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GARIS BESAR ATAU ANALISIS dari KITAB-KITAB DALAM ALKITAB semasa hidup Yohanes, atau masa akan datang

ohanes, atau masa akan datang yang dekat dengan masa

Kitab Wahyu nubuat yang jauh berisi tentang peristiwa-peristiwa di masa yang akan
PENULIS, Rasul Yohanes. LIHAT 1902
TEMPAT. Kemungkinan di Pulau Patmos, sebelah barat pantai Asia Kecil,
dimana Yohanes dibuang "karena Firman Allah dan karena kesaksian tentang (1) Kitab Wahyu adalah satu-satunya kitab dalam Alkitab yang berisi
Yesus sebuah janji khusus kepada pembaca yang taat
Kristus." #Re 1:3
dan pada saat yang sama juga menyatakan kutukan/hukuman atas mereka
TANGGAL, tidak pasti; menurut pendapat secara tradisi sekitar 96 S.M. yang
mengubah isi kitab ini
OTORITAS/WEWENANG. Kitab ini dinyatakan sebagai penyataan/wahyu Yesus #Re 22:18,19
Kristus (2) Angka Tujuh adalah angka yang menguasai kitab ini; seperti: Tujuh kaki
#Re 1:1 dian, jemaat, meterai, sangkakala, guruh, cawan, Roh, bintang, dll.
(3) Pasal penutup dari Wahyu berisi kontras/perbandingan yang menyolok
METODE/CARA PENAFSIRAN. Metodenya sangat bervariasim dan sering dengan pasal pembuka dari kitab Kejadian.
fantastik. Kitab Kejadian berbicara tentang penciptaan matahari, masuknya dosa ke
Ratusan buku telah ditulis untuk kitab ini tetapi umumnya belum memuaskan. dalam dunia, hukuman/kutukan dijatuhkan, kemenangan Setan, diusir dari
Hal ini disebabkan pendapat yang sangat berbeda-beda mengenai arti dan " pohon kehidupan."
pengajarannya. Kitab Wahyu bercerita tentang tempat dimana tidak akan diperlukan lagi
matahari, dosa dibuang, tidak ada lagi kutukan/hukuman, Setan dilempar,
Ada tiga aliran yang mempunyai pendapat terhadap permasalahan ini. jalan masuk kepada "pohon kehidupan."
(1) Kaum Preteris, yang percaya bahwa nubuat-nubuat dalam Wahyu sudah
(2) Kaum Futurisme yang berpendapat bahwa kitab ini berisi ramalan Meskipun kitab ini sering diabaikan karena sifatnya yang rahasia/misterius,
tentang sejarah alam semesta. tetapi ada banyak sudut pandang yang sangat bermanfaat dipelajari tanpa usaha
(3) Kaum Eklektik, yang menekankan unsur rohani kitab ini dan tidak untuk menafsirkannya secara dogmatis atau arbitari. Jika kitab ini ditulis
berusaha mendogmakan arti rinci dari penglihatan-penglihatan yang lebih dengan lambang, kami tidak perlu menuntut bahwa kamilah yang telah
rahasia/misterius. menemukan
Mereka percaya bahwa ada tiga golongan penglihatan dalam Wahyu. Yaitu sebuah kunci yang akan membuka seluruh rahasianya.
penglihatan yang jelas pengajaran rohaninya; penglihatan yang lebih Kami semata-mata hanya menyarankan permasalahan berikut sebagai suatu yang
rahasia tetapi berisi unsur kebenaran yang mendidik; dan akhirnya ada berharga untuk diteruskan.
beberapa penglihatan yang sangat terselubung sehingga sia-sia saja dari
sudut pandang pengetahuan kita sekarang untuk menafsirkannya secara TEMA YANG DISARANKAN, Pertentangan/konflik moral dan spiritual dari masa ke
pasti. masa.
Ada kemungkinan bahwa nubuat-nubuat ini berisi dua unsur yaitu, nubuat
yang dekat dan yang jauh. Nubuat yang dekat khususnya mengenai TOKOH UTAMA, Anak Domba. Pada akhirnya menjadi pemenang atas segala
peristiwa kuasa
jahat yang bersekutu. Anak Domba disebutkan sekitar tiga puluh kali.
( c) Kepada Pergamos, jemaat yang berada di tengah-tengah lingkungan yang
PERISTIWA YANG SANGAT PENTING. Ada banyak peristiwa dalam kitab ini, jahat, gigih, tetapi tercemar dengan ajaran sesat
kami #Re 2:12-17
menyarankan dua yang harus selalu diingat sewaktu mempelajari penglihatan- ( d) Kepada Tiatira, jemaat yang perbuatannya baik tetapi memberi tempat
penglihatan ini. kepada seorang nabiah palsu
#Re 2:18-29
( 1) Kelahiran anak manusia, dipandang oleh banyak orang sebagai inkarnasi Pasal 3.
Yesus Kristus, Pasal 12. ( e) Kepada Sardis, jemaat yang sekarat
#Re 12:1-17 #Re 3:1-6
( 2) Suara sangkakala ketujuh yang menandakan kemenangan atas seluruh ( f) Kepada Filadelfia, jemaat yang lemah tetapi setia
dunia. #Re 3:7-13
#Re 11:15 ( g) Kepada Laodikia, jemaat yang suam, jemaat yang puas dengan dirinya
sendiri, menyombongkan kekayaannya padahal miskin, menyedihkan dan
Kitab ini dapat dibagi dalam suatu rangkaian penglihatan yang beberapa #Re 3:14-22
diantaranya sebagian atau seluruhnya terselubung, sedangkan yang lainnya agak Gagasan yang diulang-ulang, janji-janji kepada mereka yang menang,
jelas dalam pengajarannya. Penglihatan-penglihatan ini tidak selalu LIHAT 374
memungkinkan untuk diketahui dimana yang satu berakhir dan dimana yang lain
berawal, tetapi untuk mudahnya mereka dipelajari di bawah nomor yang berbeda- PENGLIHATAN II. Sebagian Terselubung.
beda, menurut sudut pandang si pembelajar. Pasal 4.
( 1) Penglihatan tentang Allah di sorga di atas takhta, pencipta alam
Pasal 1. semesta, menerima penyembahan dari para mahkluk dan keduapuluh
( 1) Pendahuluan dan janji kepada para pembaca yang taat empat tua-tua.
#Re 1:1-3 #Re 4:1-11
( 2) Salam Yohanes dan Kristus yang mulia Pasal 5.
#Re 1:4-8 ( 2) Dibukanya Kitab dengan Tujuh Meterai oleh Anak Domba, nyanyian Lagu
Baru, dan penyembahan semua mahkluk kepada Anak Domba.
( 1) Kristus yang mulia ( 3) Dibukanya keenam meterai, (terselubung)
#Re 1:9-16 #Re 6:1-17
( 2) PerintahNya untuk ditulis kepada ketujuh jemaat Ada sangat banyak penafsiran yang berbeda-beda; tidak berguna
#Re 1:19 menambahinya lagi. Satu pelajaran yang jelas,
( 3) Firman untuk jemaat-jemaat Pasal 2,3. #Re 6:9-11
#Re 2:1-3:1 orang-orang kudus diuji dengan penundaan ilahi.
Pasal 2. LIHAT Penundaan Ilahi 3607
( a) Kepada Efesus, jemaat yang kembali ke hidup lama, gigih dalam
pelayanan, kuat dalam kedisiplinan, tetapi kasih menjadi dingin PENGLIHATAN III. Sebagian terselubung.
#Re 2:1-7 Pasal 7.
( b) Kepada Smirna jemaat yang miskin tetapi sesungguhnya kaya, Gagasan yang disarankan, Perlindungan Allah kepada umat pilihanNya.
menghadapi masa penganiayaan #Re 7:1-8
#Re 2:8-11
Pasal 7. tidak akan ada penundaan lagi (Terjemahan Revisi) tetapi berita baik yang
Jaminan yang Menghiburkan. disampaikan oleh para nabi sedang digenapi.
( a) Orang tebusan yang tak terhitung banyaknya #Re 10:1-11:1
#Re 7:9,10 Kemungkinan segera setelah peristiwa kelahiran anak manusia dalam pasal 12,
( b) Cara mereka datang ke hadirat Allah mereka dapat menunjuk pada periode nubuat sebelum kedatangan Kristus
#Re 7:13-15
( c) Kegiatan mereka dan kebahagian besar yang kekal PENGLIHATAN VII.
#Re 7:15-17 Pasal 12 dan 13.
Peristiwa besar yang penting, kelahiran anak manusia, Kristus, dan
PENGLIHATAN V. Sebagian terselubung. bersamaan dengan pernyataan kuasa Setan yang diatur untuk menghancurkan-
Pasal 8. nya.
Peristiwa yang sangat penting, pembukaan ketujuh meterai, menyebabkan Pembenaran sudut pandang ini adalah bahwa selama kehidupan Kristus di
sorga sunyi senyap dunia, kuasa-kuasa kegelapan sedang dalam kegiatan yang meluap-luap. Ingat
#Re 8:1 usaha Herodes untuk melenyapkan bayi Yesus, banyak kasus orang yang
Penjelasan yang memungkinkan, ialah bahwa harpa dan suara malaikat- kerasukan setan, dan penganiayaan karena fitnahan yang menyebabkan
malaikat pada kenyataannya masih ada, dan pada saat pembukaan meterai penyaliban Kristus.
yang Kami tidak berusaha memberi penafsiran rahasia ini secara rinci tetapi
ketujuh Kristus akan berangkat untuk misinya kedunia. menaruh perhatian pada senjata rohani yang melaluinya kemenangan dapat
#Re 10:6 dicapai
Jika perkiraan ini benar, di sini dalam pasal 8.1, kita sudah dekat sekali #Re 12:11
dengan sumber rencana keselamatan ilahi dan kita akan melihat peristiwa yang LIHAT 361
dipusatkan pada kelahiran ANAK MANUSIA dalam pasal 12.
#Re 8:1 12:1 PENGLIHATAN VIII. Sebagian terselubung
Dalam pasal 8, ayat 3,4 gagasan yang muncul ialah bahwa doa orang-orang Pasal 14.
kudus Tanpa penafsiran yang sungguh-sungguh tetap memungkinkan untuk
naik kepad Allah, untuk kedatangan kerajaan mesias. menganggap
#Re 8:3,4 pasal ini sebagai sebuah ringkasan nubuatan tentang datangnya pertentangan
Pasal 9. antara anak domba dan musuh-musuhnya.
Kemudian diikuti dengan sebagian penglihatan yang terselubung, suara Jika pandangan ini diterima, kelima ayat pertama dari keseratus empat puluh
keenam empat ribu ayat ini akan menyatakan betapa berharganya pembebasan dari
sangkakala dalam pasal 8 dan 9, secara jelas menyatakan hukuman yang hukum masa lalu.
sudah #Re 14:1-5
diambang pintu Ayat 6 dan 7, akan menunjukkan pada terbukanya seluruh dunia pada
#Re 8:1-9:1 penginjilan.
Pasal 10 dan 11. #Re 14:6,7
LIHAT Penginjilan ke seluruh Dunia, 2379
PENGLIHATAN VI. Sebagian terselubung. #Re 14:8-11
Kita dapat berkata apa-apa lagi selain peristiwa yang nampaknya bergerak Ayat 12, 13, berbahagialah orang yang mati di dalam Tuhan.
menuju ke penyelesaian/penyempurnaan yang besar. Ini ditunjukkan oleh #Re 14:12,13
pemberitahuan dari malaikat yang berkuasa.
PENGLIHATAN IX. Sebagian terselubung. #Re 20:7-9
Tuaian anggur ( 4) Hukuman Setan, binatang, dan nabi palsu
#Re 14:16-20 #Re 20:10
( 5) Hukuman terakhir
PENGLIHATAN X. Sebagian terselubung. #Re 20:11-15
Pasal 15.
( 1) Para pemenang pemula dan nyanyian mereka PENGLIHATAN XV.
#Re 15:1-4 Pasal 21-22
LIHAT 2477 Sorga dan bumi yang baru
( 2) Ketujuh Malaikat dan cawan emas Kota suci, lambang gereja, istri Anak Domba
#Re 15:5-8 #Re 21:1-22:1
Pasal 16. Pasal 21. Ciri-cirinya.
Penumpahan ketujuh cawan murka Allah Turun dari sorga
#Re 16:1-21 #Re 21:2
Hukuman Babel, kota pelacur, dan musuh-musuh Anak Domba yang akan Ia bercahaya
kalahkan. #Re 21:11
Re 17:1-18:1 Terpisah dan terlindung
#Re 21:12
PENGLIHATAN XII. dapat dimasuki
Pasal 19. #Re 21:13
( 1) Nyanyian haleluya di sorga merayakan kemenangan rohani fondasi/dasar yang pasti
#Re 19:1-6 #Re 21:14
( 2) Pernikahan Anak Domba tak berubah
#Re 19:7-9 #Re 21:16
LIHAT Kristus, mempelai laki-laki, 736 dihiasi dengan indah
#Re 21:18-21
PENGLIHATAN XIII. mempunyai sebuat Bait Suci rohani
( 1) Kristus, penguasa rohani, atas kuda putih, mengalahkan bangsa- bangsa #Re 21:22
dengan Pedang Roh. diilhami secara ilahi
#Re 19:11-16 #Re 21:23-25
LIHAT 4114 dimuliakan
( 2) Sebagian terselubung. Binatang, nabi palsu dan persekongkolan mereka #Re 21:26
dikalahkan oleh Kristus. LIHAT Kristus, Pemenang, 372 tidak tercemar
#Re 21:27
PENGLIHATAN XIV. Sebagian terselubung. Sungai air kehidupan
Pasal 20. #Re 22:1
( 1) Ikatan Setan pohon kehidupan
#Re 20:1-3 #Re 22:2
( 2) Kebangkitan pertama tidak ada lagi laknat/kutukan/hukuman
#Re 20:4-6 #Re 22:3
( 3) Setan dilepas dan kegiatan jahatnya melihat wajah Allah dan namaNya tertulis pada orang-orang kudus
#Re 22:4
hari yang kekal dan kekuasaan orang-orang kudus
#Re 22:5

