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Singapore Management University

User Guide for Windows OS Network Configuration to SMU

Domain (WLAN-Student) remotely from Home
(no need to be connected to WLAN, or school network)

George Chen

Disclaimer: A manual created out of good faith, and by no means represent any entity.
When do I need this guide?
 When you need to configure your laptop to SMU domain and are not in school or not connected
 When you, by accident, remove yourself from the domain, and can’t or don’t want to go down
to school just to hook up to the network

Why do I need this guide?

To configure your laptop to SMU domain, you need to be first connected to WLAN-Student. This tutorial
shows you how you can do so remotely (outside school network).

If there is any misrepresentation or mistakes in my guide, please contact me @

If you previously have configured your laptop to SMU domain and accidentally removed yourself, while
not being in school to hook up to WLAN (thus unable to login once you logged yourself out), process to
Step 1; otherwise skip to Step 2.

Step 1: Log into Windows as “administrator” and leave password field blank. Otherwise you could log in
with any other backup accounts.

Step 2: Start and connect to SMU VPN.


Step 3: Go to “My Computer” => “Computer Name” tab => “Change”

button => fill in domain as “smustu”

Step 4: Enter password when prompted

Step 5: Disconnect VPN

Step 6: Open VPN (don’t connect) and click on “Options” button

Step 7: Click on “Windows Logon Properties” and check “Enable start

before logon”

Step 8: Restart computer. When the login screen appears, connect to VPN first, then logon using your
SMU password and “smustu” domain.

Step 9: Disconnect VPN, re-open VPN to uncheck the option “Enable start before logon”

Step 10: You’re configured! To continue with the rest of installations, login VPN and use the “SMU
Student IT Handbook”. Link provided might be outdated:

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