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Studies showed that individuals who had been isolated from their

familiar social and cultural environment, became neurotic. This

shows that when those individuals had no object to identify their
darker emotions with, they began to see these things in themselves
that which they refused to recognized before, and were unaware of
why they appeared and how to cope. Lilli, 1956, Grunebaum 1960,
Heron 1953
Carl Jung - People will do anything no matter how absurd, in order to
avoid facing their own soul.

When we start to set freedom to what is taboo, it is the beginning of

learning to understand the other extensions of that which is taboo.
In the case of the illness named aids, only when we allow from our
end to permit and embrace the complexities of the subject of
sexuality in any form, can sexuality be free. The extensions of
sexuality, the expressions of sexuality. And the true intentions of
healing aids as a disease, can only be manifested by accepting all
forms of sexual expressions, that which involves you, whether
directly or indirectly. By weaving out and unknotting emotional
dramas. You are right in your wrongest as I am. --- Wilma Velasquez

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