Pengajaran terakhir, tepat dan benar

#Re 22:6
menekankan pada cepatnya kedatangan Tuhan
#Re 22:7
Hanya Allah saja yang harus disembah
#Re 22:8,9
karakter/watak akan cenderung tetap sama sampai akhir
#Re 22:11
janji terakhir
#Re 22:14
undangan terakhir
#Re 22:17
peringatan terakhir
#Re 22:18,19

Salam dan doa

#Re 22:21
Penulis : Yohanes Isi kitab ini mencerminkan keadaan sejarah pada zaman
Tema : Perjuangan dan Penyelesaian pemerintahan Domitianus ketika dia menuntut agar semua warga
Tanggal Penulisan: 90-96 M negaranya memanggil dia "Tuhan dan Allah". Pastilah, ketetapan
Kaisar pada waktu itu telah
Latar Belakang menciptakan suatu pertentangan antara mereka yang dengan
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sukarela mau menyembah Kaisar dan orang Kristen setia yang
Kitab Wahyu adalah kitab Perjanjian Baru yang terakhir dan yang mengakui bahwa Yesus sajalah "Tuhan dan Allah". Jadi, kitab ini
paling luar biasa. Kitab ini sekaligus merupakan suatu telah ditulis pada suatu masa ketika orang percaya sedang
penyingkapan (Wahy 1:1-2,20), suatu nubuat (Wahy 1:3; Wahy mengalami penganiayaan yang hebat oleh karena kesaksian mereka,
22:7,10,18-19), dan suatu gabungan dari tujuh surat (Wahy suatu situasi yang dengan jelas merupakan latar belakang kitab
1:4,11; Wahy 2:1-3:22). (Istilah "penyingkapan" (Ing. Wahyu
_apocalypse_) berasal dari kata Yunani _apocalupsis_, yang itu sendiri (Wahy 1:19; Wahy 2:10,13; Wahy 6:9-11; Wahy 7:14-17;
diterjemahkan "wahyu" dalam Wahy 1:1-20). Kitab ini merupakan Wahy 11:7; Wahy 12:11,17; Wahy 17:6; Wahy 18:24; Wahy 19:2; Wahy
suatu penyingkapan dalam kaitan dengan isinya, suatu nubuat 20:4).
dalam kaitan dengan beritanya dan suatu surat dalam kaitan Tujuan
dengan alamat tujuannya. ~~~~~~
Kitab ini mempunyai tiga tujuan.
Lima kenyataan penting mengenai latar belakang kitab ini
dinyatakan dalam pasal 1 (Wahy 1:1-20). (1) Surat-surat kepada tujuh jemaat itu menyatakan bahwa suatu
penyimpangan yang parah dari standar kebenaran rasuli sedang
(1) "Inilah wahyu Yesus Kristus" (Wahy 1:1). terjadi di antara banyak jemaat di Asia. Atas nama Kristus,
Yohanes menulis kitab ini untuk menegur tindakan kompromi dan
(2) Penyataan ini telah disampaikan secara adikodrati kepada dosa mereka, serta menghimbau mereka untuk bertobat dan berbalik
penulisnya melalui Kristus yang ditinggikan, malaikat-malaikat kepada kasih mereka yang mula-mula.
dan penglihatan-penglihatan (Wahy 1:1,10-18).
(2) Mengingat penganiayaan yang diakibatkan oleh karena
(3) Penyataan itu disampaikan kepada hamba Allah, Yohanes (Wahy Domitianus memuja dirinya sendiri, kitab Wahyu telah dikirim
1:1,4,9; Wahy 22:8). kepada jemaat-jemaat guna meneguhkan iman, ketetapan hati, dan
kesetiaan mereka kepada Yesus Kristus, serta untuk memberi
(4) Yohanes menerima penglihatan-penglihatan dan berita semangat kepada mereka agar mereka menjadi pemenang dan tinggal
penyataan ini sementara ia dalam pembuangan di Pulau Patmos (80 setia sampai mati sekalipun.
km sebelah barat daya kota Efesus), oleh karena Firman Allah dan
kesaksian Yohanes sendiri (Wahy 1:9). (3) Akhirnya, kitab ini telah ditulis untuk memperlengkapi orang
percaya sepanjang zaman dengan segi pandangan Allah terhadap
(5) Penerima yang mula-mula dari surat ini adalah tujuh jemaat perang yang sengit melawan gabungan kekuatan Iblis dengan
di propinsi Asia (Wahy 1:4,11). menyingkapkan hasil sejarah yang akan datang. Kitab ini
secara khusus menyingkap tujuh tahun terakhir yang mendahului
Baik bukti sejarah maupun bukti dari isi kitab itu sendiri kedatangan Kristus kali kedua. Allah akan menang dan membenarkan
menunjukkan bahwa rasul Yohaneslah penulisnya. Ireneus orang yang kudus dengan mencurahkan murka-Nya atas kerajaan
menjelaskan bahwa Polikarpus (Ireneus mengenal Polikarpus, dan Iblis; ini akan diikuti oleh kedatangan Kristus kali kedua.
Polikarpus mengenal rasul Yohanes) telah berbicara tentang
Yohanes yang menulis kitab Wahyu mendekati akhir pemerintahan Survai
Domitianus selaku kaisar Romawi (81-96 M) ~~~~~~
Berita nubuat dari kitab ini disampaikan melalui aneka simbol menuntun ke arah kesudahannya. Meterai yang keenam mengumumkan
dan lambang penyingkapan yang dramatis, yang melukiskan murka Allah yang akan datang. "Selingan Pertama" kitab ini
penyelesaian akhir dari seluruh berita penyelamatan alkitabiah. terdapat dalam pasal 7 (Wahy 7:1-17), yang menggambarkan
Kitab ini menampakkan peran Kristus sebagai Anak Domba yang pemeteraian 144.000 orang di ambang pintu kesengsaraan besar
layak yang disembelih (pasal 5; Wahy 5:1-14) dan Anak Domba yang (Wahy 7:1-8) dan pahala bagi orang kudus di sorga setelah
penuh murka yang akan datang untuk menghukum dunia dan kesengsaraan besar (Wahy 7:9-17). Pasal 8-9 (Wahy 8:1-9:21)
membersihkannya dari kejahatan (pasal 6-19; Wahy 6:1-19:21). menyatakan pembukaan meterai ketujuh, penyingkapan rangkaian
Gambaran simbol lain yang utama dalam kitab ini adalah naga hukuman lain
besar (Iblis), binatang laut (antikristus), binatang bumi (nabi yaitu ketujuh sangkakala. "Selingan Kedua" terjadi di antara
palsu) dan Babel Besar (pusat muslihat roh jahat dan kuasa sangkakala keenam dan ketujuh, yang meliputi Yohanes dan sebuah
dunia). gulungan kitab yang kecil (Wahy 10:1-11), dan dua saksi nubuat
yang kuat dalam kota besar
Setelah prolog (Wahy 1:1-8), ada tiga bagian utama dalam kitab itu (Wahy 11:1-14). Akhirnya, sangkakala ketujuh (Wahy 11:15-
ini. Pada bagian pertama (Wahy 1:9-3:22), Yohanes mendapatkan 19) berfungsi sebagai pertunjukan awal dari kesudahan segala
suatu penglihatan yang menakjubkan mengenai Kristus yang agung sesuatu (ayat Wahy 1:15) dan pendahuluan adegan-adegan akhir
di tengah-tengah kaki dian dari rahasia Allah yang
(jemaat-jemaat), yang menugaskan Yohanes untuk menulis surat dibentangkan (pasal 12-22; Wahy 12:1-22:21).
kepada tujuh jemaat di Asia Kecil (Wahy 1:11,19). Setiap surat
(Wahy 2:1-3:22) meliputi suatu gambaran simbolis tentang Tuhan Bagian utama yang ketiga (Wahy 12:1-22:5) memberikan suatu
yang agung dari penglihatan pembukaan, penilaian terhadap jemaat gambaran terinci mengenai perjuangan besar pada akhir zaman
tersebut, kata-kata pujian atau celaan atau kedua-duanya, kata- antara Allah dengan musuh-Nya, Iblis. Pasal 12-13 (Wahy 12:1-
kata peringatan terhadap lima jemaat, nasihat untuk 13:18) menyatakan bahwa orang kudus di bumi harus menghadapi
mendengar dan bertobat, dan suatu janji bagi semua yang menang. suatu komplotan yang dahsyat dan tiga serangkai kejahatan, yang
Tekanan pada angka tujuh dalam bagian ini menunjukkan bahwa terdiri atas
surat-surat tersebut mewakili
suatu keutuhan dari apa yang hendak difirmankan kepada jemaat di (1) si naga besar (pasal 12; Wahy 12:1-18),
setiap kota dan angkatan oleh Tuhan yang agung itu.
(2) binatang laut (Wahy 13:1-10), dan
Bagian utama kedua dari kitab ini (Wahy 4:1-11:19) berisi
penglihatan-penglihatan dari perkara-perkara yang ada di sorga (3) binatang bumi (Wahy 13:11-18). Pasal 14-15 (Wahy 14:1-15:8)
dan di bumi tentang Anak Domba dan peranan-Nya dalam mengakhiri berisi penglihatan-penglihatan yang meyakinkan kembali orang-
sejarah. Bagian itu dimulai dengan suatu penglihatan tentang orang kudus dalam kesengsaraan besar bahwa keadilan akan menang
ruang pengadilan sorgawi yang sementara Allah akan mencurahkan murka-Nya yang terakhir atas
mahamulia di mana Allah bersemayam dalam kekudusan dan terang peradaban antikristus. Kemudian, suatu penyingkapan penuh dari
yang tak terhampiri (pasal 4; Wahy 4:1-4). Pasal 5 (Wahy 5:1-14) murka Allah terjadi dalam rangkaian tujuh cawan hukuman
memusatkan perhatian pada sebuah gulungan kitab yang dimeterai (pasal 16; Wahy 16:1-21), hukuman atas si pelacur besar (pasal
yang berbicara tentang nasib akhir. Gulungan kitab ini berada 17; Wahy 17:1-18), dan kejatuhan Babel, Kota Besar itu (pasal
di tangan kanan Allah dan Anak Domba sajalah yang layak untuk 18; Wahy 18:1-24). Pada tahap ini, terjadi kegembiraan besar di
membuka meterai-meterainya dan mengungkapkan isinya. Pembukaan sorga, dan perjamuan kawin Anak Domba dengan mempelai perempuan-
enam meterai yang pertama (pasal 6; Wahy 6:1-17) melangsungkan Nya diumumkan (Wahy 19:1-10).
penglihatan yang telah dimulai
dalam pasal 4-5 (Wahy 4:1-5:14), kecuali sekarang pemandangan Akan tetapi, tahap terakhir yang hebat masih akan terjadi.
dialihkan ke berbagai peristiwa di bumi. Lima meterai yang Kemudian Yohanes melihat sorga terbuka dan Kristus keluar
pertama menyingkapkan hukuman Allah pada hari-hari terakhir yang menunggang kuda putih sebagai Raja segala raja dan Tuan di atas
segala tuan untuk mengalahkan binatang itu dan semua sekutunya (b) menyatakan Yesus Kristus sebagai Tuhan yang agung dan
(Wahy 19:11-21). Kekalahan Iblis yang terakhir didahului dengan penguasa atas raja-raja di bumi (Wahy 1:5; Wahy 19:16).
terbelenggunya dia selama seribu tahun (Wahy 20:1-6). Selama
masa itu Kristus memerintah bersama dengan orang-orang kudus (7) Kitab ini juga dramatis yang membuat kebenaran beritanya
(Wahy 20:4) dan sesudah itu Iblis akan dilepaskan untuk suatu menjadi begitu hidup dan tegas.
masa yang singkat (Wahy 20:7-9) dan kemudian dicampakkan ke
dalam "lautan api" untuk selama-lamanya (Wahy 20:10). Nubuat (8) Kitab ini bersifat roh nubuat PL tanpa menggunakan kutipan-
apokaliptis ini ditutup dengan penghakiman di takhta putih yang kutipan secara formal dari PL itu sendiri.
besar (Wahy 20:11-15), nasib yang tepat bagi orang jahat (Wahy
20:14-15; Wahy 21:8), serta langit yang baru dan bumi yang baru Penafsiran
sebagai nasib akhir bagi orang kudus (Wahy 21:1-22:5). Kitab ini ~~~~~~~~~~
diakhiri dengan peringatan-peringatan untuk mengindahkan Kitab ini merupakan kitab PB yang paling sulit untuk
beritanya dan masuk dalam hidup yang kekal (Wahy 22:6-21). ditafsirkan. Sekalipun para pembaca yang mula-mula barangkali
Ciri-ciri Khas memahami makna beritanya tanpa terlalu banyak mengalami
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ kebingungan, namun pada abad-abad berikutnya pandangan yang
Delapan ciri utama menandai kitab ini. beranekaragam mengenai makna kitab ini telah mengakibatkan
lahirnya empat aliran penafsiran yang besar.
(1) Wahyu merupakan satu-satunya kitab PB yang digolongkan
sebagai nubuat dan wahyu. (1) Penafsiran _preterist_ (dengan pandangan masa lampau)
memandang kitab ini dan nubuat-nubuatnya sebagai hal yang telah
(2) Sebagai suatu kitab apokaliptis, beritanya disampaikan dalam digenapi pada masa gelaran sejarah asli dari kekaisaran Romawi,
bentuk lambang-lambang yang menggambarkan kenyataan-kenyataan kecuali untuk pasal 19-22 (Wahy 19:1-22:21), yang masih menunggu
tentang masa dan peristiwa yang akan datang sambil tetap penggenapannya pada masa yang akan datang.
memelihara teka-teki atau rahasia tertentu.
(2) Penafsiran _historicist_ (yang menekankan unsur sejarah)
(3) Banyak sekali angka digunakan, termasuk angka 2; 3; 3,5; 4; memandang kitab Wahyu sebagai suatu prakiraan nubuat dari
5; 6; 7; 10; 12; 24; 42; 144; 666; 1.000; 1.260; 7.000; 12.000; seluruh perjalanan sejarah gereja sejak zaman Yohanes sampai
144.000; 100.000.000; dan 200.000.000. Secara khusus kitab ini pada zaman akhir.
menonjolkan angka tujuh yang terdapat tidak kurang dari 54 kali
yang melambangkan kesempurnaan atau kepenuhan. (3) Penafsiran _idealist_ (yang menekankan pemikiran ideal)
menganggap lambang-lambang dalam kitab ini sebagai hal yang
(4) Penglihatan-penglihatan begitu mencolok, dengan pemandangan mengungkapkan prinsip-prinsip rohani tertentu tentang kebaikan
yang sering dialih-alihkan dari tempat di bumi ke sorga, dan kejahatan dalam sejarah pada umumnya, tanpa menghubungkannya
kemudian kembali lagi ke bumi. dengan peristiwa-peristiwa nyata dalam sejarah.

