Biotin, are less likely to experience hair thinning and hair loss.
Foods that contain Biotin are, brown rice, bulger, green peas, oats, soybeans, sunflower seeds, and many
nuts, such as walnuts. Biotin can also help hair from turning prematurely gray

Vitamin Products For Male Hair Loss

There are some vitamin products that are marketed towards men and women, that suffer from hair loss.
One of the most popular products available on the market today, is Procerin for men. Procerin is an all
natural vitamin serum, that has been proven to help stimulate hair growth in men. The main ingredient in
Procerin is saw palmetto, that blocks the production of DHT, which is the primary cause of hair loss in
men. Clinical studies have shown that men that use Procerin, typically see improvement in the thickness
of their hair in 1 to 2 months. Procerin XT serum, is applied directly to the scalp, and works together with
Procerin Tablets, which are taken orally. Together, they help to restore hair naturally.

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