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Name Amreek singh

Roll no A39
Reg no 10900467
Master Production Schedules
If you're involved in physical project management (as opposed to more abstract
financial types of PM), you may have use for a Master Production Schedule. This
tool, generally based on the use of specific software, is good for visualization of
the flow of resources that you preside over. It helps you to "see" what is needed
and anticipate changes, as well as potential shortages or surpluses that could
have a negative impact on any phase of a project. The MPS is used by many in
manufacturing project management to provide a larger measure of foresight,
representing the successful synergy between human initiative and the vast
computational power of the microchip.

Using the MPS

Essentially, the Master Production Schedule breaks a business plan down into a
more production-oriented plan that shows more detail in how resources are
allocated. Those who craft the MPS hope that it can use the "broad strokes" of a
project to correctly predict how much of each raw material will be needed and
how that material will be produced. Some of the things that a project manager
might input into a MPS include:

• Work schedules
• Amounts of Raw Materials on Site
• Amounts of Raw Materials in Transit/On Order
• Machine Specs (quantity of production/hr)
• Storage Capacity
• Estimated Frequency of Stoppage for Maintenance

These and other variables will produce an estimate on how much will be
processed in any specific timeline that project planners plug into the equation.

So how do project managers use these kinds of "master schedule" tools to their
advantage? A master production schedule is as unique and individual as a
business plan. Illustrations and case studies are available online; for example,
the BNet business site has compiled a list of "Master Schedule Case Studies"
including the stories of some large firms like Boeing and Honeywell as well as
more general re-manufacturing case studies.

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