(5) Malaikat-malaikat dikaitkan secara jelas dengan penglihatan- (4) Penafsiran _futurist_ (dengan pandangan masa yang akan
penglihatan dan ketetapan-ketetapan sorgawi. datang) mendekati pasal 4-22 (Wahy 4:1-22:21) sebagai nubuat
tentang peristiwa-peristiwa dalam sejarah yang hanya akan
(6) Kitab ini bersifat polemik yang terjadi pada akhir zaman ini. Pada hakikatnya Alkitab ini
menafsirkan kitab Wahyu dari sudut pandang futurist ini.
(a) menyingkapkan sifat roh jahat dari setiap penguasa bumi
yang menyatakan dirinya sebagai allah, dan
INTRODUCTION TO REVELATIONS which was made to John the Evangelist; and in the Arabic version,
the Vision of John, the Apostle and Evangelist, to wit, the
That this book was written by the Apostle and Evangelist John, is Apocalypse. All which acknowledge the Apostle John to be the writer
clear not only from the express mention of his name, and from his of it, and show the sense of the ancients concerning it. Nor is it
office, a servant of Jesus Christ, #Re 1:1; but also from the of any moment what is alleged, that this writer makes mention of his
character this writer gives of himself, #Re 1:2; as being an name several times, whereas it was usual with John, both in his
eyewitness of the essential Logos, or Word of God, and who bore a Gospel and epistles, to conceal his name; since there is a wide
faithful record of him as such, as John did in his Gospel, in a very difference between writing an history and epistles to friends, and
peculiar and remarkable manner, and from this writer’s being in the prophecy which requires the author’s name, on whom the authority and
isle of Patmos when he wrote, #Re 1:9; for of what other John can truth of the prophecy greatly depend: and so likewise the
this be said? to which may be added the testimonies of the ancient disagreement of style observed in this book, with the other writings
writers, as Justin Martyr {a}, who lived within fifty years of the of John, has no force in it; since the prophetic style is always
apostle, and Irenaeus {b}, who was the disciple of Polycarp, an different from an historical and epistolary one; and yet, after all,
hearer of this apostle, and Clemens Alexandrinus {c}, Tertullian in many things, there is an agreement; John in this, as in his other
{d}, Origen {e}, and others, who ascribe it to him. It was a most writings, speaks of Christ as the Word and Son of God and under the
monstrously stupid notion of Caius, Dionysius of Alexandria mentions character of the Lamb; and likewise the following: passages may be
{f}, that it was written by Cerinthus the heretic, when his heresies compared together, as #Re 1:2 with #Joh 19:35 and #1Jo 1:1,2
concerning the divinity and humanity of Christ are most strongly #Re 1:5 with #1Jo 1:7. All which being observed there no room to
refuted in it. What seems to have led to such a thought is, that the doubt, neither of the writer nor of the authority of this book;
account of the thousand years’ reign, and the descent of the new especially when the agreement of the doctrine contained in it with
Jerusalem from heaven, seemed to favour the judaism of this man, and other parts of the Scripture, the majesty of its style, and above all
his carnal notions of an earthly paradise, whereas they have no such the many prophecies of things to come to pass in it, several of which
tendency. And as for its being written by another John, who is said have been already fulfilled, are considered; and though it was called
to be presbyter at Ephesus, after the apostle, it is not certain in question and rejected by some heretical men, because some things in
there ever was such a man; and if there was, he must be too late to it did not suit with their tenets, yet we have not the least reason to
be the writer of this book; nor to him can the above characters doubt of its being authentic who have lived to see so much of it
agree. What is observed in favour of him, that the penman of this already accomplished and which could come from no other but God. As for
book is called, in the title, John the divine, and not the the time of its writing this is not agreed upon on all hands; the place
evangelist, or apostle, will do him no service; for to whom does where, seems to be the isle of Patmos, which yet some question. Some
this character so well agree, as to the Evangelist John, who wrote think it was written in the times of Claudius Caesar {h}, before the
of divine things in so divine a manner, and particularly concerning destruction of Jerusalem. In the title of the Syriac version, this
the divinity of Christ? hence this book was sometimes called revelation is said to be made to John in the isle of Patmos, into which
yeologia, "Divinity" {g}: besides, the title of the book is not he was cast by Nero Caesar. But the more commonly received opinion is,
original, but is what has been affixed to it by others, and varies; that he had this vision there, at the latter end of Domitian’s reign
for in the Complutensian edition it runs thus, {i} by whom he was there banished, about the year 95, or 96. But be
this as it will, the book is certainly of divine authority, and
“the Revelation of the holy Apostle and Evangelist John the exceeding useful and instructive; and contains in it the most momentous
Divine.” and important doctrines of the Gospel, concerning a trinity of persons
in the Godhead, the deity and sonship of Christ, the divinity and
In the Vulgate Latin version it is called the Apocalypse of the personality of the Spirit, the offices of Christ, the state and
blessed John the Apostle; and in the Syriac version, the Revelation condition of man by nature, justification, pardon, and reconciliation
by the blood of Christ; and it recommends the several duties of what were between it all around, and the elders, four living
religion, and encourages to the exercise of every grace and gives a creatures, described in general by their being full of eyes, before
very particular account of the rise, power, and fall of antichrist, and and behind, #Re 4:6, in particular, the first by its likeness to a
of the state of the church of Christ in all the periods of time to the lion, the second by its likeness to a calf, the third by its
end of the world. And though it is written in an uncommon style, likeness to a man, and the fourth by its likeness to a flying eagle,
yet may be understood, by the use of proper means, as by prayer and #Re 4:7, and by what were common to them, first by their wings, of
meditation, by comparing it with other prophetic writings, and the which they had each of them six; and by their eyes, they were full
history of past times, by which many things in it will appear to have of within; and by their constant employment in celebrating the
had their accomplishment; and it ought to be observed, that it is a perfections of God, and in giving glory, honour, and thanks unto
revelation, and not a hidden thing; that it is now not a sealed book, him, #Re 4:8,9, at which time also the four and twenty elders
but an open one; and that such are pronounced blessed that read and appear in a worshipping posture, and give adoration to God; partly
hear it, and observe the things in it, #Re 1:3; and which is no by deeds, casting their crowns before his throne; and partly by words,
small encouragement to attempt an explanation of it. ascribing glory, honour, and power to him; giving a reason for it,
taken from his creating all things for his pleasure, #Re 4:10,11.
{a} Dialog. cum Tryph. p. 308.
{b} Adv. Haeres. l. 4. c. 37, 50. & l. 5. c. 30. Ver. 1. After this I looked, &c.] After John had seen the vision of
{c} Paedagog. l. 2. c. 12. Christ, in the midst of the golden candlesticks, with seven stars in
{d} Adv. Marcion. l. 4. c. 5. his right hand; after he was bid to write what he had seen, and what
{e} Comment. in Matt. p. 417. Ed. Huet. were, and should be hereafter; and after he had by order written the
{f} Apud. Euseb. Hist. Eccl. l. 3. c. 28. & l. 7. c. 23. seven epistles to the seven churches, he looked about him to see
{g} Suidas in voce iwannhv. what else he could, having his desires and expectations raised of
{h} Vid. Epiphan Haeres. 51. seeing more, and other things, for the eye is never satisfied with
{i} Irenaeus adv. Haeres. l. 5. c. 36. Euseb. Eccles. Hist. l. 3. c. 18. seeing; though this is to be understood, not of looking with the
eyes of his body, but with the eyes of his mind; of his beholding
INTRODUCTION TO REVELATION 4 things in a visionary way, as the prophets did, whence they are
called "seers", and their prophecies "visions": how long this was
This chapter contains an account of the second vision John saw, as after the first vision is not certain, it may be but a few minutes;
preparatory to the sealed book, and the opening of it, as the first and it is to be observed, that as the first chapter of this book,
vision was to the epistles to the seven churches. The preface to with the vision in it, is the preface or introduction to the
this vision, or the introduction to it, and preparation of John for church prophecy delivered out in the seven epistles; so this and the
it, are in #Re 4:1,2, which declare the time of it, the position following chapter, with the vision therein, contain the preface or
John was in, what he saw and heard, a call to him to come up, and introduction to the book prophecy exhibited in the opening of the
the effect it had upon him; and then follows the vision itself, seven seals of the sealed book:
which is of a throne, described by the place where it was set, in
heaven; and by him that sat upon it, #Re 4:2, who was like to a and behold, a door was opened in heaven: not in a literal sense,
jasper and a sardine stone; and by what was about it, first a as the heavens were opened at Christ’s baptism, and at Stephen’s
rainbow of an emerald colour, #Re 4:3, then four and twenty seats, martyrdom, but in a figurative sense; and the phrase is to be
with as many elders upon them, sitting clothed and crowned, #Re 4:4, understood of a discovery of things that were, or were to be in the
and by what went out from it, lightnings, thunderings, and voices; church of God, which in this book is oftentimes signified by
and by what were before it, seven burning lamps, which are the seven "heaven": and it must be conceived as done in a visionary way, just
spirits of God, #Re 4:5, and a sea of glass like crystal; and by as Ezekiel, in the visions of God, was brought to Jerusalem, and the
temple there, and in at a door was shown all the abominations world; not but that there were some things shown him, as before, in
committed in the court and temple; so John, in a visionary way, the church prophecy, which had been, and were, and which was done to
through an opened door, had a scene of things in the church give him a complete view of things from first to last: and these
presented to him, as follows: things were shown in the following visions of the seals, trumpets,
and vials, and by the Lord Jesus Christ, who talked with him, and to
and the first voice which I heard was, as it were, of a trumpet whom this revelation was given to show unto his servants; and it was
talking with me; this voice is not called the first voice with of things that "must" be, because determined and resolved upon in
respect to any other voices that were to follow; but it designs the the unalterable purposes and decrees of God.
former voice, the voice that John heard behind him, when he saw the
first vision; and this, as that, was clear, loud, and sonorous as a {f} Misn. Succa, c. 5. sect. 5.
trumpet, so that he thoroughly heard, and rightly understood what {g} Misn. Tamid, c. 3. sect. 7.
was said; it was the same Person that made the following
representation of things as did then, even he who is the Alpha and Ver. 2. And immediately I was in the Spirit, &c.] As he had been
the Omega, the Lord Jesus Christ, the author of the whole before, #Re 1:10; it seems he had been some little time out of his
revelation; the "first" is left out in the Arabic version: the ecstasy, how long cannot be said, and now, upon this new scene of
allusion is to the blowing of trumpets at the opening of the door of things, returned to it; upon the opening of the door in heaven, and
the temple; hearing the former voice, and the things it said, the Spirit of God
at once possessed and filled him, in an extraordinary manner; and
“every day there were one and twenty soundings of a trumpet his soul or spirit was immediately taken from the consideration of
in the temple, three Myrev txytpl, "at the opening of the all sensible objects, and was fixed and intent upon the things
doors", and nine at the daily morning sacrifice, and nine presented to it in the vision, so that it was as if it was out of
at the daily evening sacrifice {f}.” the body. The Arabic version reads, "then therefore I went in the
Spirit"; in obedience to the voice that called him up, in which he
And one of them was called the great door of the temple; and he that was assisted by the Spirit of God, who lifted him up as he did
slew the daily sacrifice, did not slay till he heard the sound of Ezekiel, when he saw what follows:
that door when it was opened {g}; so here at the opening of the door
in heaven, in the church, of which the temple was a type, the voice and behold, a throne was set in heaven; not for the final judgment,
of the Son of God is heard as the sound of a trumpet, talking loudly on which the son of man will sit, when he comes to judge the quick and
and familiarly to John: dead, for he is not the person that fills this but this is a symbol
of the power, authority, and dominion now exercised by God, not over
which said, come up hither; from the isle of Patmos, where he was, the world in general, who has prepared his throne in the heavens,
up to heaven; not into the third heaven, where Paul was caught up, and governs among the nations, according to his sovereign will and
but rather up into the Gospel church, the Jerusalem which is above; pleasure, but which he exercises in his church, signified by
though this, as before, is to be understood in a visionary way, in "heaven". The allusion is to the temple, and the throne of God in
like manner as Ezekiel was lifted up by the Spirit between the earth it, #Isa 6:1 Jer 17:12. The temple was an emblem of the Gospel
and the heavens; and so John, in a vision, was called up from church, Jerusalem, or the Gospel church state, and was to be called
Patmos into the air, where he had a representation of the church the throne of the Lord, #Jer 3:17, and now his throne is set there.
made unto him: Here he exercises a jurisdiction and government; he is King and
lawgiver in it; he has enacted laws, and he writes them on the
and I will show thee things which must be hereafter; in the world, hearts of his people, and puts his Spirit within them, and makes
in the Roman empire, and in the church of God, to the end of the them both able and willing to obey them.
beloved; #So 5:10; and may denote in general his purity, glory, and
And one sat on the throne; not the trinity of persons in the excellency, and in particular good will to his people, and wrath to
Godhead, which some think are signified by the three precious stones his enemies. And to the comfort of the former it is added,
in #Re 4:3, the jasper, sardine, and emerald; for, as distinct from
him that sat upon the throne, the Lamb is said to be in the midst of and there was a rainbow round about the throne; which signifies
it, and the seven spirits of God are said to be before it: nor is the covenant of grace; see #Ge 9:12,16 Isa 54:9,10 Eze 1:28. The
Jesus Christ intended, and his two natures; his divine nature by the rainbow is a reverberation, or a reflection of the beams of the sun
jasper, and his human nature by the red and blood coloured sardine; upon a thin watery cloud; and the covenant of grace is owing to
since he, the Lamb, is represented as in the midst of the throne, Jesus Christ, the sun of righteousness; it is he that has formed it,
and is often distinguished from him that sat upon it; see and filled it with blessings and promises; he is the Mediator,
#Re 5:6,7,13 7:10; but God the Father is designed, who sits on the surety, and messenger of it, and who in #Re 10:1 is represented as
throne, though not to the exclusion of the Son and Spirit, yet in clothed with a cloud, and a rainbow on his head: the rainbow is of,
distinction from them. This clause is left out in the Ethiopic various colours and fitly expresses the various promises and
version. blessings, in the covenant of grace, and the various providences,
both prosperous and adverse, with respect to soul and body; and as
Ver. 3. And he that sat was to look upon like a jasper, &c.] For the the rainbow was an emblem of mercy, peace, and reconciliation in God
brightness, glory, and majesty of his countenance, and for his being to man, after he had destroyed the world by a flood, so the covenant
light itself, clothed with it, and dwelling in it; see #Re 21:11,18,19; is a covenant of grace and mercy; it springs from it, and is full of
and for the various perfections of his nature, as eternity, it, and provides for the peace and reconciliation of the people of
infinity, immutability, omniscience, omnipotence, omnipresence, God, by the blood of Christ; whence it is called a covenant of
wisdom, power, goodness, truth, love, grace, and mercy; for the peace: and as the rainbow is a security to the world, and the
jasper, at least one sort of them, is of various colours, and inhabitants of it, from a destruction by a flood any more, so the
spotted with divers spots; that which is most valued is the green, covenant is a security to those who are interested in it, from eternal
spotted with red or purple {h}: hence this stone, which is the destruction, and wrath to come; herein lies all their salvation,
twelfth in the high priest’s breastplate, and on which the name of and this is the security of it: to which may be added, that God
"Benjamin" was written, is called, by the Chaldee paraphrase of calls it my bow, as he often calls the covenant of grace my covenant,
Onkelos on #Ex 28:20, "Pantere", and of ben Uzziel, on the same in distinction from man’s; see #Ge 9:12 Ps 89:28,34 Eze 16:60-62;
place, "Apanturin", and on #So 5:14, "Apantor", because some are and this being round about the throne of God, shows that the
variegated and spotted like panthers. covenant of grace does, as it were, include and enclose God in
his persons, and in his perfections; all the three divine Persons
And a sardine stone; the same with the "Sardius": and so read here have a concern in it, and all the divine perfections are glorified
the Alexandrian copy, the Syriac and Arabic versions, as in by it; and it being around it, it is always in his view; he is ever
#Re 21:20, and in #Ex 28:17 on which Reuben’s name was written; mindful of it, and constantly remembers it for the good of his
this is of a red, or blood colour as its name Mda, in Hebrew, shows, people, and faithfully keeps it; and it being in this form denotes,
and the same that is called a cornelian; and is expressive of the that in whatsoever way he comes forth unto his people, it is always
fiery indignation of God whose fury is poured out like fire, and in a covenant way, whether it be in things temporal or spiritual, in
who nakedly and absolutely considered, is a consuming fire to the adversity or prosperity, with regard to the things of time and
wicked, his enemies, and the enemies of his church and people. Some eternity; nor is there any coming to him with comfort, but as he is
jaspers being white and sky coloured and the white colour being most encompassed with the rainbow of the covenant; stripped of this, he
agreeable to deity, as Cicero says {i}, and the sardine being red, is like the jasper and sardine stones, full of sparkling majesty,
and a gem of the ruby kind make up the description of the church’s dread and terror, so that there is no coming nigh him; but being
encircled with the rainbow, he may be approached as a covenant God, &c.] In a semicircular form, as the rainbow also was; the thrones in
as the God of all grace, seated on a throne of grace, whither the above form, came to both ends, or sides of it; just as when the
believers may come with boldness, freedom, and cheerfulness: and sanhedrim, or great court of judicature among the Jews say {m}, the
this rainbow was "Nasi", or prince, sat in the uppermost seat, at his right hand was
"Ab beth din", or the father or the sanhedrim, and at his left hand
in sight like unto an emerald; the stone on which Judah’s name was a doctor or wise man, and all the rest of the members sat in a
written, in the high priest’s breastplate; this is of a green semicircular form upon seats before them, so that they could see
colour, which colour is the prevailing one in the rainbow; it is of them all; and to this the allusion might be thought to be, did their
an exceeding fine green, very delightful to the eye, and gives numbers agree, but in the great sanhedrim there were seventy one,
pleasure to the mind to look upon it: and what a lovely and and the lesser twenty three, which last comes very near the number
delightful sight is the covenant of grace to a believer! to see God here;
as a covenant God, Christ as the Mediator of it, the exceeding great
and precious promises and blessings, both of grace and glory, which and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting; by whom are
are in it, yields an unspeakable pleasure to such persons; the not meant the twenty four books of the Old Testament, as some of the
covenant of grace, like the emerald, is ever green, it is always ancients thought, and also some of the modern writers, as Lord
new; its promises and blessings are always fresh, and, like that, it Napier and others; for the things said of them are such as cannot be
is durable; it is sure, and cannot be broken, and is more immovable applied to inanimate things, such as sitting on seats, being clothed
than rocks and mountains: the emerald is very bright, clear, and with white raiment, having golden crowns on their heads, falling
transparent; it is reported of Nero {k}, that he could see in his down before the throne, and worshipping him that sat on it; and
emerald the combat of the gladiators in the theatre; in the covenant besides, in #Re 5:8,9, they are said to be redeemed by the blood of
of grace, as in a glass, may be seen the glory of all the three the Lamb, out of very kindred, tongue, people, and nation; for which
Persons in the Godhead, for it is ordered in all things for the last reason, angels also cannot be designed, and who, moreover, in
glory of each Person; as also all the perfections of the divine the place referred to, are manifestly distinguished from these
nature; here God appears abundant in goodness and truth; here mercy elders; nor are they to be understood as to the representatives of
and truth meet together; and righteousness and peace kiss each the Jewish church, or of the Jewish and Christian church together,
other: to which may be added, that the emerald is said {l} to help as triumphant in heaven; and so be signified by the twelve
and refresh the memory; now though God stands in no need of any patriarchs and twelve apostles, which together make up twenty four;
thing to bring things to his remembrance, yet such is his but rather the members of the Gospel church state, throughout the
condescension to men, that he sets the rainbow in the cloud, to look whole of it, in every succession and period of time, are here meant;
at, that he might remember his everlasting covenant; and so he and are expressed by the number "twenty four", in allusion to the
allows his people to put him in remembrance, by making mention of twenty four courses of the priests, into which they were divided by
the covenant of grace, and pleading the promises of it. The David, #1Ch 24:1,4,18, and to the twenty four stations of the
Alexandrian copy and the Ethiopic version, instead of iriv, "a Levites, who in turn attended the service of the temple daily, and
rainbow", read iereiv, "priests". represented the whole body of the people of Israel, in putting their
hands upon the sacrifices, and praying for them; of which
{h} Albert. Magn. de Reb. Metall. l. 2. c. 8. Ruaeus de Gemmis, l. 2. c. 1. see Gill on "Lu 1:5"; add to this, that in twenty four places the
{i} De Legibus, l. 2. priests and Levites kept watch in the temple {n}; so these twenty four
{k} Ruaeus de Gemmis, l. 2. c. 4. elders before the throne of God, in his temple, represent the whole
{l} Ruaeus, ib. & Albert. Magn. de Reb. Metall. l. 2. c. 17. Israel of God, all the members of the Gospel church state, from the
first to the last of it: and they are styled "elders", not on account
Ver. 4. And round about the throne were four and twenty seats, of office, as pastors of the churches are called, but because of their
senile gravity, prudence, and knowledge; they having a greater degree sanhedrim, or great court of judicature among the Jews say {m}, the
of spiritual knowledge of the manifold wisdom of God than the Jewish "Nasi", or prince, sat in the uppermost seat, at his right hand was
church, which was in a state of infancy, and under tutors and "Ab beth din", or the father or the sanhedrim, and at his left hand
governors, had; but the Gospel church is in a state of manhood, and no a doctor or wise man, and all the rest of the members sat in a
longer under a schoolmaster, and so fitly expressed by "elders"; and semicircular form upon seats before them, so that they could see
these are represented as "sitting" on their seats, not only to hear the them all; and to this the allusion might be thought to be, did their
word of God, but as judging in cases that come before them, respecting numbers agree, but in the great sanhedrim there were seventy one,
the admission or exclusion of members, the laying on or taking off of and the lesser twenty three, which last comes very near the number
censures, &c. and these, their seats being around and near unto the here;
throne, denote their nearness to God, and their communion with him, in
his house and ordinances, and his dwelling in the midst of them. and upon the seats I saw four and twenty elders sitting; by whom are
not meant the twenty four books of the Old Testament, as some of the
Clothed in white raiment; in the pure and spotless robe of Christ’s ancients thought, and also some of the modern writers, as Lord
righteousness, which is comparable to fine linen, clean and white; Napier and others; for the things said of them are such as cannot be
and is the righteousness of the saints in common, of every true applied to inanimate things, such as sitting on seats, being clothed
member of Christ’s body. with white raiment, having golden crowns on their heads, falling
down before the throne, and worshipping him that sat on it; and
And they had on their heads crowns of gold; being made by Christ besides, in #Re 5:8,9, they are said to be redeemed by the blood of
kings, as well as priests, unto God; for so these four and twenty the Lamb, out of very kindred, tongue, people, and nation; for which
elders are said to be, in #Re 5:10; and they now reign as kings over last reason, angels also cannot be designed, and who, moreover, in
sin, Satan, and the world, and have a kingdom of grace which shall the place referred to, are manifestly distinguished from these
never be removed; and they shall reign with Christ on earth a elders; nor are they to be understood as to the representatives of
thousand years, and then reign with him to all eternity in heaven. the Jewish church, or of the Jewish and Christian church together,
It is a common saying with the Jews {o}, as triumphant in heaven; and so be signified by the twelve
patriarchs and twelve apostles, which together make up twenty four;
“that there is no eating and drinking in the world to come, but rather the members of the Gospel church state, throughout the
but the righteous are "sitting", Myhvarb Mhytwrjew, "and whole of it, in every succession and period of time, are here meant;
their crowns upon their heads".” and are expressed by the number "twenty four", in allusion to the
twenty four courses of the priests, into which they were divided by
{m} Misn. Sanhedrin, c. 4. sect. 3. & Maimon. Hilchot Sanhedrin, c. 1. David, #1Ch 24:1,4,18, and to the twenty four stations of the
sect. 3. Levites, who in turn attended the service of the temple daily, and
{n} Misn. Middot, c. 1. sect. 1. represented the whole body of the people of Israel, in putting their
{o} Zohar in Numb. fol. 106. 3. & Raya Mehimna in ib. fol. 96. 3. T. hands upon the sacrifices, and praying for them; of which
Bab. Beracot, fol. 17. 1. Abot R. Nathan, fol. 1. 3. Caphtor, fol. see Gill on "Lu 1:5"; add to this, that in twenty four places the
82. 2. & 86. 2. & 108. 2. & Nishmat Chayim, fol. 30. 2. priests and Levites kept watch in the temple {n}; so these twenty four
elders before the throne of God, in his temple, represent the whole
Israel of God, all the members of the Gospel church state, from the
first to the last of it: and they are styled "elders", not on account
Ver. 4. And round about the throne were four and twenty seats, of office, as pastors of the churches are called, but because of their
&c.] In a semicircular form, as the rainbow also was; the thrones in senile gravity, prudence, and knowledge; they having a greater degree
the above form, came to both ends, or sides of it; just as when the of spiritual knowledge of the manifold wisdom of God than the Jewish
church, which was in a state of infancy, and under tutors and authority, and majesty of them, especially as they were delivered
governors, had; but the Gospel church is in a state of manhood, and no out by the Boanergeses, or sons of thunder; and as the prophesies of
longer under a schoolmaster, and so fitly expressed by "elders"; and the prophets are called "the voices" of the prophets, #Ac 13:27; so
these are represented as "sitting" on their seats, not only to hear the may the doctrines of the Gospel be called "voices", as they are the
word of God, but as judging in cases that come before them, respecting voice of God, and of Christ, and of his ministers; and are voices of
the admission or exclusion of members, the laying on or taking off of love, grace, mercy, peace, pardon, righteousness, and eternal life.
censures, &c. and these, their seats being around and near unto the The allusion is to the giving of the law on Mount Sinai, when such
throne, denote their nearness to God, and their communion with him, in things were seen and heard, #Ex 19:16 or else the judgments of God,
his house and ordinances, and his dwelling in the midst of them. and the punishments inflicted upon his enemies, and the enemies of
his church and people, and his awful threatenings of them, may be
Clothed in white raiment; in the pure and spotless robe of Christ’s designed; see #Ps 18:13,14 Joe 3:16; with which compare #Re 8:5.
righteousness, which is comparable to fine linen, clean and white;
and is the righteousness of the saints in common, of every true And there were seven lamps of burning fire before the throne,
member of Christ’s body. which are the seven spirits of God; in allusion to the seven lamps
in the tabernacle and temple, which were trimmed by the priests, and
And they had on their heads crowns of gold; being made by Christ always kept burning, and are expressive of the Spirit, and his
kings, as well as priests, unto God; for so these four and twenty gifts; and these being signified by the number "seven", denote the
elders are said to be, in #Re 5:10; and they now reign as kings over fulness and perfection of them; and being said to be "before the
sin, Satan, and the world, and have a kingdom of grace which shall throne", show that there is always a sufficiency of them for the
never be removed; and they shall reign with Christ on earth a supply of the churches in all ages, to fit and qualify proper
thousand years, and then reign with him to all eternity in heaven. persons to minister the word, and administer ordinances; and these
It is a common saying with the Jews {o}, being called "lamps of burning fire", point at the light the Spirit
of God in his gifts communicates to the churches; and that warmth
“that there is no eating and drinking in the world to come, and heat, comfort and refreshment; conveyed to them, through the
but the righteous are "sitting", Myhvarb Mhytwrjew, "and preaching of the Gospel, and the dispensation of the ordinances of
their crowns upon their heads".” it, under his illuminating and quickening influences.

{m} Misn. Sanhedrin, c. 4. sect. 3. & Maimon. Hilchot Sanhedrin, c. 1. Ver. 6. And before the throne there was a sea of glass like unto
sect. 3. crystal, &c.] By which is meant, not heaven, nor the souls of the
{n} Misn. Middot, c. 1. sect. 1. blessed there, nor the multitude of the holy angels, nor the first
{o} Zohar in Numb. fol. 106. 3. & Raya Mehimna in ib. fol. 96. 3. T. converts to Christianity at Jerusalem; for those that got the
Bab. Beracot, fol. 17. 1. Abot R. Nathan, fol. 1. 3. Caphtor, fol. victory over the beast are said to stand upon this sea, #Re 15:2,
82. 2. & 86. 2. & 108. 2. & Nishmat Chayim, fol. 30. 2. which these senses, especially the three last, will by no means
admit of. Some by it understand the world, which may be compared to
Ver. 5. And out of the throne proceeded lightnings and thunderings, a "sea", for the multitude of people in it, as many waters in this
and voices, &c.] Which may be understood either of the doctrines of book signify people and nations, #Re 17:15; and to a sea of glass,
the Gospel which come out of Zion, and out of Jerusalem, the church which is brittle, for the frailty and transitoriness of the world,
of God, where he has his throne; and which are comparable to of the fashion of it, and of men and things in it; and to the clear
"lightning", both for the light and knowledge they give, and for the "crystal", because all things in it are open and manifest to the
swiftness with which they were spread over the world, by the omniscient eye of God; but the world, and men of it, used not to be
apostles of Christ; and to "thunderings", for the awfulness, compared to a still and quiet sea, as this is, but to one disturbed
and troubled by winds and tempests, whose waters cast up mire and Alexandrian copy, the Complutensian edition, the Vulgate Latin and
dirt, #Isa 57:20. Others think the ordinance of baptism is designed, Syriac versions, read, "there was as a sea of glass", somewhat that
of which the Red sea, through which the Israelites passed under the looked like one. The word "glass" is left out in the Ethiopic version,
cloud, was an emblem; and which may be compared to a "sea of glass", but very aptly is it so described, the colour of the sea being
for its transparency, it clearly expressing the sufferings, burial, sometimes green like that of glass.
and resurrection of Christ; and to crystal, for its purity; and to
all this for its cleansing nature, as it leads unto the blood of And in the midst of the throne, and round about the throne, were
Christ; and its being before the throne may denote its being the way four beasts; or "living creatures", as the word may be better
of entrance into the Gospel church. Others think the blood of Christ rendered, agreeably to #Eze 1:5, to which reference is here had; and
is meant, in allusion to the brazen sea in the tabernacle, which was by whom are meant not the angels, though there are many things which
made of the looking glasses the women brought, and for the priests agree with them; they are said to be the "four spirits" of the
to wash in, before they entered on business, #Ex 30:18 38:8, and to heavens, which go forth from standing before the Lord of all the
the molten sea in the temple, which was for the same purpose, earth, #Zec 6:5. They may be rightly called living creatures,
#1Ki 7:23. Christ’s blood is the fountain opened to wash in for sin, since they live a most happy life in heaven; their situation is
and may be compared to a sea for its abundant efficacy in cleansing before the throne, and in the presence of God; and their being so
from all sin; and it is this which makes way to the throne, and to him sedulous, diligent, and watchful in doing the will of God, may be
that sits on it; and is a special privilege enjoyed by those who signified by their being "full of eyes behind, and before, and
come to Mount Zion, or into a Gospel church state; there is always within"; their strength may be fitly expressed by "the lion"; their
this laver to wash their garments in, and make them white: though indefatigableness in the service of God, by "the ox": their wisdom,
this sea, being of glass, seems not so much designed to wash in; and prudence, and knowledge, by "the face of a man"; and their swiftness
therefore rather I think by it is meant the Gospel, compared to a in obeying the divine commands by "the flying eagle"; their number
"sea" for the deep things of God and mysteries of grace which are in of wings agrees with that of the seraphim in #Isa 6:2; to which
it; to a sea of "glass", because in it is beheld, as in a glass, the the allusion seems to be; and their work, in continually ascribing
glory of the Lord, of his person, office, and righteousness, as well glory to God, suits with them: to which may be added, that the Jews
as many other wondrous things; and to one like "crystal", for the often speak of four angels, waokl bybo, "round about his throne",
clearness, perspicuity, and evidence of the truths contained in it; that is, the throne of God; whose names are Michael, Gabriel, Uriel,
and to a, fixed, still; and quiet sea, because it is the Gospel of and Raphael; the three first they place in this manner, Michael at
peace, love, grace, and mercy, and brings peace, joy, and his right hand, Uriel at his left, and Gabriel before him {r}.
tranquillity to troubled minds, when the law works wrath: but here Sometimes thus, Michael on his right hand, Gabriel on his left,
are no tossing, foaming, raging waves of wrath, and fury, but all Uriel before him, and Raphael behind him, and the holy blessed God
smooth, stable, solid, tranquil, and quiet. And this is said to be in the middle; and they are expressly called {s} by them the four
before the throne, where the rainbow of the covenant is, of which living creatures, meaning in Ezekiel’s vision; and they make mention
the Gospel is a transcript; and where the four and twenty elders, or of the intellectual living creatures which are ayorkl Nyrxo, "round
members of churches be, for their delight and comfort; and where the about the throne" {t}. Notwithstanding all this, the angels cannot
seven spirits of God are, to furnish men with gifts to preach it; be intended, because these four living creatures are said to be
and where the four living creatures, or ministers of the word, have redeemed by the blood of Christ, and are distinguished from angels
their place, who officiate in it. Agreeably to this figurative way in #Re 5:8-11; nor are the four Gospels, with the four evangelists,
of speaking, the Jews call {p} the law, atyrwad amy, "the sea of here meant; for whatever agreement may be fancied there is between
the law", and the "sea of wisdom"; and frequently give the characters these, and the likeness of the living creatures; as that Matthew may
of such and such a doctor, as being very expert and conversant be signified by the creature that has the face of a man, because he
dwmlth Myb, "in the sea of the Talmud", or "doctrine" {q}. The begins his Gospel with the genealogy of Christ, as man; and Mark by
the lion, because he begins his Gospel with the voice of one crying in one or another of them, and in them as together considered. They are
in the wilderness; and Luke by the ox, because he begins his Gospel said to be "four", being fewer in number than the members of the
with an account of Zacharias the priest, offering in the temple; and church, which are signified by the twenty four elders, and yet a
John by the eagle, because he begins his Gospel, the first face or sufficient number; and in allusion to the four standards of the camp of
leaf of it, in a very high style, and with the divinity of Christ: Israel in the wilderness, to which there seems to be some reference in
and with what truth soever it may be said of these that they are the whole of this account; as the tabernacle there was placed in the
full of divine light and knowledge, and swiftly spread it in the midst, so the throne of God here; as the priests and Levites were
world, and are continually giving glory to God; yet it cannot be round about that, so the four and twenty elders here; as there were
said of them, with any propriety, as is said of these four living seven lamps, over against the candlestick in the tabernacle,
creatures, that they fall down before God, and worship him, and are continually burning, so there are seven spirits here before the throne;
redeemed by the blood of the Lamb: besides, these four are represented and as there were four princes, who were standard bearers, placed at
as calling to John at the opening of the first four seals, to come and the four corners of the camp, so here four living creatures, or
see what was to be seen; and one of them is said to give to the seven ministers of the word, who are standard bearers: the standard of Judah,
angels the vials of wrath to pour out, #Re 5:8,9 6:1,3,5,7 15:7, to with Issachar and Zabulon under him, was at the east of the tabernacle;
which may be added, that this sense is attended with this and Ephraim, with Manasseh and Benjamin, at the west; Reuben, with
inconvenience, that it makes John to be one of the four creatures which Simeon and Gad, at the south; and Dan, with Asher and Naphtali, at the
he saw: nor are four particular apostles, as Peter and John, Paul and north; and the Jewish writers say {u}, that on Judah’s standard was
Barnabas, pointed at, as others think; nor the pure apostolical church, the figure of a lion, on Ephraim’s the figure of an ox, on Reuben’s the
for the church is represented by the four and twenty elders, and these figure of a man, and on Dan’s the figure of an eagle; and to which the
four living creatures are distinguished from the hundred and forty four four living creatures are likened here. And this number "four" may be
thousand on Mount Zion, in #Re 14:1,3. Dr. Goodwin has a very the rather mentioned, with respect to the four parts of the world, and
ingenious thought upon these words, could it be supported; he thinks corners of the earth, whither the ministers of the Gospel are sent to
that these four living creatures design the four officers in the preach, and whither their commission reaches; there being of the elect
Christian church, the ruling elder, the pastor, the deacon, and the of God in all parts to be gathered in by their ministry: and very
teacher; the ruling elder by the "lion", who needs courage to deal with properly may they be called "living creatures", because they are alive
men in case of sins; the pastor by the "ox", for his laboriousness in in themselves, being quickened by the Spirit of God; or otherwise they
treading out the corn; the deacon by that which has the "face of a would not be fit for their work; and because their work requires
man", it being necessary that he should be merciful and pitiful to the liveliness in the exercise of grace, and fervency in the performance of
poor, as is the heart of a man; and the teacher by the "flying eagle", duty: and because they are a means in the hand of God of quickening
who is quick to espy errors, and soars aloft into high mysteries: but dead sinners, and of reviving drooping saints by the word of life,
then it should be observed, that there is no such officer ass ruling which they hold forth: the situation of these four living creatures
elder in the church, distinct from the pastor; and that the pastor and agrees with them, who are said to be both in the midst of, and round
teacher are one; so that there are but two sorts of officers in the about the throne, and so were nearer to it than the four and twenty
church, pastor, and deacon; see #Php 1:1; to which may be added, elders, and were between that and them; as the ministers of the Gospel
that the four living creatures are all in the same situation, and are are set in the first place in the church; have nearness to God, and
alike full of eyes, and have the same number of wings, and are employed much of his presence, which is particularly promised them; and stand
in the same work; all which cannot be said equally of church officers. between God and the people, and receive from the one, and communicate
By these four living creatures, I apprehend, we are to understand the to the other, and lead on the worship of God, as these four do; see
ministers of the Gospel in general, in the successive ages of the #Re 4:9,10. And these are said to be
church, to whom all the characters do well agree. And though they may
not be all found in everyone, at least not in all alike, yet thou are full of eyes; of spiritual light, and evangelical knowledge; and
they have need of all the eyes they have to look into the Scriptures of and the second beast like a calf; or "ox", for so the word here used
truth, to search and pry into them, and find out the sense and meaning signifies in the Hellenistic language, and with the Septuagint
of them; to overlook the flock committed to them, they have taken the interpreters, and agrees with #Eze 1:10, and designs the
oversight of; to look to themselves, their doctrine, and their laboriousness of Christ’s faithful ministers in treading out the
conversation; to espy enemies and dangers, and give notice of them to corn of Gospel truth, who labour in the word and doctrine, and are
the churches; to look to God upon the throne, and to the Lamb in the labourers with God; as also their humility, meekness, and patience
midst of it, for fresh supplies of gifts and grace; and to see to it, in bearing insults, reproaches, and sufferings for Christ, and
that all their ministrations tend to the glory of God, the honour of a instructing those that oppose themselves:
Redeemer, and the good of souls. And they had eyes
and the third beast had a face as a man; and points at the humanity
before and behind; "before" them, to look to the word of God, and and tender heartedness, the wisdom, prudence, knowledge, and
the deep things in it, which continually lies before them, and to understanding, and the use of the reasoning faculty, together with a
the things that are yet to come relating to the kingdom and church manly spirit in abiding by the Gospel at any rate; all which are so
of Christ; and "behind" them, to observe how all sacrifices and necessary in the ministers of the word.
types, predictions and promises, have had their accomplishment in
Christ; they have eyes before them to watch over the church they are And the fourth beast was like a flying eagle; which sets forth the
in the midst of, and which is the flock that is before them; and sagacity and penetration of Gospel ministers into the deep things of
eyes behind, to guard against Satan and his emissaries, false God, and mysteries of grace, and their readiness and swiftness to do
teachers, who sometimes slyly and secretly come upon the back of the will of God, in publishing the everlasting Gospel; see #Re 14:6.
them; they have eyes before them, to look to him that sits upon the
throne, on whom their dependence, and from whom their expectations Ver. 8. And the four beasts had each of them six wings about him,
are; and they have eyes behind them, to look on the four and twenty &c.] As the seraphim in #Isa 6:2 with two of which they might
elders, the members of the churches, to whom they minister. cover their faces as they did, testifying thereby their reverence of
God, when in his presence; and with the other two cover their feet,
{p} Zohar in Numb. fol. 90. 3. & 92. 1. & in Lev. fol. 24. 3. & in signifying their sense of their sinfulness, weakness, and
Deut. fol. 118. 4. Tikkune Zohar apud Rittangel. not. in Jetzira, imperfection, in their conversation, even in their best works, and
p. 133, 134. in the ministry of the word; and with the other two fly about, as
{q} Ganz. Tzemach David, par. 1. fol. 46. 2. & 47. 1, 2. denoting their readiness to minister the word and ordinances, to
{r} Bemidbar Rabba, sect 2. fol. 179. 1. Vid. Pirke Eliezer, c. 4. visit the members of the church, and do all good offices of love and
{s} Zohar in Numb. fol. 91. 3. service to them that lie in their power:
{t} Raya Mehimna in Zohar in ib. fol. 95. 4.
{u} Aben Ezra in Numb. ii. 2. and they were full of eyes within; to look into the sin and
corruption of their own hearts, which is a means of keeping them
Ver. 7. And the first beast was like a lion, &c.] And this figure humble amidst all their attainments, gifts, and graces, and of
expresses the strength of the ministers of the word, the lion being qualifying them to speak aptly of the cases of others; and they have
the strongest among beasts, #Pr 30:30, to do the work they are eyes within, to look into and consult their own experience; for
called to, to endure hardness, as good soldiers of Christ, and to besides the word of God, which lies before them, they have a
bear the infirmities of the weak; and also it denotes their courage testimony in themselves of the truth of the doctrines of the Gospel,
and boldness in preaching the Gospel of Christ, without fearing the which they do well to attend unto; and they have these inward eyes
faces of men, or of being afraid of their revilings: to look into that treasure which God has put into their earthen
vessels, in order to bring out of it things new and old.
God, and lead in it, who are the four living creatures; when the
And they rest not day and night; they give up themselves to the members of churches, who are the four and twenty elders, follow, and
ministry of the word, and prayer; are wholly in these things, approach the divine Being in a most humble manner:
meditate on the word continually, and preach the Gospel in season,
and out of season: and worship him that liveth for ever and ever: in Spirit, and in
truth, with faith and fervency, in every part of duty they are
saying, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty, which was, and is, and directed to:
is to come; living under a continual sense of the holiness of God,
Father, Son, and Spirit; and how necessary holiness is in and cast their crowns before the throne; signifying, that they
themselves, who bear the vessels of the Lord, and in the churches received them, from him that sits upon it, being by the grace of God
and house of God; taking care that all their doctrines are according what they are; and that they are unworthy to wear them in his
to godliness, and serve to promote holiness of life and presence, being but unprofitable servants in all they do; and hereby
conversation; and also under a sense of the power of God, and of also acknowledging their subjection to him as their King and
their need of it, to carry them through their work, and make their lawgiver. Something like this the Jews relate of the family above;
ministry successful; and of the eternity and immutability of God, they say,
which is a wonderful support unto them amidst all the difficulties
and troubles that attend them. The word "holy" is three times used “when the holy blessed God ascends the glorious "throne of
here, as by the seraphim in #Isa 6:3; and in some copies it is judgment", the whole family above tremble; and when they
repeated six times, and in others nine times, as in the see the holy blessed God "they take their crowns from off
Complutensian edition. their heads"—and pray and seek mercy for Israel; and
immediately he ascends the "throne of mercy" {w}.”
Ver. 9. And when these beasts give glory, &c.] When they give God
the glory of all his perfections, covenant, and promises, and of all And such like actions have been done by kings and princes to one
the gifts and grace bestowed on them, and of the success of their another, in token of subjection. Thus Tigranes, king of Armenia,
ministry; and in it glorify Father, Son, and Spirit, who bear their fell down at the feet of Pompey, and cast his crown from his head,
respective parts in the business of salvation; and ascribe to each which Pompey replaced; and having commanded him certain things,
their due glory in election, redemption, and sanctification: ordered him to enjoy his kingdoms {x}: so Herod meeting Augustus
Caesar at Rhode, when he entered the city took oil his crown, and
and honour; in the several parts of religious worship performed by after a speech made to him, with which Caesar was pleased, he set it
them; and not with their lips only, but with their hearts also: on him again {y}.

and thanks; for all blessings, temporal and spiritual, bestowed on Saying; as follows.
them, and on the saints: even
{w} Raziel, fol. 45. 2.
to him that sat on the throne; God the Father, #Re 4:3; {x} Cicero, Orat. pro Sextio. p. 904.
{y} Joseph. Autiqu. l. 15. c. 6. sect. 6, 7.
who liveth for ever and ever; he who is the living God, and will
always continue so. Ver. 11. Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory honour, and
power, &c.] The Alexandrian copy, and some others, the Complutensian
Ver. 10. The four and twenty elders fall down before him that sat on edition, the Vulgate Latin version, and all the Oriental ones, read,
the throne, &c.] The ministers of the Gospel begin the worship of "thou art worthy, O Lord, and our God, to receive"; that is, to
receive the acknowledgment and ascription of glory, honour, and
power; for otherwise God cannot be said to receive these from his
creatures, than by their confessing and declaring that they belong
unto him: and that for the reasons following,

for thou hast created all things; the whole universe, the heavens,
the earth, and sea, and all that in them are:

and for thy pleasure they are and were created; God is the first
cause, and the last end of all things; by his power they are made,
and according to his will, and for his own glory, and therefore is
worthy of such a doxology; see #Pr 16:4 Ro 11:36. What is here said
is contrary to a notion imbibed by the Jews {z}, that the world was
not created but for the sake of the Israelites: and elsewhere {a}
they say,

“the world was not created but for David; and one says for
Moses; and Rabbi Jochanan says for the Messiah;”

which last is truest.

{z} Zohar in Exod. fol. 6. 3. & Tzeror Hammor, fol. 109. 1. & 161. 3.
{a} T. Bab. Sanhedrin, fol. 98. 2.
Rev 4:1-11 connected with it as a centre. They have some of the characters of the cherubim, some of
But we have to consider where the fourth Chapter commences God's ways. It does not the seraphim, but somewhat different from both. They were full of eyes, before and
follow necessarily that the assembly has been spued out of Christ's mouth. It had been behind, to see all things according to God, and willing having also six wings; perfect in
threatened; but the judgment on Sardis, or even on Thyatira, was not yet come. But it is inward perception, but given perception, and in the celerity of their motions. They
after Christ has ceased to deal with the professing assembly as such, looking to it as His embraced also the four species of creation in the ordered earth: man, cattle, beast of the
light-bearer before the world. What it may call itself still is not stated; He is not dealing field, fowl of the air: these symbolizing the powers or attributes of God, them selves
with it. An open apostacy will come. Its date is not revealed; nor is it revealed as to the worshiped by the heathen, here only the instruments of the throne. Him who sat on it the
rapture. But I gather from 2 Thessalonians 2, that the rapture will be before the apostacy. heathen knew not. The intelligence, firmness, power, rapidity of execution which belong to
What we have stated then is, that it is after all dealing with the assemblies by Christ is God were typified as elsewhere by them. They are symbols. Divers agents may be the
closed that the subsequent dealings with the world in the Revelation begin. The assemblies instruments of their activity. But though there was the general analogy of the cherubim,
are " the things that are ;" what follows, "the things after these." Christ is not now seen judicial and governmental power, these had a peculiar character.
walking in their midst; He is the Lamb in the midst of the throne. John is not occupied with
The cherubim in the temple had two wings, which formed the throne; they looked on
seeing Him there, or sending messages to the assemblies, but is called up to heaven where
the covenant, and at the same time, as of pure gold, were characterised by the divine
all the ways of God are now carried on, and that towards the world, not the assembly. We
righteousness of the throne to be approached. In Ezekiel they were the support of the
have the throne too, not the long-robed priest. The kings and priests we read of in Chapter
firmament above which the God of Israel was: it was a throne of executive judgment. They
1 are now on high. Others may follow them; but they are in heavenly places, seated on
were like burnished brass, and like fire-a symbol we have considered already. They had
thrones, or worshiping, or presenting their censers full of incense. On the other hand the
four wings: two to fly with, two to cover themselves. From Ezekiel 10 it appears they were
Lord is not come to judge the world, but about to receive the inheritance. The saints then,
full of eyes ("it is not said within") it was to govern what was outside, according to God,
who will be caught up to meet Christ, are seen only on high here; they belong to heaven,
not divine intelligence within. In Isaiah 6 the seraphim (or burners) have six wings as here;
and are no longer dealt with on earth, but have their own place in heaven.
they are above the throne, and cry as here, Holy, holy, holy ! They, with a burning coal,
The connection between the two parts of the Apocalypse is this: — Christ, who was cleansed the prophet's lips; they were above the throne.
judging in the midst of the professing church, is now seen on high, opening the book of this
The symbols used here become clearer through these cases. The living creatures are in
world's judgment, of which He is about to take the inheritance publicly. From this scene of
and around the throne; for it is a throne of executory judgment, with the attributes of
judgment the saints are far. The apostle's occupation with the assembly now ceases — an
cherubim united to it. But it is not, as in Israel, mere earth] y providential judgment, a
important point, for the Holy Spirit must be occupied with it as long as the saints are in it
whirlwind out of the north. There is before us the government of all the earth, and
on earth; — and he is taken up to heaven, and there he sees and in covenant with
executory judgment according to the holiness of God's nature. [10] There is not only full
creation, on a throne of government, with a rainbow round about it. The living creatures
perception of all, but intrinsic perception morally. It is no seat of gold to be approached, as
celebrate Him as the creator, the One for whom all things were created. The throne was
in the tabernacle. The intrinsic holiness of God is applied to judgment. He is making good
not a throne of grace, but the signs of power and judgment broke forth from it; but around
His nature and character in all creation. Providence would be no longer a riddle. It was not
it those who represent the saints received at Christ's coming, the kings and priests, are
complex attributes unsolved, so to speak, though applied in special circumstances; each
sitting on th rones in a circle round the throne. No altar of sacrifice is in view, as if it were a
act would have its character.
time of approach; the brazen laver has glass instead of water. It is a fixed accomplished
holiness, not cleansing of feet. The elders are crowned, the number twenty-four recalling Here too remark, it is not, as in the first Chapter, the God who is, though embracing
the courses of the priests. The seven Spirits of God are there in the temple, not Christ's to past and future, God in Himself; but the God of ages, " who was, and is, and is to come."
wield for the assembly, or sent out into the world, but the perfections in attribute which Still He has all Old Testament names: Jehovah, Elohim, Shaddai. His attributes now
characterise the actions of God in the world. This it is bears light now into the world. celebrate His full name, as the Holy One who lives for ever and ever — has no passing
power or being, like man at his best estate, vanity And the saints here fall down before the
Besides these, four living creatures are there in the circle of the throne itself and
throne, bow themselves before His place in glory, and worship Him in His endless bei ng,
around the throne. They may be viewed as forming the throne, or apart from it, though
and lay down their given glory before His supreme and proper glory, ascribing all glory to
Him alone, as alone worthy of it; but here, according to the nature of the celebration of it,
the Creator for whom all things are. In all changes these remained true.
It will be remarked here, that the living creatures only celebrate and declare; the
elders worship with understanding. All through the Revelation the elders give their reason
for worshiping. There is spiritual intelligence in them.
Further, remark, that when thunderings and lightnings and voices, the signs of terror in
judgment, go forth from the throne, the throned elders remain unmoved; they are on
thrones around when the throne of judgment is introduced. This is their place before God
in respect of judgment. Whenever He takes judgment in hand this is their position. They
are part of the glory-assessors of the throne from which its terror goes forth. When He
that sits on it is celebrated, they are all activity, own all glory to be His, are prostrate on
their faces, and cast their crowns before Him, more blessed in owning His glory, than in
possessing their own. We do not find the Father here; it is Jehovah. And indeed should we
ask in whom He is personally displayed, it would be, as always, in the Son; but it is in itself
simply the Jehovah of the Old Testament here.
Note #10
For the judgment at the end, though governmental, closing earth's history, was not
mercy so (cherubic), but according to God's holiness and nature (seraphic), particularly as
in Isaiah 6, a known God in Israel.

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